
Shadow Lycan.

Devon Matt, a sixteen-year-old boy struggling for survival with his sister, found himself thrust into an unforeseen destiny one fateful night when a wild wolf attacked him. Despite the brutal encounter, he miraculously survived. However, amidst the chaos, Devon discovered that the cherished necklaces his mother had entrusted him with had mysteriously vanished. The following morning, as Devon awoke from an uneasy sleep, he was overwhelmed by a barrage of enigmatic messages that flooded his mind like an ethereal torrent: - [Congratulations for gaining the Shadow WereWolf system.] - [Congratulations on your first human prey.] - [50 exp granted.] The bewildered teenager couldn't help but question his sanity, muttering to himself, "Shadow werewolf... am I hallucinating?" He desperately tried to make sense of these cryptic messages that seemed to penetrate his very being. As the days turned into weeks, Devon's life took an unexpected and thrilling turn. He embarked on an exhilarating journey to uncover the well-guarded secrets of his newfound identity as a shadow werewolf. Each passing day brought revelations and challenges, as he delved deeper into the mysteries of this enigmatic existence. Devon faced the conundrum of balancing his human emotions with his newly awakened predatory instincts, all while searching for answers about the disappearance of his mother's necklaces. In this sprawling adventure, join Devon Matt as he traverses the labyrinthine world of the shadow werewolves, gradually mastering his unique abilities, and confronting both the darkness within and the external threats that come with his newfound powers. As he navigates this treacherous path, he'll encounter allies, adversaries, and unforeseen twists that will shape his destiny and redefine what it means to be a shadow werewolf. **** Don't forget to read my other book."My Zombie Game" I am currently re-editing the book. You can also follow and join the Discord channel, Instagram, and TikTok. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu. Instagram: @Jeffweikeson. TikTok: @JWN234. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! J_WN

J_WN · 奇幻
71 Chs

A suspect.

Devon continued his brisk run towards Kelvin's house, following a meandering path that added extra miles to his daily quest, which involved traversing various terrains and enhancing his physical abilities. 

[Running 5km completed]

[Reward - 50 exp]

[+1 dexterity]

Devon couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised as a bonus reward boosted his dexterity. He contemplated the logic behind it; if strength improved through lifting, why not dexterity through running? In the grand scheme of things, he decided it wasn't worth overthinking.

Drawing nearer to Kelvin's house, he discerned a figure standing expectantly in the doorway, suggesting urgency. He wondered if the call he received had been that crucial.

Upon arrival, he greeted his friend with a casual, "What's up, you called?"

Kelvin's reply was far from casual. "Something's terribly amiss, something catastrophic looms," he uttered, brushing aside the greeting.

Devon's complexion slightly paled, perplexed by Kelvin's evident panic. He couldn't help but inquire, "What's amiss?" His gaze fixated on Kelvin, awaiting an explanation.

"Allow me to show," Kelvin said, leading the way back into the mansion. Devon followed suit, his curiosity growing with each step.

The two soon arrived at Kelvin's lab, finding it fully restored, all the claw marks left by Devon meticulously patched up in a way that rendered them nearly imperceptible.

Kelvin, seated at his computer, began typing away fervently, and after a moment, several ghastly pictures appeared on the screen – a gruesome scene of mangled bodies, some half-eaten, others completely devoured.

Devon, visibly shaken, questioned, "What is this?"

"These are the Dell family," Kelvin replied.

"The Dell family from our own country?" Devon inquired, his shock deepening.

"But how did they meet such a horrific fate?" he pressed further.

"According to the report, this brutal attack occurred just yesterday. Strangely, it appears the authorities are attempting to conceal this tragedy. Nonetheless, nothing eludes the dark web's watchful eye," Kelvin explained, his gaze now unwaveringly fixed on Devon.

"Please, don't regard me with suspicion. I can vouch that I had nothing to do with this. In fact, after our meeting yesterday, I went directly home," Devon asserted, aware that Kelvin harbored doubts about him. Little did he realize that Kelvin's suspicions took a different, unexpected direction.

"I am not suspecting you; I am merely observing you. It has now become apparent that you may very well be the sole predator in this sprawling city," Kelvin inquired. "The perplexing question that remains is: who is the other individual involved? If it indeed was a beast, then who could have transported it here?" 

"All these inquiries," Devon pondered, "are questions for which I currently possess no answers."

"Perhaps," Devon suggested, "it escaped from the wilderness, fleeing some unknown peril."

Kelvin shook his head in disagreement. "I beg to differ. My extensive study of beasts has taught me that creatures, especially those not affiliated with a pack, tend to shun human-inhabited areas."

Kelvin continued, "Nevertheless, this situation might imply that someone intentionally introduced the creature into our city. Furthermore, it appears that this beast possesses a certain degree of intelligence."

