
She's That Black Cloak Woman (DROPPED)

She has a cold personality. Her eyes and body released an unapproachable aura. She talked less than anyone else. Her fashion neither old nor modern yet eye-catching. However, she's the only precious daughter of assassination master and only heiress of Collins's Family, the strongest assassin family in Underworld. One day, her grandfather was so anxious when he saw his granddaughter being cold to anyone. He wanted her to enjoy her youthful life and never regret anything behind when she got older. So, he decided to send her to Korea to live a normal life without any worries. However, with assassin's blood running in her veins, could fate let her live normally like other youngsters? Lets witness her changes in following chapters...with other guys?!

VestigialPrincess · 青春言情
5 Chs

CHAPTER 4: Whisper of the Hypnotist

The man who caused the hold-up incident is surrounded by five policemen to ensure his safety. They followed behind the group of Lattecia.

The man is struggling to break free while being handcuffed but his eyes are blanking out. He is unexpectedly strong! The five policemen is trying to hold him down but they got caught off guard when he pulled the gun from one of the five policemen's waist-belt.

The crowd got scared and tried not get the man's attention. Lattecia noticed the abnormality of the crowd so she turned her head and frowned. She saw the man raising his hand with the gun on his head while staring faraway.

"Quick! Stop him!" Police Officer Kim Nam Joo shouted to the five policemen. The man pulled the trigger and everyone felt that time flows slowly when they saw a shadow runs faster towards the man.

Lattecia's hand slides down to her pocket and looks for a small thing to throw but she doesn't have it. She notices the handbook of Police Officer Kim Nam Joo and takes it smoothly from his pocket. Without hesitation, she runs toward the man and throws the handbook on the hand with the gun. The man stumbled and laid down on his knees.

It is faster that no one immediately react. There's a shocked on everyone's faces when they heard the gunfire triggered by the man. Fortunately, Lattecia reacted faster than anyone else.

"Tie him down!" Police Officer Kim Nam Joo ordered furiously. If the man suicide, he doesn't know how to respond to his superiors scold and he might be suspended from his duty. He couldn't accept such situation!

The man was tied down by the five policemen tightly to prevent him from doing the same thing while Lattecia, Soo Win, P.O. Nam Joo and Vivienne approached them. The man came back to his senses and immediately felt scared.

P.O. Kim Nam Joo found his handbook and grabbed it. It is his Operation Diary. He couldn't believe it that Lattecia snatched it smoothly and worst! he didn't feel any movements from his pocket. He didn't sense it? Or she's just too fast for him to feel the movements?

He stares at Lattecia. He is thinking of many things in his mind such as; 'Is she really an ordinary girl?' 'Is that even a hand of a lady, faster than a man's eyesight?' or...

'No, that's impossible! HAHAHA! Right! Impossible!' He is convincing himself that Lattecia is not the Young Lord of Underworld or part of the Underworld. Well, there is a possibility because no one knows the gender of the Young Lord.

Lattecia feels the staring eyes of P.O. Kim Nam Joo but feigned ignorance. She doesn't mind him staring at her curiously but she felt different from the stares of Park Soo Win. It seems like his eyes could see through everything. She laughed inwardly. Is there even someone who could see through her? Even the Underworld people couldn't tell of what temperament she has because of her cold personality. They didn't dare try to probe her temperament, fearing the volcano to erupt.

"Wow! Lattecia, you're so fast! If not because of you interfered, Goo Jin Young would be dead now" she was relieved that the suspect is safe.

She is expecting Lattecia's response but she didn't hear her voice. So, she looked at her. Instead of worrying about Goo Jin Young, Lattecia seriously looked at the second floor of the airport. There, she saw a man with a green hat staring at her. He was astonished when he noticed her and smiled.

"Interesting" he whispered but Lattecia understand the movement of his lips. She frowned and whispered back even though they are far distance to each other.

"Hypnotist Fred, free this man or else you will regret it" as she stared at him and smirked.

Hypnotist Fred widened his eyes and felt that the world darkened. He even feel that he is drowning to the deepest trench of ocean. His body shook and eventually came back to his senses. He felt something he didn't feel for very long time. Fear.

He cursed the client who gave this mission. There's no information about that lady who also specializes in Hypnosis. For twenty-five years of being known as Hypnotist Fred, this is his first time confronting a strong hypnotist or may be she's the strongest hypnotist he ever met in this lifetime.

He swears to never oppose that lady ever! He stumbled when he slowly walked away.

P.O. Kim Nam Joo and Park Soo Win looked at each other when they witnessed the intense exchanged of Hypnotist Fred and Lattecia and understood what are in their mind. They may not understand what Lattecia did to Hypnotist Fred but they both know that Hypnotist Fred is in his weakened state.

Because that is the Whisper of Hypnotists. The more you couldn't hear the voice of hypnotists. the stronger the effect of hypnosis. Just like what happened to Hypnotist Fred.

P.O. Kim Nam Joo orders the three out of five policemen to follow him and go to where the green hat man stood earlier. The three policemen are looking around to find that green hat man but they didn't trace anything at all.

They go back to where everyone is. Park Soo Win looked at P.O. Kim Nam Joo if they found the man but the latter shook his head.

