
Shadow Lycan.

Devon Matt, a sixteen-year-old boy struggling for survival with his sister, found himself thrust into an unforeseen destiny one fateful night when a wild wolf attacked him. Despite the brutal encounter, he miraculously survived. However, amidst the chaos, Devon discovered that the cherished necklaces his mother had entrusted him with had mysteriously vanished. The following morning, as Devon awoke from an uneasy sleep, he was overwhelmed by a barrage of enigmatic messages that flooded his mind like an ethereal torrent: - [Congratulations for gaining the Shadow WereWolf system.] - [Congratulations on your first human prey.] - [50 exp granted.] The bewildered teenager couldn't help but question his sanity, muttering to himself, "Shadow werewolf... am I hallucinating?" He desperately tried to make sense of these cryptic messages that seemed to penetrate his very being. As the days turned into weeks, Devon's life took an unexpected and thrilling turn. He embarked on an exhilarating journey to uncover the well-guarded secrets of his newfound identity as a shadow werewolf. Each passing day brought revelations and challenges, as he delved deeper into the mysteries of this enigmatic existence. Devon faced the conundrum of balancing his human emotions with his newly awakened predatory instincts, all while searching for answers about the disappearance of his mother's necklaces. In this sprawling adventure, join Devon Matt as he traverses the labyrinthine world of the shadow werewolves, gradually mastering his unique abilities, and confronting both the darkness within and the external threats that come with his newfound powers. As he navigates this treacherous path, he'll encounter allies, adversaries, and unforeseen twists that will shape his destiny and redefine what it means to be a shadow werewolf. **** Don't forget to read my other book."My Zombie Game" I am currently re-editing the book. You can also follow and join the Discord channel, Instagram, and TikTok. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu. Instagram: @Jeffweikeson. TikTok: @JWN234. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! J_WN

J_WN · 奇幻
71 Chs

Austin secret.

In the beginning, Devon and Malik weren't the best of friends. In fact, given their contrasting personalities, they couldn't have been farther from friendship. While Devon had an insatiable appetite for chasing money and more, Malik shared a love for these pursuits, albeit with a distinctly different approach.

It hadn't been long since their initial conversations commenced, but one thing led to another, ultimately drawing them into a secretive business venture. Malik adeptly revealed to Devon various strategies for increasing his earnings through relatively minor tasks.

The truth was that this job was far riskier than Devon's previous occupation. Nevertheless, as perilous as it was, the rewards were equally substantial.

Following their most recent mission, Devon had lost all contact with Malik. But, out of nowhere, Malik reappeared, casually leaning against a wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I won't bother with explanations. We've identified a new target. If you're interested, meet me at our usual spot," Malik stated as he pushed away from the wall and began to walk off.

"Wait... This fresh assignment, is it identical to the previous ones?" Devon inquired, halting Malik in his tracks.

"Not exactly distinct, and remember, do not detain us needlessly, for this could very well be our ultimate operation in this role," Malik conveyed. After articulating those words, he commenced his departure.

Devon harbored a plethora of queries yearning to be voiced. He was eager to discern Malik's intentions behind those cryptic words.

'Does he harbor aspirations to commence the restaurant enterprise already?' Devon pondered. Regrettably, time was not in abundance for deep contemplation, as he discerned the persistent blaring of sirens from the outdoors.

'Goodness... I would have to ran across the field  if I were to return tardy,' Devon ruminated as he hastened out of sight.


Arriving at the vast expanse of the field, he found himself in a fortuitous situation, having managed to reach the exact moment required.

"That, my friend, was indeed a perilously close call," exclaimed Dennis in a stern voice, his brows furrowed in disapproval. "Consider yourself fortunate this time. But heed my words, luck can be fleeting. Now, without further ado, proceed and assemble yourselves in an orderly fashion!" Dennis bellowed at Devon and a handful of tardy teammates who had just arrived.

Complying with Dennis's command, Devon proceeded to position himself among his fellow players. As he settled into his spot, an inexplicable sensation crept over him, as if someone's watchful gaze bore into his very being. Turning his head cautiously, he discerned Austin's penetrating stare, fixed directly upon him. The exchange of their glances held an unusual tension, one that prompted Austin to offer an uncertain wave. Uncomfortably, Devon averted his eyes, unsure of how to react to this unexpected interaction.

Perplexed by Austin's behavior, Devon couldn't help but wonder about the underlying reasons behind it. As the moments passed, he resolved to avoid Austin's gaze, opting to focus on the impending game instead.

Before long, the teams had been meticulously arranged, each consisting of five players, including a goalkeeper. The rationale behind this arrangement was rooted in the scarcity of available players, and it was a customary practice by Dennis to pit the weaker against the stronger team. Despite Devon displaying a glimmer of talent in the previous match, he had not yet reached the level required to join the formidable squad. Nonetheless, he had secured a position that did not entail the responsibilities of a goalkeeper, a small achievement in itself.

He joined the team as a striker alongside several other boys. 

When the referee's whistle blew, a signal from a family member indicated the start, and precisely at that moment, everyone sprang into action. 

