
Shattering Humanity

With the whole globe snowed over, humans are no longer on top of the ladder. Violent aliens have forced humanity into various locations of hiding, and an evil ancient clan reveals itself. Taking control of sanctuaries all over Earth as Mafia Bosses, Dictators, Conquerors, and other forms of leadership, in an attempt to prove which is the strongest amongst them. After being in hiding for three years, humans have begun to acquire "abilities" just from slaying one of these aliens. Shortly after leaving their sanctuary/apocalypse training academy, two old friends, Katsu and Saku, are matched together not only as an academic team, but choosen by the last surviving "Creator of Humanity". Each one is 'blessed' as the vessels for the universe's contemporary forces and use their unique abilities to achieve their own (secretly combative) goals. Accompanying them is a female descendant of the greatest 'unknown' Scandinavian sword fighter. After being revealed to about her destined lineage, and the lost "mythical" history of her highly respected grandmother from the Viking/Valkyrie Age, Shelly is determined to retrieve all of her slain grandmother's stolen weapons from a both physically and magically gifted covenant of witches. If you have a beloved purpose you can't live without, do you truly have any freedom? If you have complete freedom to do or say whatever you desire, do you truly have any purpose worth caring about? [All art is not done by AI but by my good friend Amon-kun] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This series spotlights coincidental parallels between various religious scriptures, and scientific theories but is in no way discrediting or belittling the beliefs of others whether that be Creationist or Evolutionist. The views, ideas, and conversations between characters aren't in any way meant to change anyone's beliefs. The conscious use of certain psychological elements from theistic ideology and out of context holy verses is only to support this fictional plot and it's characters. As well as aid the reader as to how one could theoreticize or philosophicize the plot. Instead of using various conflicting ideologies to shame or undermine those who believe, the intention is for deeper thinking and uniting those who believe peace and tranquility between humanity is most important above all.

SasukEntertainment · 武侠
365 Chs

"Needing To Change My Panties."

Three silhouettes of men are sitting at a large table in a dark room. One dark unidentifiable figure is bigger than the other two combined and his silhouette has a crown. Their faces can't be made out but they are smoking cigars, in big executive chairs, and have more than multiple rings on each hand.

A knock is heard.

Pompadour Silhouette: "Come in!"

The door opens and Platinum Hair runs into the room. She's back to her scowling hardass version and she's panting from running. Sweat glistening off her beautiful light skin face and her 6-pack stomach. She falls to all fours breathing hard.

Crown Wearing Silhouette: "Itsuka! Why are you late?! Is that traitor Daisuki actually harboring survivors in his own colonies? If he is keeping valuable workers and economic blood out of these mountains, he is willfully weakening humanity's chances to win against these Icemen... and possibly other 'Independently Funded Forces' attacking these Sister Mountains."

Itsuka catches her breath while mean-mugging her obvious boss. She gets back up.

Itsuka: "You wanted me to make sure the mentor with the Portal Eye wasn't going anywhere fishy right? As soon as you called, he was in the middle of showing his new apprentices his 2nd stage power. They only went to a restaurant for a squad dinner... By the way, what about the squad I was supposed to be on?"

Multiple Cat Petting Silhouette: "What squad number were you supposed to be on, 20? As soon as they entered the designated room they were knocked out and taken care of. Whoever was on your squad will wake up either wandering an unknown area, miles away from here or they'll be eaten by one of those ice aliens before they even wake up."

Crown: "And don't worry 'Pretty LipRing', since you'll be seen around campus, we paid off the right people to cover any tracks proving you were assigned to that team.Your teammates however, have already been stamped out in the Academy's records and we've also paid off the right people so their names will be listed as MIA after tomorrow's excursion return reports. Plus, it'll be impossible to locate any of their watches."

The athletic woman looks displeased.

Itsuka:"The fact you used the money to pay off people for your shitty selfish plot instead of using it for the medication I'm looking for is so sickening. I'm starting to second guess my decision."