Curious, Devon inquired, "What leads you to that conclusion?"

Kelvin explained, "Because, if it were an ordinary beast, its whereabouts would have been discovered by now. Even after conducting a comprehensive survey throughout the city, the beast remains elusive."

Devon fell into a contemplative silence, his mind racing with various thoughts. He was confident that the enigmatic beast was not his shadow wolf. Firstly, he had issued no commands or desires to it. Secondly, had it been the shadow wolf, the system would have promptly notified him of any actions taken by the creature.

"I know you might be wondering why I called you here," Kelvin began, his words deliberate and intended to capture Devon's full attention. "It's not because I am suspecting you; however, I am warning you," he continued, his voice firm and authoritative, snapping Devon out of his daze.

"Warning me?" Devon's confusion was evident in his furrowed brow and puzzled expression.

"Do you know about the hero's philosophy?" Kelvin inquired, his tone filled with gravitas.

Devon had no inkling of what Kelvin was cooking up, but he remained attentive, ready to absorb any information.

"Although you haven't taken any action yet, I am quite certain that you are contemplating a course of action regarding this situation. However, what I want to convey to you is that it is, without a doubt, a carefully laid trap," Kelvin stated with conviction.

"A trap? For whom?" Devon asked, his curiosity now piqued.

"Isn't it glaringly obvious? For you, of course," Kelvin responded, his gaze unwavering. "The very organizations that seek to enlist you are orchestrating this trap to assess and control you. Trust me, once you decide to make a move, they will counteract accordingly."

"So, Devon," Kelvin's tone grew more serious as he continued, "I'm telling you this as a friend. Try to envision yourself as a victim within this intricate web of deception. Don't recklessly assume the mantle of a hero you may not truly be," he demanded.

Devon didn't offer an immediate reply. Kelvin's revelations had cast a shadow of uncertainty over him, and he contemplated the weight of this information. Though not entirely convinced, it appeared increasingly likely that Kelvin's words held some truth.

Devon found himself uncertain about his aspirations, unable to definitively articulate his desires for his newfound power. He grappled with the notion that, at some point, the idea of becoming a savior had indeed crossed his thoughts, albeit fleetingly. However, he had consciously dismissed that notion in favor of prioritizing his financial pursuits. 

Nonetheless, the mere fact that he had once rejected the idea did not signify its complete absence from his consciousness. Somewhere deep within his mind, sporadically and without warning, the concept would resurface, only to be promptly declined once more.

Seeking guidance, he inquired, "What course of action do you recommend, then?"

Kelvin responded, advising, "Perhaps it would be prudent to return to your previous routine, and if feasible, consider discontinuing your gym visits. One cannot discount the possibility that they may be under surveillance, monitoring any unusual activities."

Inexplicably, Devon experienced a momentary mental flash—an image of a man. Puzzled by this unanticipated thought, he pondered, 'Why is this individual occupying my thoughts? Surely, he couldn't be affiliated with some covert organization.' Devon brushed aside the unsettling musings.

Ultimately, Devon's primary concern lay in the challenge of maintaining his physical training regimen without the option of attending the gym.


The next day had arrived, and things were gradually returning to normal as schools were once again open for everyone to attend. 

He had completed both of his workouts again, this time with renewed determination and focus.

[Exp: 600/1000]

Engaging in his daily quests, he noticed that he wasn't gaining more experience points than usual; however, his progress was steadily increasing, growing by leaps and bounds.

The class proceeded as usual, and finally, it was time for their customary break period. Regrettably, this break period was no longer a respite for a few students, including Devon. Each break, the school's game master would summon them to continue their training, and today was no exception.

Lined up on the field were the students selected to participate in the upcoming tournament. After Devon's impressive performance in the recent friendly match, he had also earned his place, while Kelvin and a few others had been excluded.

"Alright, students, it has been an unfortunate week with two missed training days due to the recent unexpected lockdown. However, time waits for no one, and the big day won't be postponed. We'll have to work even harder than before. Now, go change into your sports attire and return to the field!" Denni's voice echoed across the field, prompting the students to disperse promptly.

Meanwhile, Devon had changed into his sports clothes, and as he emerged, he unexpectedly crossed paths with someone he hadn't seen in a while.

"Malik!" he exclaimed in astonishment.


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***** Don't forget to read my other book."My Zombie Game" I am currently re-editing the book. You can also follow and join the Discord channel, Instagram, and TikTok. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu. Instagram: @Jeffweikeson. TikTok: @JWN234. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me. I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!


Please I need your votes. Vote and give me reviews.


Don't forget to read my other book."My Zombie Game" I am currently re-editing the book. You can also follow and join the Discord channel, Instagram, and TikTok. Discord channel: https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu. Instagram: @Jeffweikeson. TikTok: @JWN234. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me.

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