
Shattered Sparks

In a frozen, post-apocalyptic world where power is everything, young Alex must navigate the dangerous streets of the Rust Quarter, a crumbling settlement where survival hinges on scavenging and trade. Alongside his adoptive sister Elara, he scrapes by in a world dominated by old-world technology and mysterious energy manipulation—an ability few can master, but one that holds immense potential. Unknown to everyone, Alex harbors a powerful secret: an AI embedded in his very soul. With the AI’s help, Alex begins to uncover fragments of lost knowledge, relics of a time long before the collapse. As he pieces together the mysteries of the past, he is drawn into a dangerous game—one where knowledge, energy, and survival are all tightly intertwined. With secrets hiding in every shadow and power held only by the elite, Alex must tread carefully. What he discovers could change everything, but it might also bring more danger than he ever imagined. #Post-apocalyptic#Survival#Sci-fi#Energy manipulation#Reincarnation#AI companion#Advanced technology#Dystopia#Scavenging#Self-sustaining technology#Power generation#Tech-enhanced protagonist#Sibling bond#Wasteland exploration#Old-world tech#Crafting and innovation#Underground economy#Secret abilities.

gogi8755 · 科幻
74 Chs

66: Secrets in the Mountain

The hum of the M2-Scout droids filled the room as Alex sat quietly at the console, watching his account balance grow. The steady flow of Energy Credits from their repair jobs was reassuring, but the true weight of their situation still hung heavily over him. Trapped inside the outpost, constantly watched by the elites' surveillance systems, Alex knew they needed more than just wealth to survive—they needed freedom.

Alex leaned forward, pulling up his account summary on the console. The numbers flickered on the screen:

Current balance: 48,350 Energy Credits.

It was more than enough to fund his next move. He had been toying with the idea of building a secret base for weeks, somewhere they could operate outside the prying eyes of the outpost. But it had to be hidden, somewhere remote where no one would ever think to look.

"AI," Alex said, his voice low but purposeful. "I want to start building a base, but it needs to be somewhere we can operate in total secrecy. What do you suggest?"

The AI processed the request for a moment before responding in its calm, mechanical voice. "Based on an analysis of the surrounding geography and the limitations of the outpost's surveillance systems, I recommend constructing the base inside the mountain range located approximately 15 kilometers northeast of the outpost. The mountains' natural rock formations will provide cover from both aerial surveillance and ground patrols."

A hidden base inside the mountains. Alex felt a surge of excitement. It was the perfect location—isolated, difficult to reach, and naturally shielded from any monitoring by the elites.

"How do we get the materials there without raising suspicion?" Alex asked.

"I recommend sending a modified droid to the mountain range first," the AI explained. "Once in position, the droid can construct a network of advanced builder droids. These builder droids will be responsible for excavating the mountain and constructing the base inside, hidden from view. The natural conditions of the mountain range and the frequent snowstorms will make it difficult for anyone to detect activity in the area."

Alex nodded, his mind racing with the possibilities. If they could establish a base inside the mountains, it would change everything. They could build more droids, stockpile resources, and plan their future without fear of being monitored.

"How long will it take to modify one of the droids and get it ready for transport?" Alex asked.

"With the necessary modifications, the droid can be dispatched within 24 hours," the AI replied. "Once it reaches the mountain range, it will begin constructing the builder droids. The process will take several weeks, but the secrecy of the location will ensure that the base remains hidden."

Alex wasted no time. "Let's get started," he said, his voice steady. "Prepare one of the M2-Scout droids for the journey. We'll need to equip it with everything necessary to start building as soon as it reaches the mountains."

The AI immediately began the modification process. "Modifications will include reinforced outer casing for durability in harsh conditions, an advanced energy core to maintain long-term operations without recharging, and a blueprint for constructing the builder droids. Additionally, I will upload the latest construction techniques to the droid's database."

As Alex watched the droid being prepared, he felt a growing sense of anticipation. The idea of a hidden base—one that would shield them from the eyes of the elites—was becoming more real by the second. Once the droid reached the mountains, the foundation of their future would begin to take shape.

The next morning, Alex stood by the window, watching as the modified droid began its journey toward the mountains. The AI had carefully plotted its route, guiding the droid through the least monitored paths around the outpost. It would take several hours for the droid to reach the mountain range, but Alex was confident that the plan would work. They were moving under the radar, unnoticed by the outpost's surveillance systems.

"Keep me updated on the droid's progress," Alex said, his eyes fixed on the horizon where the mountains loomed in the distance.

"The droid will arrive at the designated location within 12 hours," the AI confirmed. "Once there, it will begin the construction of the first builder droid."

Alex allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. This was the first major step in building something that could truly free them from the control of the outpost. The mountain range was isolated, hidden beneath thick layers of snow, and protected by jagged cliffs. It was the perfect place for them to build in secret.

Twelve hours later, the AI reported that the droid had reached the mountains. The towering peaks stretched out in front of it, their rocky faces covered in snow and ice. The droid scanned the area, finding the optimal location to begin construction.

"The droid has arrived at the designated location," the AI said. "Construction of the first builder droid is now underway."

Alex's heart raced as he imagined the droid working inside the mountain, hidden from view. The AI projected an image of the area onto the console screen, showing the remote, snow-covered expanse. The mountains' natural formations provided perfect cover for the base, and the frequent snowstorms would shield them from any prying eyes.

"Builder droid construction complete," the AI reported a few hours later. "Excavation of the mountain has begun. The builder droids will continue working autonomously to expand the base."

Alex watched the updates roll in. The builder droids were working tirelessly, carving out a large chamber inside the mountain and reinforcing the walls with energy-infused materials. The base was beginning to take shape, and no one knew about it. The outpost was oblivious to the work being done just outside their reach.

That evening, Serena and Elara entered the room, curious about the progress Alex had been making. They had noticed how focused he had been lately, and it was clear that something big was happening.

"You've been working on something new, haven't you?" Elara asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Alex glanced at her, keeping his tone steady. "I've been controlling one of the droids remotely. I sent it to the mountains to begin building a hidden base."

Serena's eyes widened in surprise. "A base? In the mountains?"

Alex nodded. "Yes. It's hidden deep inside, where no one will be able to see what we're doing. I've set up a network of builder droids to excavate the mountain and construct the base. It's far enough from the outpost that no one will know about it."

Elara crossed her arms, her expression skeptical but impressed. "And you're sure no one's going to notice?"

"I'm controlling the droids remotely," Alex repeated, maintaining his cover. "The surveillance systems haven't picked up on anything. We're moving everything in secret."

Serena's smile widened, her excitement evident. "That's incredible, Alex. If this works, we'll finally have a place where we can operate freely."

Alex felt a surge of pride, though he kept his emotions in check. "That's the plan. Once the base is complete, we'll be able to work on anything we need—away from the outpost, away from their control."

Elara nodded slowly, her sharp gaze softening. "If anyone can pull it off, it's you."

As the days passed, the builder droids continued their work, excavating the mountain and expanding the base. Alex watched the updates from the AI with growing satisfaction. They were on track to complete the base within weeks, and so far, everything was going according to plan.

The hidden base was becoming a reality, a place where they could store materials, build more droids, and plan their future without the ever-present threat of surveillance.

Alex knew they were taking a big risk, but the rewards were worth it. They were building something that would allow them to finally take control of their own destiny.

"Soon," Alex muttered to himself, watching the progress on the console screen. "We'll be ready."