
Sex System In Naruto

All men have lost their ability to stand their Little brothers... All except the MC This book is made for degenerates like me, so if you want to get more chapters ahead then go to Patreon.com/izana07

Izana07 · 漫画同人
24 Chs

It's A Date

Naruko's hands went to her ass as she blushed.

"You spanked me?" Naruko muttered in disbelief.

She had been expecting Rem to launch an attack on her stomach, the jab she threw at him was just a diversion to make sure he went for the stomach and then get caught in the reinforcement but he had gone beyond and actually vanished- right in front of her… only to spank her from behind.

As Rem had expected, Naruko didn't complain more… in fact, her face seemed to convey that she enjoyed it.

"Yeah," Rem said and Naruko turned away, unable to look him in the eyes… wait eyes?

"Your eyes?" Naruko asked in disbelief, "What's wrong with them? Why do they look like Aunty Mikoto's eyes?"

'Aunty Mikoto?' Rem thought, 'Ohh, It might be Sasuke's mother she's talking about,'

It wa natural that Mikoto Uchiha would have such eyes, it showed her Uchiha blood…

"Oh, that's because I'm an Uchiha too," Rem said.

"No wonder, Sasuke is also able to keep up with me but he hasn't unlocked the Sharingan yet," Naruko realized, "Your eyes though, they were able to see through the attacks of my clones although you weren't able to see that I was going to encase you in a box of mud,"

"I haven't seen anyone use the Jutsu like that," Rem said, it was really true- he hadn't seen anyone using the Earth Style: Mud Wall in such a way, even with the Sharingan, he had not thought to read the patterns of the Mud Wall.

"My mom always says think out of the box," Naruko said as she motioned for Rem to follow her inside, Rem conceded to the invitation and they started studying.


The weekend went by quickly with Rem studying and honing his skills, Kurenai didn't only grant her uses as a Sex toy but also a sparring partner- there were a single for this, He could help Kurenai sharpen her close combat skills and also use her as a test subject for the continued increase in his powers.

Rem decided to lay off on increasing his stats and then focus on the more important one, buying a new Jutsu. He could not access the Genin archives where D-rank and few C-rank jutsu were kept UNTIL he actually became a Genin, and Rem was sure by the time he became a Genin- he wouldn't be doing regular C and D-rank missions and for that reason, Rem decided to actually save up and buy his first Jutsu.

He decided to go big for his first Jutsu and the Shop thought the same as well.

[Name: Lightning Style- Thunderbolt Jutsu]

[Rank: B]

[Chakra Cost: 45]

[Range: 40 meters]

[Type: Ninjutsu]

[Element: Lightning]

[Seals: Tiger -> Snake -> Tiger -> Bird -> Tiger -> Ram]

[Description: The user extends both arms, releasing a high discharge through both palms, targeting multiple opponents simultaneously. It is possible to increase the power of this technique by using it in combination with a water source]

[Cost: 930 SC]

[Buy: Y / N]

Rem had to push Kurenai to the limit in their nightly activities but in the end, it was worth it as he finally had a Ninjutsu although it was only B-rank. Rem hit the Buy and he instantly purchased the Jutsu, he felt knowledge surging through his head and a small smile stuck to his face as he went out the door to head to school.

Rem knew he had promised Sakura he was going to go home with her on Friday but he already told her he had somewhere important to go on that day and that was why he went to the Library- but now he was prepared. Rem was leaving early and Sakura came early too, or so he thought.

Rem leaned against a building on her street and waited, he was still feeling excited about his new Jutsu and felt the urgent need to go through the Hand signs to make sure that the Blue screen sold the correct Hand signs to him but he would do that later.

"Hmph!" Rem heard a cute voice harrumph and turned to the owner, seeing the familiar pink haired girl walking down the street, he walked toward her.

"Good morning Sakura," Rem said and Sakura exclaimed surprised at the fact that Rem had approached her out-of-the-blue.

"R- rem?" Sakura muttered as she calmed down.

"I'm sorry for standing you up on Friday," Rem said.