Pompadour: "Ohhhh Ms.Itsuka, that look of yoursssss!! I knew you couldn't stay away from me! Please be my most prized concubine wife!"

Itsuka: "I'm not here for your scrawny ass, needle tip, I'm here because you currency dependant clowns called me while I was doing the job you're paying me to do!"

Pompadour & Cat Silhouettes: "HAHAHAHA!!"

Crown: "Currency dependant huh? Then why 'are' WE paying YOU to do this job my dear? These two colleagues of mine say YOU are the one that is 'currency dependant'. Just to get put on a list for medication, that the Hospital District in MY Mount Morta doesn't even have in stock until it gets found on an excursion."

Itsuka's fist clenches tight and her body clenching in anger exposes an additional 2 abdominal muscles just below the torn cut bottom of her uniform.

Pompadour: "If you're that desperate for money sweetheart, you are EXACTLY one of my types. Like I said, if you become one of my concubines, I'll give you an allowance and-...(sniffs air deeply) Mhmmhuuhuuhuu, I can smell your feminine but musky sweat from here my brawny princess, please come closer, raise your arms. I'm sure you'll fit in with your sister-wives and quickly be in charge of the others with your...(gross slurping noise)...'superior physique'."

Crown(puts out his cigar): "Aye, Nona, I told you if anyone is impregnating her, it's my genes that are superior. Plus, I hold the most stock since I helped build the lower levels of both your respective mountains. If you want her as a wife that bad, you can have her, AFTER I breed her."

Itsuka turns around to walk out.

Itsuka: "If any of you even attempt to touch me, an alien dragon won't be the scariest monster a human has seen. You better hope this false sense of security that your collective funds have created doesn't become useless to the people within these mountains.Without an economy, you 3 are just like the rest of us up there. 

None of you are religiously righteous kings, none of you have an eye power, and none of you have a drop of 'strength', 'charismatic authority', or 'a dog' that would even make me consider needing to change my panties or think to fight for your safety."

Itsuka leaves the 3 insufferable men and the doors close. The 3 of them are smiling and either drinking from a glass or lighting a cigar.

Crown: "She's a feisty one, but they all come around after a little resistance... from both ends...There's plenty of that antibiotic she needs in my Medical District. But just like that traitor Daisuki's eye, that dumb bitch has a power that could be useful.

Yaa know what? 

Next time she comes through those elevator doors(he pulls out a gun)...Her eye is mine."

Pompadour:"Awwe. Come on Morta! I really wanted her as one of my bitches."

Cat: "Fine by me. You can have that eye, I want the rest of her limp and lifeless body while it's still warm."

Pompadour: "You're freaking sick you know that Decima?"

All 3 evil men begin to laugh, unaware of the piece of mirror on the dark floor from when Itsuka fell down in her fake tired panting.

Itsuka has a compact make-up mirror open and her eye is in it's 2nd stage. Her angry scowl has no reflection in the mirror, she waits for a second and then the bubbly version of herself that was seen in the teachers lounge mirror spying on Squad 40, pops up in the hand mirror.

Mirror Itsuka: "Yep, it's juuust as we thought Sista Me! They're schemin' on us. They already have PipPip's medication and that fatass is planning on killing us next time they call us here. And another one wants do so some...'interesting' things to our dead body."

Real Itsuka doesn't change her expression and sighs.

Real Itsuka: "I guess hearing my opposite self say that lets me know more about my real self, but it just confirms the suspicions we had already convinced ourselves of.

Check on PipPip, then find out where Squad 40 is in the Dinery District. If that mentor IS creating colonies somewhere in 'Hell' to stop people from coming here, he must know about those 3 sick, twisted 'Sisters' and the truth about these Mountains."

Mirror Itsuka: "Hai. Haiiii"

Itsuka closes her compact mirror and puts it in her pocket. She takes another deep sigh. Her lip ring begins to quiver and a tear rolls down her cheek. She bites her pierced bottom lip in the silent elevator.

Itsuka: "Why is it only the creeps that say I'm their type? My mind and heart are still of a woman's God dammit."