
Shadow Lycan.

Devon Matt, a sixteen-year-old boy struggling for survival with his sister, found himself thrust into an unforeseen destiny one fateful night when a wild wolf attacked him. Despite the brutal encounter, he miraculously survived. However, amidst the chaos, Devon discovered that the cherished necklaces his mother had entrusted him with had mysteriously vanished. The following morning, as Devon awoke from an uneasy sleep, he was overwhelmed by a barrage of enigmatic messages that flooded his mind like an ethereal torrent: - [Congratulations for gaining the Shadow WereWolf system.] - [Congratulations on your first human prey.] - [50 exp granted.] The bewildered teenager couldn't help but question his sanity, muttering to himself, "Shadow werewolf... am I hallucinating?" He desperately tried to make sense of these cryptic messages that seemed to penetrate his very being. As the days turned into weeks, Devon's life took an unexpected and thrilling turn. He embarked on an exhilarating journey to uncover the well-guarded secrets of his newfound identity as a shadow werewolf. Each passing day brought revelations and challenges, as he delved deeper into the mysteries of this enigmatic existence. Devon faced the conundrum of balancing his human emotions with his newly awakened predatory instincts, all while searching for answers about the disappearance of his mother's necklaces. In this sprawling adventure, join Devon Matt as he traverses the labyrinthine world of the shadow werewolves, gradually mastering his unique abilities, and confronting both the darkness within and the external threats that come with his newfound powers. As he navigates this treacherous path, he'll encounter allies, adversaries, and unforeseen twists that will shape his destiny and redefine what it means to be a shadow werewolf. **** Don't forget to read my other book."My Zombie Game" I am currently re-editing the book. You can also follow and join the Discord channel, Instagram, and TikTok. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu. Instagram: @Jeffweikeson. TikTok: @JWN234. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! J_WN

J_WN · 奇幻
71 Chs

A trap. Part 3.

"Hey...hey...release me!" Rocky shouted angrily at the police officer who was dragging him out from the construction site.

"Leave this place before I reconsider and incarcerate you," yelled the police officer. "You are no superior to those back there, and I might just now opt to place you in a location where individuals like you belong," the officer stated as he threw Rocky onto the floor.

"Hey... We have an arrangement; I have aided you folks, don't treat me like garbage!" Rocky stated, practically seething.

"Just depart!" the officer bellowed.

Rocky ultimately rose from the ground and began sprinting into the darkness. Regarding his destination, he had no clue; all he wanted at the moment was to escape.

At that precise instant, he departed, and a flurry of screams emanated from behind, causing the police officer to glance back. 'There's no way he tried to escape,'

[Bloodlust augmented by 50%. All statistics have been boosted by 2.]

Activating his bloodthirst skill, Devon didn't halt there, though. He proceeded to activate several more components from the system.

[Level 2 Horror invoked]

The horror had already been enhanced after some time Devon had utilized it. Although it wasn't guaranteed that its effectiveness was high, at least it was greater than when it was at level one.

Devon stamped his feet on the ground and crouched down before propelling himself. His body was sent soaring off the ground, bypassing most of the police officers, and landing behind them.

"What are you folks doing, restrain him!" Maxwell, who was neither near nor far from Devon at the moment, shouted at the officers who stood there with quaking feet and trembling hands, visibly shaken.

'Damn... What are they doing!' Maxwell thought. 'I know I shouldn't have brought those weaklings,' he pondered. Unbeknownst to him, this was all part of Devon's strategy.

With the horror skill active, it still managed to affect most of the people present, as they found themselves standing with trembling bodies and goosebumps covering every inch of their skin.

Nonetheless, there were still those who remained unaffected by the horror skill and wasted no time in rushing towards Devon.

Three of them encircled him with their tasers pointed out. They rapidly discharged a shot at Devon, but he evaded just in time for the zapping threat to strike another officer behind, shocking him and sending him crashing to the floor.

Devon grabbed the officer who had just fired at him by the hand. It was a powerful grip, pulling him over, and surprisingly, in a contest of strength, the man was losing as he was pulled forward and tossed at the other officers approaching, sending them all hurtling.

Meanwhile, in the surroundings, the shadow wolf excelled in warding off the officers from getting closer to Devon.

It was swift and robust, and its body colors perfectly blended with the darkness, making it even more challenging to spot.

Currently, a group of armed police officers attempted to approach Devon, but they were encircled by the shadow wolf, which darted around them, and anyone who dared to advance was sent flying.