"B- but you had something to do right?" Sakura asked.

Rem gave a small smile and his eyes went to her ass before they went back to her shining blue orbs.

"Yeah," Rem replied, "But now we'll go to school together every day,"

Hearing Rem's last words, Sakura's entire face turned red and she gripped her backpack shyly.

"Sure Rem," Sakura said and was surprised as Rem took her hand.

"If we keep standing here, we're going to be late and Uruka-sensei will be really mad," I said and she nodded.


Uruka saw Rem enter the classroom with Sakura in tow, the pink girl's head was as red as a tomato and as Rem turned his face to meet her's, she turned away.

Uruka didn't really think that she could look him in the face after doing what they did before… It was nice that Rem had a cock but wasn't it a matter of time before the Hokage found out? If he came from Sunagakure, wouldn't there be other people in Sunagakure that probably had their cocks active and could impregnate women… Why must it be her student?

She couldn't understand as she coiled her head, Rem didn't seem to mind that she was treating him this way. But she noticed when he got to his seat, his eyebrows arched in confusion.

Rem had initially been excited about gaining a B-rank Ninjutsu and was going to try it out in one of the training grounds later today but he just saw Uruka's status and felt conflicted in a way, the stats were exactly the way they had been on Friday except on the 'Affection Point', 'Hearts' and 'Depravity' meter… Rem noticed they were all tagged 'SUPRESSED'…

'Was it a mistake to agree with her so simply about leaving after school lessons?' Rem thought, He could see from her stats that she was feeling conflicted; it was almost as if she was doubting him?

Classes soon started and Rem kept his head in the game, Uruka noticed Rem was concentrating but the Suppressions didn't alleviate, Rem was really confused but ultimately he decided to talk to Uruka after school.


It was lunch time, one of the few times Rem could rest peacefully during School hours in the Academy Cafeteria, the food wasn't too expensive and it was really tasty too. Much more tasty than the crap Rem was fed in Sunagakure when he was training with the Jonin and the meals wasn't really expensive.

5, 000 Ryo… that was what was decided by the Kazekage and Hokage as his monthly stipend as 5, 000 Ryo could pay for an entire year for a regular family. This 5, 000 Ryo would of course finish quickly if he attempted to use it to buy Shinobi items like Kunai knives, Shuriken and the sort and that was why Rem loved his Bladework skill, he didn't need the short-handed knives like Kunai neither the Shuriken but all he needed to do was to open the Inventory portal and rain swords upon swords on his opponents until they were dead-

It seemed like a good use of Bladework and not to mention that creating a weapon takes a short amount of time and Rem knew he could do it mid-battle to confuse his opponent, In his battle with Naruko, he had drawn that sword out of the Inventory.

Looking at his bowl of steaming Ramen, Rem decided that he would go to Ichiraku Ramen to actually see the old man and perhaps to sate his curiosity, try to see his status. Although Rem wasn't expecting to see much as Teuchi was a regular civilian, he still wanted to go check and see if he could catch his beautiful lover once again.

"Can I sit with you?" Naruko asked.

They hadn't seen each other since Saturday which was when Rem had dropped by to collect more textbooks to study.

"Sure," Rem replied and saw they were having the same meal, "You're a ramen person too, huh?"

"Yeah and I'm going to the Ichiraku Ramen shop tonight," Naruko said while pumping her fist toward Rem.

"You sure it's okay for a girl to walk around at night?" Rem asked, he was truly worried for her safety and besides Kushina wasn't around to fend for her daughter.

"Hmm, Can you come along with me then?" Naruko asked with pleading eyes to which Rem shrugged at, he was trying not to get hard… he really was.

"Okay, I was planning to head there as well," Rem replied, "It'll be our very first date together,"

Naruko blushed.

"It's not a date, just a friendly outing," Naruko muttered as she gripped the Chopsticks.


Author's Note:

Mass release for Patrons~ I'm losing sleep because of this~

If you want to get more chapters ahead, head over to patreon.com/izana07 and immerse yourself in more of my content, I'd appreciate your support.