"Lattecia, I..I was scared. Please accompany me to the Police Department. A..Anyway, we are one of the witnesses in this incident" Vivienne clutched on Lattecia's shirt as her body shakes.

Lattecia sighs and follows them to the Police Department, the most hated place she ever put on her blacklist. Why? Because it is annoying. They keep on asking both suspects and victims but mostly in the end, suspects could go out with just grains of won or dollars. (Remember, she's rich because of Collins Family and she managed mostly of it before his grandfather's intention occurred.)

Vivienne gives Park Soo Win and P.O. Kim Nam Joo with an 'okay' hand sign when Lattecia turned around to follow. Vivienne also noticed the importance of Lattecia that was why she schemed on Lattecia.

Park Soo Win and P.O. Kim Nam Joo smiled. They just recently realized that Lattecia is no ordinary lady as she looked on the surface and the evidence of that is the green hat man.

After they drove away from the airport, another man appeared and witnessed the intense exchanged of Lattecia and Hypnotist Fred. He wears black hat and black hooded jacket. His purple eyes appeared when he felt intense emotion earlier as he saw Lattecia.


Inside the Police Department, they are asking the witnesses of what happened during the hold-up incident. Both Vivienne and Lattecia are not interrogated because they were oblivious of the actual situation but they are interrogated when it comes to suicidal action of Goo Jin Young.

They also have CCTV footage. The statements of the witnesses are match to what happened in the footage of hold-up incident and suicidal action of Goo Jin Young.

Lattecia is lazily and quietly observing everyone and notices the gaze of the old man outside the transparent glass of interrogation room. She gazes back at him and she smirks of what she imagined. 'Ah~ I am too eye-catching~'

However, the old man interpreted her smirked differently.

"Who is that young lady?" he asked Police Officer Bin Goo Rook, who is the colleague of P.O. Kim Nam Joo.

"Her name is Latte Sue one of the witnesses of suicidal action of Goo Jin Young. Our investigation showed that a green hat man hypnotized Goo Jin Young to suicide but the one who stopped it. She came from Singapore and got a educational sponsors from a company to be enrolled in Joongdong High School" P.O. Bin Goo Rook answered while stifling because of the old man's aura. So strong and deadly!

When the interrogation ended, Lattecia yawns. She's not tired nor sleepy but bored to death. She stands and ready to go out but Vivienne approaches her with a smile. She stopped and let Vivienne hugs her.

"Thank you, Latte! I am glad you stay with me until the end. I'll remember your kindness and pay you next time" Vivienne said happily but Lattecia rebuked her.

"Please, I don't want next time and I am not compatible in this kind of place" she answered honestly. They are both standing outside the interrogation room when they hear an old man's laughed.

"I am very curious why are you not compatible in this place" he said while straightly looked at Lattecia's eyes. The intense gaze of the old man made Lattecia's blood boil. It is not anger nor annoyance but rather...anticipation? She widened her eyes and expectantly welcomed the old man's gaze.

The old man was astonished! Only those people who struggles death could released such eyes. 'Who exactly is this young lady?' he asked himself and decided to investigate her after this confrontation.

Park Soo Win coughed once and the intense exchanged stopped.

"Daddy, she's Latte Sue. We met after the hold-up incident inside the airplane cabin and suicidal action of Goo Jin Young" he introduced Latte Sue to his father. Indeed, Lattecia caught the attention of Park Soo Min because of her smirked earlier.

"Oh, I heard you are from Singapore and got a sponsor to be enrolled in Joongdong High School. Isn't it too coincident? Park Soo Win is a sophomore student there" he replied normally like the intense exchanged earlier didn't happen.

"I recently transferred there and will become a sophomore there" she replied casually.

"Why are you transferred in Korea? Isn't Singapore one of the richest country in Asia?" Vivienne asked curiously but Lattecia sharpens her eyes for a second and become normal again.

"It is about my family business. My grandfather wants me to be independent in life, too. He wants me to live normally like others of my age" she answered honestly while smiling.

Well, she has to live normally so why not smile often, right?

"To live normally like others of your age? Aren't you living normally?" Park Soo Win frowned. By hearing those words, it seems like she didn't live normally like others but what's reason? He thought.

"Just my grandfather's excuse to let me be independent from the family so I could take over sooner" she answered honestly again.

"Anyway, where are you staying now?" Vivienne asked. It seems like she wanted to meet Lattecia again but Lattecia is oblivious of this.

"For now, I don't have a place to stay but the school will give me a school dormitory room temporarily" she answered and lifted her bags so she could leave this place right away.

Investigator Park Soo Min knew her intentions and didn't stop her but smiled.

"I think, we will meet again" he said with a smirk but Lattecia rejected it.

"I don't have extra time to be around this place" she answered and walked away.

Vivienne offered her a drive and she accepted. There's no cab nearby so she had no other choice.

When Vivienne car is faraway from Police Department, Investigator Park Soo Min faced his son. "Soo Win, yo should never be an enemy of that Latte Sue. She's dangerous. Fortunately, she's not yet swallowed by darkness. Even if she is, I know that old man wouldn't allow it" Park Soo Win figuratively understands his father's intentions and nodded.