

Asmo and Belzebub cruised down the highway, the van's engine purring smoothly. Suddenly, a police car appeared in the rearview mirror, lights flashing. Asmo's heart skipped a beat as the cop pulled them over.

"License and registration, please," the officer said, approaching the van.

Asmo panicked. "Uh, I don't have a license. I mean, I forgot it at home."

Belzebub raised an eyebrow. "Hypnotize him, Asmo. Tell him to let us go."

Asmo shook his head. "I can't. I lost my dark powers, remember?"

Belzebub's expression turned cold. "Fine. I'll do it myself."

Asmo warned, "Be careful, he's a human."

Belzebub snapped, "Beat it, Asmo. I can handle this."

He stepped out of the van, his eyes locking onto the cop's. The officer's gaze glazed over, and he nodded mechanically. "Everything's fine here. You're free to go."

As they drove away, Asmo couldn't help but feel impressed. "Wow, Belzebub, your dark powers are still pretty strong."

Belzebub smirked. "Of course they are. I'm a Devil, after all."

Asmo grinned mischievously. "But I think my newfound Grace of God is way better."

Belzebub snorted. "Please. Your little angelic powers can't compare to the might of darkness."

Asmo chuckled. "Oh, I don't know. I think being able to heal and protect is way cooler than manipulating and controlling."

Belzebub rolled his eyes. "You're just jealous of my awesomeness."

And so the argument continued, with neither brother willing to concede the superiority of their respective powers.

Asmo and Belzebub continued their heated debate, their voices rising in intensity.

"Jealous? Of your ability to manipulate and control? No thanks," Asmo said, his eyes flashing with disdain. "I'd rather have the power to compel Angels and demons to heed my every word."

Belzebub snorted. "Divine command? That's so boring. With my powers, I can get what I want, when I want it from both demons and humans."

Asmo's expression turned stern. "But at what cost? You're constantly manipulating and using people. That's not true power, that's just exploitation."

Belzebub laughed. "Exploitation? Ha! It's just smart tactics. And it gets results. Your precious Grace of God wouldn't even be able to get us out of that traffic stop."

Asmo's voice remained steady. "Maybe not, but at least I don't have to resort to mind control and manipulation to get what I want. My new powers are divine and they come from a place of love and compassion, not darkness and fear."

Belzebub sneered. "Love and compassion? Please. Those are just weaknesses. My powers are based on strength and intelligence."

Asmo's eyes narrowed. "Strength and intelligence? You call manipulating and controlling people strength? I call it pettiness."

Belzebub's face reddened with anger. "How dare you! I am the strongest Devil in the Kingdom Below, and I will not be insulted by a weak Devil like you masquerading as a good little wanna be Angel!!!.I might as well call you Mr. 'I-can't-even-hypnotize-a-human-anymore'."

Asmo smirked. "Weak little angel? You're one to talk.Look at how distressed you were just because you were being forced to be a good guy."

Belzebub's eyes blazed with fury. "Shut up, Asmo! You no longer have any idea what it's like to be a Devil on a mission to defy God, That's what it means to have true power coursing through your veins!"

Asmo stood his ground. "And you have no idea what it's like to be a Fallen Angel,who managed to get the love and support of the divine on your side!"

Asmo and Belzebub glared at each other, their chests heaving with exertion. The air was thick with tension, the only sound the heavy breathing of the two brothers. Then, suddenly, Belzebub's expression softened.

"You know, Asmo...I have to admit. Your divine powers are actually pretty cool and unique."

Asmo's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

Belzebub nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I still prefer my Devil powers, but...there's something to be said for being able to command Angels and demons like you do."

Asmo smiled, feeling a sense of pride and gratitude towards his brother. "Thanks, Belzebub. That means a lot coming from you."

Asmo's expression turned wistful. "You know, I sometimes miss my Devil powers too."

Belzebub raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Asmo nodded. "Yeah. I mean, don't get me wrong, the Grace of God is great and all...but sometimes I miss the simplicity of being able to compel humans to do my bidding."

Belzebub laughed. "Yeah, I can imagine. But hey, at least we have each other's backs, right?"

Asmo smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his brother. "Yeah, we do. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll figure out a way to merge our powers and become an unstoppable menace to society."

Belzebub grinned. "Now that's a thought I can get behind."

Asmo turned the dial on the radio, scanning through the stations until he landed on a familiar tune. "Ah, yes! RN's greatest hit!"

Belzebub groaned. "Not that one again. 'Eternal Darkness' is his best song, hands down."

Asmo scoffed. "You can't serious? 'Darkness' is great, but 'Rebel's Cry' is his masterpiece!"

The brothers continued to bicker back and forth, each trying to outdo the other in their praise for RN's music.

As they argued, the view panned out of the van, showing the beautiful sunrise unfolding outside. The sky turned pink and orange, with the sun slowly rising over the horizon.

The van drove off into the distance, the brothers' argument fading into the background as the focus stayed on the stunning view.

Uriel and Gabriel walked into the bar, their eyes scanning the dimly lit room. At first, everything seemed normal, with patrons laughing and chatting over drinks. But as soon as the bartender approached them, Uriel's smile turned fade.

The bartender, a gruff-looking man with hairy arms, walked up to Uriel and Gabriel with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. He wiped his meaty hands on a dirty apron, his eyes fixed on the two men.

"What can I get you...gentlemen?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "We don't get many of your kind in here."

Uriel's smile was like a razor's edge, cutting through the tension. "Oh, we're not here for the drinks," he said, his voice low and menacing. "We're here for something far more...substantial."

The bartender's eyes narrowed, his hand instinctively reaching for the gun under the table. "What are you talking about?"

Uriel's eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity. "Belzebub's head," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "We want it on a platter, with a side of brimstone and suffering."

The bartender's face turned ashen, his eyes wide with fear. He now knew exactly who Uriel and Gabriel were, and what they were capable of. He tried to speak, but his voice caught in his throat like a bird in a gilded cage.

And then, in an instant, Uriel's true face shone bright, illuminating the room with an angelic light that was both beautiful and terrifying.

The bartender's eyes melted like wax in a furnace, his body crumpling to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut as he desperately tried to reach under the table for a gun which he obviously never got the chance to fire.

The demons in the bar let out a collective scream as they were turned to crisp, their bodies reduced to ashes.

Gabriel watched in awe as Uriel's power effortlessly destroyed the demons. "Impressive," he said, as they walked out of the bar.

The building collapsed behind them, sending up a cloud of dust and debris. Gabriel coughed, covering his mouth. "Another dead end, it seems."

Uriel's expression was grim. "Not necessarily. I'm trying to provoke Belzebub out of hiding. If we destroy all his safe havens, he'll have nowhere left to turn."

Gabriel's eyes widened in understanding. "You're flushing him out."

Uriel nodded. "Exactly. And when he emerges, we'll be ready."