
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · 奇幻
180 Chs

Time to change

You punched me once, but I let it go because I'm too laid back.

But you saw it as me being weak and started to bully me.

Is me not doing anything, and trying to mind own business, wrong?

Not doing anything and being passive sucks!

Being passive is seen as weakness!

That's why I'll no longer be passive!

Since you've dared bully me and even steal my girlfriend, I'll show you what it feels to be really bullied!


Sitting all alone in his room, Kazuma who no longer knew how long he had been in this room sitting in the dark and wallowing in self-pity for no reason.

He couldn't remember how many times he asked himself the same question, but he once again did it.

'Where did things start going wrong from?'

'I shouldn't have ignored it when that bastard punched me... I should've just kicked his fucking balls!!!'

'No.... It was when I became that slut's boyfriend! Even though I knew she was only after obtaining attention and using my money, I... '

'No... It was even before that... '

'I... I became too lazy... I used to look so good... But now?'

Looking at his own reflection in the mirror, Kazuma could only grit his teeth at how ugly he looked.

With fat everywhere on his body, Kazuma couldn't even see his own eyes properly due to how much fat there was on his face.

He literally looked like a huge ball of fat.

'Still, I won't let any of them escape... I'll kill those two fuckers!!!'

'No.... Killing them would be letting them off too easily... I'll let them know what it feels like to be bullied... '

'I..... '

"You fat pig, how long are you going to stay inside that stinky room? Are you masturbating to me? Fucking pervert. Come outside and eat something so that you don't die before your ugly father does."

This bitch!

"Get lost bitch!"

"Tsk! Just wait until that old bastard dies. I'll throw you out to rot in the streets little asshole."

Clenching his fists once again, Kazuma added Reiko, his gold digger stepmother to the list of people he should teach a lesson.

But the first one he'd take revenge on was Izumi. His ex-girlfriend, and also the one who hurt him the most.

Still, to do that he couldn't remain the same way he was.

So what if he was smart and rich? The way he looked right now was so revolting to the current him, that Kazuma himself didn't want to look at it any longer than he needed to.

For a 16-year-old to weigh 107 kgs, all Kazuma could do was curse himself for letting go of everything and turning so lazy.

To take revenge on the others who betrayed him and bullied him, he'd need to change himself first.

Clawing his way up, Kazuma who made up his mind began by doing the only exercise he knew. Push-ups.

Dropping to the floor, Kazuma barely managed to even get into the proper position when his arms lost all strength and he fell face-first on the floor.


"What happened pig? Did you break your teeny dick by rubbing it too much? Hahahahahahahaha.... "

Not saying anything, Kazuma just gritted his teeth and forced himself by exerting all the strength and getting back into the position to continue with his workout.

This time he managed to do one proper push-up after which he once again fell face-first on the floor.

The entire day from then on was spent by Kazuma doing as many push-ups as possible before creating loud thuds by constantly falling on the floor.


Day 2

This was only the second day, but Kazuma was already having thoughts of giving up.

Therefore, even though it felt humiliating to do so, he printed the picture Izumi sent him of kissing Hikari Sada, the same one who bullied him and stuck it to the wall.

Looking at this made him remember all those negative feelings and allowed Kazuma to continue in his effort to change himself and not give up like he always did.


Day 5

Kazuma now no longer stayed inside his room the entire day and only did push-ups.

Considering how he deliberately spent too long resting on the floor, Kazuma left the house to work out in public where the others looking at him would motivate him to get his ass off the floor.

Dressed in nothing other than a very loose short, Kazuma went to the park closest to his house and started running around it.

Even though he could see the disgust in the eyes of everyone that looked at him, Kazuma didn't stop and only ran even faster until he was finally so tired that he could helplessly lie on the ground covered in his own sweat.


Day 17

It had been many days since Kazuma decided to change himself, and he stayed true to his words.

Even though he stopped going to school and spent every minute every day working out, Kazuma who could guess what everyone was thinking about him at school finally saw some nice and proper changes taking place to his body.

Even though his stomach still had a lot of fat on it, his face was now properly visible and got was it handsome.

Looking at it Kazuma couldn't understand how stupid he was to become so fat and not show it off.

This was also when Kazuma joined a gym because no matter how much he tried, that fat around his stomach wasn't reducing by him just running around all day.

It was time he took some professional help.

Day 31

By now Kazuma if he wasn't already sure of his plan working, was now sure that nothing could go wrong with it after looking at his naked body in the mirror.

Five-foot eleven inches, silky black hair, sharp black eyes, milk-white skin, a flat stomach, slightly visible muscles around his biceps and thighs, and finally something which looked like an other arm hanging in between his legs.

Looking at himself like this, Kazuma felt that this body was something which would serve him well in taking revenge on everyone he hated.

After all, that slutty stepmother of his was already throwing him seductive glances from time to time.

NTR - Read ahead till chapter 35 - p@treon.com/erosaint

P.S - Check out The Astral Womanizer if you have time.

Ero_Saintcreators' thoughts