

In a world where three mystical realms coexist, each harboring unique powers and secrets, the balance of power is threatened when a malevolent force seeks to merge the realms into one, thereby gaining unimaginable power. As chaos looms, three young individuals from different backgrounds find themselves bound by destiny to become the chosen guardians of their respective realms. Together, they must unlock their hidden potentials, form unlikely alliances, and embark on a perilous journey to save their world from the brink of destruction.

R_mustang17 · 武侠
17 Chs

Chapter 12: The Depths of the Sea - Part 3

The journey through the depths of the sea had tested Kai, Takeshi, and Luna both physically and mentally. But their indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve propelled them forward as they ventured into the final part of the trial.

As they went deeper into uncharted territory, the waters grew darker, and a sense of foreboding filled the air. Shadows danced along the coral walls, casting an eerie glow, reminiscent of secrets lurking beneath the surface.

Master Hikari's words echoed in their minds, reminding them of the trial's purpose. "The depths of the sea will reveal your true strength and resilience. Face your deepest fears and emerge stronger."

Their path led them to a colossal underwater cavern, where bioluminescent creatures illuminated the surroundings with a soft, ethereal glow. The atmosphere was charged with a palpable energy, heightening their senses.

A mysterious figure in a dark robe that covered its face appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The figure raised it's hand, causing distortions in the water. Before the trio could react to the figures sudden movement, they found themselves in their different illusions.


"Cursed child"

"Why were you even born?"

"You brought misfortune to this village"

"This devil killed his family"

"Who would love a cursed child like him?"

Kai's heart clenched as he found himself surrounded by haunting illusions. The voices of his village echoed in his mind, hurling words of hate and accusation. They pointed fingers at him, calling him a cursed child, blaming him for the misfortune that had befallen their families.


Takeshi's heart sank as he found himself lost in a dark abyss, chasing fleeting glimpses of his father. He looked down and realized that he was now a child. He was wearing the same clothes that he wore on "that".


Desperation filled his voice as he called out to him, but his father kept walking away, never once turning back. Each step he took felt like an insurmountable distance, and the emptiness grew inside Takeshi's chest.


Luna's spirit shattered as she found herself trapped in chains, surrounded by her family who regarded her with disdain.

"What a disgrace"

"What did we do that the ancient ones chose to give us this disappointment for a child?"

"You are nothing but a dirt stain in our family name"

Their words cut deep, branding her as a disgrace and a blemish on their prestigious lineage. She looked down at her restrained hands and felt the weight of their judgment.


With their illusions bearing down on them, Kai, Takeshi, and Luna drew strength from one another. They locked eyes, a silent pact forming between them, and together they fought back against the shadows of their past. Kai unleashed his fiery resolve, burning away the hateful words that haunted him. Takeshi embraced the darkness, finding solace in the knowledge that he would forge his own destiny. Luna's voice resounded, shattering the chains that confined her, symbolizing her liberation from the expectations of her family.

As the illusions dissipated, the mysterious figure stepped forward, their voice filled with admiration. "Impressive. You have faced your inner demons and triumphed."

The figure lowered their hood, revealing a wise and weathered face, etched with the marks of time. "I am the Guardian of the Deep, tasked with guiding worthy souls through this trial. You have proven yourselves."

The Guardian stretched out his hands and a portal appeared. It was a portal to the resting point before moving on to the next trial.

Kai, Takeshi, and Luna exchanged glances, a newfound understanding and connection flowing between them. They nodded in unison before walking through the portal to get their deserved rest.