
She loved him too early but he loved her too late

story of a girl who named Shana ... as she joined a college she experiences love , hate , sad, depression and new things in life

Swathi_Poojary · 青春言情
2 Chs

The book

He is nick,he is handsome and smart guy and very independent. He is very friendly. It is his second year of studying in that college.

Shana enters the class as she saw her bestie Mykei. Mykei and Shana were bestfriends from highschool Mykei lied to Shana that she was not going to join the same college but Mykei gave a surprise to Shana

Shana : Mykei ....!!! What are you doing here??

Mykei : Surprise Shana ....!!!

Shana : Wow then we are going to study together

Shana is very happy that she is not alone in this big college.

Professor enter the class . All are taken their seat ... Class begins ....

After the class ...

Shana and Mykei will go to canteen..

Shana : Mykei are you staying in college campus ?

Mykei : No .. I am searching for a room !

Shana : Oh then you can stay with me Mykei

Mykei: wah really but is it okay for me to stay with you

Shana : Ofcourse anyway I am living alone .. if you come we can live together that will be more fun Myk

Mykei : Ahhh don't call me Myk it's Mykei

Shana : hehehe okay Mykei .. then come with me

Mykei : mmm...

Shana : What are you thinking say yes already

Mykei : okay

Shana : okay then let's go together in evening

After the class they both were go together to Shana's house and settle down there with Bo ..

Shana open her bag and take her book outside and open the book as she saw it was not her book .

As she open the book the first page on top corner a name was written " Nick " she reads, then she knew it was guy from the morning..( they exchanged the books)

Shana thought she will return the book tomorrow at the college...

The next morning.... Shana and Mykei got late for college.. they were in rush they run fast to catch the bus... Shana forgot the book at home

Shana and Mykei will go to canteen to eat something

Mykei : Shana .. I'll get the food sit here

Shana : okay

As Shana waiting for the Mykei... She heard a men's voice "excuse me " as she turned he was the same guy who dashed her ....

Shana : Oh ...!!! You were that ...

Guy : Yeah .. I am that guy...

Shana : hmm... Actually....

Guy : actually...

Shana and Guy :We exchanged the book yesterday

Shana : haha yeah..

Guy : can you give me that book...here yours

Shana : thank you ... Wait I'll give yours

As she checks her bag she couldn't find his book she realised that she forgot the book

Shana : On sorry actually i forgot your book at home can I give you tomorrow??

Guy : Ohhkkk ... But don't forget tomorrow I want that book

Shana : Okay sure

Then guy is going .....Shana calls him

Shana : Hey ... Wait ...

Guy : yeah ..

Shana. : don't you want to know my name ?

Guy : Shana ..!

Shana : ahh how did you know ?

Guy : it's on the book

Shana : Oh yeah and yours Nick right !

Guy : yeah

They both smiled

Nick : then we will meet tomorrow here same time okay ?

Shana : okay sure bye

Then Nick went ....

Mykei came with food and asked Shana about the guy

Shana tells everything to Mykei

Then they both eat and went to class ...