
Shameless One

"I'm not scared to dying, so why should I be scared of living" In the divine realm of Lordrixis, citizens are bestowed with an individualised "ethereal arm" on their fourteenth birthday, imbuing them with unique powers and societal roles. Young orphan Shun Xshasi's life had been nothing but a tragedy, the loss of his parents left him no place to stay in the world. with his childhood filled with fear, poverty and humiliation, Shun clings to a singular hope: that a formidable ethereal arm will alter his bleak fortunes. However, when the fateful day arrives, not a thing showed up, unlike every other citizen in Lordrixis, Shun stands bereft of any ethereal arm. Just when Shun was about to put an end to this misery, he recognises something that changed him forever, Despite the absence of an ethereal arm, Shun possesses something far more profound and singular. Shun has nothing else to lose, his life couldn't get any worse, but that might just be his biggest asset after all. As Shun pursues his avenging journey, he gradually discovers the truths of the kingdom, the truths of history, and most significant of all, the truths of himself.

kimjonglei · 奇幻
70 Chs

The Three Champions

Capital of divine kingdom Lordrixis, Haven

Old King Nathaniel Heaven gazed toward the horizon, the sole survivor of the three champions who had freed the world from the tyrant Kolgwyn. His life was filled with praise, honor, and glory. But death is indifferent; it cares not who you are or what you have done.

In the face of death, all are equal.

Having witnessed the demise of many, Nathaniel did not fear his own. To him, death was a reunion rather than a tragedy. He whispered to himself, "Liu Yu, Luca, I'm sorry you waited so long."

Nathaniel stood, his old age unable to tarnish his radiant aura. The giant who founded the kingdom still stood tall before his precious land.

"Descendants and all, heed my words."

"The new king of the kingdom will be Alfred Eldran, the owner of the first complete ethereal arm."

"I have endured the burden of responsibility long enough."

"Alfred, I hand over the destiny of the kingdom to you."

"As long as this capital stands, my spirit, along with the glory of Lordrixis, will always stand with every single one of you."

"Never, falter."

His voice was loud and clear, echoing the strength of his past. The grieving citizens of Haven held back their tears, the only respect they could offer this distinguished champion and ruler. His voice, distant yet thorough, signaled the sensational end of an immortal legend.

Captial of the eternal empire of An, Jinhuan city

Fallen leaves rested in the hands of Prime Minister Yang Jiuzhou. He sighed, sorrow evident in his voice. "A shame, rather," he murmured, turning back to his chamber, lost in thought.

"Who's going to save this world?"

The decease of the last of the three champions, is, in the eyes of Yang, a fell omen.

And Yang's eyes had never been wrong.

Unlike Lordrixis, the citizens of An did not possess ethereal arms. They achieved their dreams with their own hands. Through cultivation, they acquired skills in martial, spiritual, and channeling arts, equalizing the might of an ethereal arm.

Prime Minister Yang Jiuzhou had only one unique ability, a power that once brought the world to terror and panic: the Vision of Divinity, the art of channeling his sight to any corner of the world.

At least that's what people thinks. 

Yang's eyes had never been wrong, the entire world is perceived between his eyes. 

But when looking into one particular city of Lordrixis, Yang saw something that filled him with raw terror, a terror that still makes his limb to tremble uncontrollably. 

He saw nothing. 

And knowing the truth about his ability, nothing is more horrifying than "nothing."

But after a moment of thought, a mischievous smile appeared on Yang's face.

Looking into Yang's eye, nothing is present except for confidence and satisfaction.

"I will save this world."

prime church of Cult of Luca Azoria, Hades. 

the 5 prime bishops sat around the holy roundtable, emotionless and silent, praying in their mind.

"Almighty lord Luca Azoria, may you lead us to the path of enlightenment."

"Shield us from the darkness of the bog, guide us through this eternal darkness"

"Through your strength and devotion, Tyrant Kolgwyn had fallen, but his spirit still reamins"

"Foritfy our body and minds, May all darkness perish, enveloped in the rays of your radiance"

"In the name of your most devoted paladin, bestow us the power to overcome all pain and sorrow"

The bog

To the fore of an empty throne, Antonio Valdis stands on one knee, noises echoing around him. 

"It's time"

"let's go"

"We will rise again"

"Dear king"

"Pain, nightmares, insufferable"


In contrast to his young and handsome appearance, Antonio's voice was rusty and quiet, so quiet that everybody heard his words. 

"Our shadows, will be once again be casted upon the land that belongs to us."

Do you find this chapter interesting or cringe?

Anyways, this is an introductory chapter that foreshadows many things in the future of the plot, which will be revealed later. The three champions that freed the world are Nathaniel Heaven, Liu yu and Luca Azoria. Their backstories and relationships will be clarified later. I just thought it is nice to introduce the setting of the story earlier.

I hope you are enjoying my book so far, if nothing goes wrong, it will get better. I've got the entire storyline planned out already.

thank you for reading :D

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