

The neighing of a horse, which was as loud as a large bell and could shake people, echoed from the distance.

After a short moment, a small black dot appeared in Li Yunmu's vision. As time passed by, it gradually became larger.

With Li Yunmu's eyesight, he could soon see the main body of that black dot. It was an eight-legged warhorse with a completely white mane!

"Sleipnir? What ghost is that!"

Li Yunmu read through the information supplied by the system with bewilderment on his face.

An ancient god level eight-legged war horse, what sort of existence was that? Sea beasts from the abyss of the deep sea which hadn't been explored by humans or did it come from the parts of the world which humans didn't have the strength to explore?

The master of such a warhorse, what sort of existence would it be? An existence at a level higher than ancient god?