
She is Him

9 is a man who raise to be a girl by his mom but after his sister born his mom no longer give him an affection she use to. As a 9 years old boy he wants those affection back still wearing the girl's clothes and act like one. As he grow older realization come to him. He wear a girl's not because his mom anymore, he comes to like it the idea of become a girl. However because of embarrassment his mom lock him up. There an incident that make him get out

Goood_besst_0568 · LGBT+
4 Chs


The boy sitting on the comfortable sofa while waiting for the man. The man is talking to the other man in a room. He guess the other man must be a policeman by the way he dress. He somehow impress of how the real life police look like.

The policeman take a glance of the boy from the room. The policeman walk out of the room follow by the man after a bit of thinking. When the policeman in front of the boy he hand him a note and a pen. He ask straight away, "What is your name? How old are you and where do you lived?".

The boy awkwardly holding the pen with his fist as he do not learn how to write. Both the man and the policeman realize the boy must be locked from he was a kid. The boy carefully write down all the answer with the his bad writing. He make sure for his writing can at least make them understand.

'My name is Avery. If I not wrong I am 18 years old. I do not want to go back to that house.' those sentences was write by the boy or Avery. Avery look up to the two man in front with the hopeful face to not send him back.

The policeman and the man look at each other surprise by the fact Avery do not sure about his own age. Just how long had he been locked. " How long you..... no, when the last time you see the world?" ask the man sure about this outing might be first time Avery see the world.

Avery write again with one sentence of reply, 'this is my first time'. As expected, the man stun by the reply and the innocent face Avery show. The policeman also as much like the man. Avery confuse if there anything wrong with his reply.

The policeman let out a long sighing. He do not believe there such a person who will make this unbelievable acts. The policeman then look at Avery for a moment before saying, " I will help you. But.. can I get a swab from you?" Avery totally confuse but still agree to the policeman.

The policeman get into a room and take out the swab test tube. Avery patiently waiting with the man. The policeman then bow a little and ask Avery to open his mouth.He take out the swab and swab Avery cheek with it. He put it back in the test cube when he done.

Avery close his mouth when the policeman said so. He look carefully at the policeman putting the tube in his pocket. The man get near the policeman and directly ask, "how long it take?".

The policeman smirk before answering, "Usually for us police it's only take a few minutes, but... her case is different as she is not a corpse. We do not do a charity. What's more she is an adult. So if she lucky the shortest it take only a month but if not a year is the longest."

The man dumbfound, he do not know how to react. The man curiously asking, "Why it take so long?" The policeman smile and said, "because in this country there only one company that can help finding her long lost family. What more she are not the only one looking for 'family'. You need to feel grateful that I as you friend help you outside my jurisdiction."

The man then just nod his head and look at Avery. Avery still confuse he understand from what they said but confuse as of what take a month and so. He then start writing on the note and show it to them. The man and his policeman friend carefully reading the crook writings.

'What a month and what a year? I just curious. Will I stay here tonight? I don't have anywhere to go'.

With that the man realize another troublesome situation he in. Avery patiently waiting for the answer. The man look at his friend asking for help with his eyes. The policeman smile widen given some scary feeling to the man. It's such a mess.

Reminder I suck at grammar. I just write while thinking it understandable. Please do not complain.

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