To make matters worse, the other teenagers caught up in the chaos were not going to let this opportunity slip away. They were well aware that once the police finished their business or, they would turn to them since what they were doing was illegal and deserved punishment under the law.

Fully aware of this, the teenagers gathered and rushed towards the exit, where a few officers were stationed with their tasers.

They didn't hesitate and began aiming. More officers joined, and Maxwell soon noticed the crowd moving.

'No... This isn't what we came here for!' Maxwell screamed as he saw the crowd dispersing through the exit.

For the time being, Maxwell decided to ignore what was happening behind him and focused on Devon. Rushing forward to join the one attempting to subdue him, a body was hurled at him with great force, hitting Maxwell in his stomach and sending him sliding on the floor.

He quickly got back up and rushed in, and a few cops nearby did the same, all at once...

Allowing his instincts to take over, Devon squatted and kicked off the ground, reaching an incredible height before descending onto the others' backs.

He wasted no time, spinning his heel and kicking an officer in the chest, sending him colliding with the others. With this, Devon's view ahead was clear. In front of him was only a wall separating the interior from the exterior.

Devon swiftly sprinted toward it at great speed.

[Level 2 Horror deactivated]

At that moment, Devon's horror skills were deactivated, not by him, but rather, its duration had expired.

When this occurred, many of the police officers who were somewhat affected by the skill quickly regained their senses and noticed Devon reaching out to the wall.

They weren't sure whether he intended to break through the wall or simply scale over it. Either way, what they knew was that if Devon managed to get outside, they would lose him.

All moving simultaneously, they aimed and fired their tasers at his back. The wires shot out, heading towards Devon.

Devon's instinct did kick in, but he ignored it. With the exit in sight, he was willing to endure the pain and at least get out of there.

The question was whether he could withstand the shock of ten taser wires at once.

The wires struck his back as electric volts surged through Devon's body. Overwhelmed by the sudden attacks, despite bracing himself for the impact, it hit him in an unexpected manner. Devon's body fell to the floor with a thud.

"Enough! We need him alive!" Maxwell yelled as he approached. The tasers had lasted for a few seconds, but given the number that was firing simultaneously, it was highly likely that they could end up killing Devon.

Approaching Devon cautiously and warily, Maxwell turned to the smoldering body of Devon, who still wore his mask. The scent emanating from Devon's body was like that of charred meat with blackened scorch marks.

Turning the body over, he was now able to reach for the mask. "It's time I see who you really are," he muttered, pulling the mask from Devon's face.

Everyone surrounding Devon gasped at the face beneath the mask. One of them even drew his taser, ready to shoot, but was halted by Maxwell.

"Put it away, now!" he shouted. The officer had no choice but to comply and holster his weapon.

Meanwhile, Maxwell stared down at Devon, who lay there. His eyes were open, gazing at them, and his nose and mouth were canine-like, covered in dark fur.

With Devon's eyes wide open while staring at them, Maxwell feared that he was now lifeless. That was until Devon uttered something from his mouth.

"Take...me home," he mumbled.

At that precise moment, a dark figure emerged from their side. The shadow wolf swung its arms aimlessly.

As everyone stepped back to avoid the claws, it seized Devon's waist with its mouth and leaped through the large fence wall, vanishing into the darkness.

Maxwell and his group were still bewildered by what they had witnessed and couldn't even register for a moment that their target had escaped.

"Is he even human? "Kan inquired, gazing at Maxwell.

Meanwhile, not so distant from the construction site, three figures could be observed standing on top of a building. Two of the three were attired in black attire while the other was clad in a black overcoat ensemble with a black hat atop his head.

"The authorities... I ponder why so many of them are congregated in one location," the overcoat individual remarked.

"Regrettably, we might have drawn attention if we had stayed back," the suited man on his left-hand side commented.

"But, how are we supposed to locate another instrument target for our objective," the other individual inquired.

"Speaking of an instrumented target, observe who is descending towards us," The overcoat person mentioned, peering down from the building.

Casually walking down the street was a fair-skinned lad, bare-chested, and possessing a melodious physique.

"Our objective is approaching us," the overcoat person stated with a grin.


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Don't forget to read my other book."My Zombie Game" I am currently re-editing the book. You can also follow and join the Discord channel, Instagram, and TikTok. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu. Instagram: @Jeffweikeson. TikTok: @JWN234. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me



Please I need your votes.

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Don't forget to read my other book."My Zombie Game" I am currently re-editing the book. You can also follow and join the Discord channel, Instagram, and TikTok. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu. Instagram: @Jeffweikeson. TikTok: @JWN234. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me


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