Devon's team needed to advance the ball, so they passed it to one of their teammates. 

The ball was then kicked towards the opposing goalpost. From his position on the right side of the field, Devon could be observed sprinting to intercept the ball. 

However, in that very moment, he noticed another figure tailing him closely. 

As he sped up, Devon couldn't help but think, "It's Austin... and he possesses remarkable speed." 

Despite his efforts, Austin eventually overtook him and deftly controlled the ball with his feet.

"I knew it," Austin pondered within himself, "he certainly doesn't possess the qualities of an ordinary person." With that thought, he skillfully maneuvered around Devon, launching the ball forcefully in the direction of the opposing goalpost.

Fortuitously, the soccer ball ascended gracefully over the crossbar. "Never before has anyone challenged me to this extent," Austin mused.

Meanwhile, on the sidelines, amidst the spectators fixated on the unfolding game, Kelvin stood out as he keenly monitored the ball's trajectory.

"Back when I first heard Devon hinting that Austin wasn't like everyone else," Kelvin reminisced, "I failed to grasp the depth of his words. But now, it's all becoming clearer. Devon transcends the realm of mere humanity. Extraordinary may not do him justice, but he certainly resides close to it. Even if he's not unleashing the full extent of his abilities, outrunning an average person should be a trivial feat for him. Unless, of course, the other player isn't ordinary himself," Kelvin ruminated as his eyes remained fixed on the soccer ball's path.


As the thrilling game continued, he could discern numerous occurrences that substantiated his standpoint. Austin and Devon appeared to be engaged in a fierce battle on the field, relentlessly grappling with each other, with neither yielding.

"I trust this doesn't fall under the category of cheating," Devon pondered as he sprinted across the field while in possession of the ball.

[Dexterity: 13]

"What am I contemplating? This constitutes an integral part of myself, which I can harness to my advantage," Devon reflected.

[+1 stats strength ]

[+1 stats dexterity ]

With every stride, Devon perceived his leg muscles contracting, making his ball-handling akin to advancing two steps.

"He's gaining swiftness!" Austin, who had been tailing Devon, abruptly discerned the expanding gap between them. "I suppose I ought to accelerate as well. This is becoming increasingly enjoyable," Austin grinned.

As the unfolding scene continued to play out, Devon had meticulously positioned himself, primed and ready for the imminent ball-kicking action, all while Austin's rapid advancement drew his sharp attention.

Astonishment overtook him, and his teeth began to grind as Devon, spurred by an unyielding resolve, initiated a formidable winged assault with the full force of his body. However, upon colliding with Austin, an indomitable force seemed to intercept his momentum, akin to the impact of a solid and unyielding boulder. The repercussions of his winged attack sent Devon stumbling backward, ultimately culminating in his unceremonious fall to the ground.

In the aftermath of this unforeseen twist, Austin promptly seized the opening that had materialized and executed a masterful maneuver, propelling the ball skillfully out of bounds, leaving onlookers in awe of his precision.

Devon, still reeling from the shock of the unexpected turn of events, found himself sprawled on the ground, wrestling with the unintended consequences of his own winged assault, which had inadvertently led to his downfall.

' I am now unequivocally certain,' Devon's internal musings began, steeped in perplexity. "Austin is anything but ordinary. Yet, I can't help but ponder whether he has discerned anything about me."

In that very moment, a benevolent hand extended itself before Devon, offering support and camaraderie.

"Do you need a hand?" Austin inquired, his tone resonating with genuine concern.

Without uttering a word, Devon accepted the proffered hand, allowing himself to be effortlessly lifted from the ground by Austin, whose unexpected strength only deepened Devon's intrigue and bewilderment..

"That play, it was quite impressive," Austin remarked with a friendly pat on Devon's shoulder, offering encouragement. He then strolled away, leaving Devon deep in thought.

As Austin walked away, Devon couldn't help but wonder why he seemed oblivious to the strange occurrences. His gaze remained fixed on Austin's departing figure, pondering his behavior.

Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling the end of their activities for the day. Dennie's voice rang out, declaring the day's conclusion and offering some feedback. "Our performance today showed improvement compared to the last time, but there's still room for improvement," Dennie announced, ushering everyone off the field.

In the meantime, Kelvin sprinted over to Devon, eager to discuss something. "I believe I've grasped what you were referring to earlier," he shared.

Curious, Devon inquired, "Do you have any insights into his abilities?"

Kelvin hesitated before responding, "I'm not entirely certain, but based on my observations, it's probable that he specializes in enhancing his physical capabilities."


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Don't forget to read my other book."My Zombie Game" I am currently re-editing the book. You can also follow and join the Discord channel, Instagram, and TikTok. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu. Instagram: @Jeffweikeson. TikTok: @JWN234. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me.

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Please I need your votes. Vote and give me reviews.


Don't forget to read my other book."My Zombie Game" I am currently re-editing the book. You can also follow and join the Discord channel, Instagram, and TikTok. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu. Instagram: @Jeffweikeson. TikTok: @JWN234. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me.

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