

"When Lexi, a successful businesswoman, is wrongfully convicted of a crime she didn't commit, her world begins to unravel. As she delves deeper into the mystery behind her downfall, she discovers a web of deceit and corruption that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear. With the help of her trusted friend Sarah, Lexi must race against time to clear her name and bring the true culprit to justice. But as the past unravels, Lexi realizes that nothing is as it seems, and the truth may be more devastating than she ever imagined"

Melvina_Onyebuchi · 现代言情
15 Chs

Chapter 1: The Downfall

Lexi sat in her office, staring out the window as the city bustled below. She was on top of the world, her business thriving, and her reputation as a shrewd entrepreneur solidified. But little did she know, her world was about to come crashing down.

The phone on her desk rang, breaking the silence. Lexi answered, expecting it to be a routine call. But the voice on the other end was anything but routine. "Lexi, it's Victor. We need to talk."

Lexi's heart sank. Victor Vex, her former mentor and business partner, was the last person she wanted to hear from. Their falling out had been brutal, with Victor accusing her of stealing his ideas and sabotaging his business.

"What do you want, Victor?" Lexi asked, her voice firm but wary.

"I have evidence, Lexi. Evidence that will destroy your reputation and put you behind bars."

Lexi laughed, thinking it was an empty threat. But Victor's next words sent a chill down her spine. "I'll be at your office in an hour. Be ready to face the truth"

Lexi's mind raced as she tried to process Victor's cryptic message. What evidence could he possibly have? She had done nothing wrong, and their past disputes were just that - in the past.

But as the minutes ticked by, Lexi's confidence began to waver. She thought about all the times she had trusted Victor, all the times she had confided in him. Had she been blind to his true nature?

When Victor arrived at her office, Lexi was prepared to defend herself. But nothing could have prepared her for what happened next.

Victor walked in, a smug smile on his face, and a folder full of documents in his hand. "Lexi, my dear, you've been playing with fire. And now, you're going to get burned."

He slammed the folder on her desk, and Lexi's eyes widened as she saw the contents. Bank statements, emails, and contracts - all of them linking her to a series of shady business deals.

"How did you...?" Lexi stammered, her mind reeling.

"I have my ways," Victor sneered. "You see, Lexi, I've been watching you. I know all about your little schemes, your secret meetings, your embezzlement."

Lexi's heart raced as Victor's words painted a picture of a criminal, a picture that looked uncannily like her.

Lexi's world was crumbling around her. The evidence Victor presented was damning, and she knew she had to think fast. But her mind was a blank, and her words caught in her throat.

Victor's smile grew wider as he saw the fear in her eyes. "You should have stayed out of my way, Lexi. You should have let me handle the business."

Lexi found her voice, but it was shaky at best. "This is a setup, Victor. You're trying to frame me."

Victor chuckled. "Frame you? Oh no, Lexi. This is just the beginning. You see, I have a little insurance policy, one that guarantees your cooperation."

He pulled out a small device from his pocket and pressed a button. Suddenly, the room was filled with the sound of Lexi's own voice, implicating herself in the shady deals.

Lexi's eyes widened in horror as she realized she had been recorded, her words taken out of context to incriminate her.

Victor leaned in, his breath cold and calculating. "You're going down, Lexi. And I'm going to make sure of it."

The room began to spin, and Lexi felt her world slipping away. She knew she had to act fast, to find a way out of this nightmare. But for now, she was trapped, with no escape from Victor's web of deceit.

What do you think will happen to Lexi?

Is Lexi guilty of the crimes levelled against her?

Find out on the next chapter

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