

In a world that abandons you, do you surrender or rise up? Will you remain passive or embrace the fight? The burning question lingers, igniting a passionate fire within, urging you to take a stand against the odds and refuse to be silenced. She was pure-hearted and innocent, with eyes that sparkled like the stars in the night sky and a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. However, fate had a different plan for Kaesu. How will she face the world full of darkness and mysteries alone?

YennuiXiel · 青春言情
37 Chs

I do not wish to know!


I rushed to Antonio to see what had happened, only to see him worrying about his big bike. 

"Let me guess, did it get a scratch?" I laughed at him, crossing my arms, leaning at the tree.

"No," he sounded pitiful at his response, so I went closer to him.

It seemed like the man and the lady earlier, heard Antonio's groan. They rushed toward us too.

"What happened?"

"My tires were fine earlier, but now it's like the tires have been played with, and both are flat," Antonio replied sadly.

It worried me too. Apart from the fact that we wouldn't be able to go home, I also know how much he loves his big bike. It's almost with him always in whatever he does and wherever he is.

"Arwin! Gimley!" the man shouted so loudly that even I was shaken from where I was standing.

The two boys rush to push each other in front of the man while crouching. The man started questioning the children and suddenly the lady approached us.

"You can stay the night," she said, smiling. Her smile relieved my worry, so I nodded while looking at Antonio, and since he had no other choice, he agreed.

I energetically went with the lady and left Antonio there almost crying, looking at his big bike.

"Forgive my children, they are mischievous most of the time. I am Lusmilinda, but you can call me Aunt Lus. My husband is Diego and my twins are Arwin and Gimley."

"That's nothing," I replied while helping Aunt Lus fix the bed.

After we made the bed, we went straight to the kitchen and I volunteered to help her prepare dinner.

"Are you good at kitchen work?"

I just shook my head and was embarrassed because of my response.

"Well, come here, and I will teach you. Didn't your parents teach you?"

I approached her and helped her with whatever she ordered me to do and sometimes imitated what she was doing. "I grew up with my grandfather because my mother died when she gave birth to me and my father went with another woman. My grandfather did not want that to be my family, so he chose to raise me and I have nothing to regret. My grandfather didn't make me feel that something was missing."

I saw the pity on Aunt Lus' face, and she felt sorry, so before she could even open her mouth, I told her, "Don't be sorry or anything like that. I'm not sad about what happened, apart from an event that took my grandfather's life."

"Is that why you're here to do justice to that?"

I just nodded and Aunt Lus didn't speak more, but she just gave me a gentle smile.

When we finished preparing dinner, we called them and the children went to the seats first.

"Wash your hands first." Aunt Lus reminded them, so they raced to the sink.

It was already dark and only the light of the lamp served as light inside their small hut, so when I saw the shadow of two men coming in our direction, I focused on it carefully to find out which one of them was Antonio and I stared intently when the light shined on Antonio and his naked body wet with sweat exposed to me.

"Shut your mouth or a fly might get in, young lady." Sir Diego said laughing, so I just tasted it and looked for a place to sit.

"There are no flies at night Diego," Aunt Lus opposed. 

I don't know, but my heart and eyes couldn't calm from what I saw, but here was Antonio, sitting right here next to me.

"Get dressed, or mosquitoes will feast on you," I ordered him in a whisper so that Aunt Lus and Sir Diego wouldn't notice.

Suddenly he laughed and spoke in a whisper. "It's okay, it looks like your eyes and imagination are feasting on me too."

Because of my irritation, I pinched his side with too much force. "Doesn't your face get any thicker?"

"You're just taking chances with me, pretending to be a pinch, but you just want to touch my abs. Don't worry, and I'll let you do it alone later."

Because of my annoyance, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, but I could still hear Antonio's chuckle.

After we had dinner, I helped Aunt Lus wash the dishes and after that, she went to sleep with the twins. And since it was already late at night, I wanted to go to sleep too, but I was also curious as to what happened to Antonio's big bike, so I went to see them outside, but I only found Sir Diego patting Antonio's shoulder.

"It's late at night, let's just continue fixing your big bike tomorrow."

Antonio only responded with a nod, and he lay down on the grass, so I approached him.

"Get up! Or maybe not only mosquitoes will feast on you, but also ants and other insects in the grass."

I couldn't speak in shock when he suddenly pulled me, which made me lay on top of him. I was about to stand up, but he suddenly spoke.

"Just ten seconds, please."

I stopped and thought twice about what he said.

I could hear his heart beating. I could feel his breath, I felt like I was electrified by the contact of our bodies, especially since he was half-naked.

No! Keasu, what are you thinking?

I immediately rolled next to him. He extended his arms and looked at me. So, without hesitation, I put my head on his arm.

What I see now makes me smile, the stars are so beautiful.

"It has been so long since the last time I watched the stars like this that I almost forgot how beautiful they were." I started while smiling, looking at the stars.

"It is indeed mesmerizing." I was happy with his answer, so I turned to him only to find him looking at me with a kind of look I knew.

I immediately looked away from him and even my smile disappeared. "Please, don't look at me like that."

I can see how he left a bitter smile on his lips based on my peripheral view and replied, "Now you know."

"Indeed I do. But please..." 


Three consecutive chapter update as a compensation for being goen for too long due to busy schedule. Happy reading veryone ^_^

YennuiXielcreators' thoughts