
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · 奇幻
180 Chs

Start of a new life

Getting ready by putting on the new clothes he bought to fit his new body, Kazuma only felt even more confident in himself.

It seems like looks do take a part in providing confidence.

Stepping out of his room, Kazuma smirked and ignored the flirtatious glances being sent by his stepmother and left the house.

After an entire month, today was the day he'd be going back to school. This was also the day he'd start taking revenge on those two.

Feeling more proud and confident as there was no limit to the number of people who took a second look at him on his way to school, Kazuma's gait also turned more confident and arrogant.

In fact, by the time Kazuma passed through the school gates, there was a huge smirk on his face.

Luckily, it only served in showing off his charms.

After all, being cool and arrogant was a different charm with respect to being kind and modest.

Entering his class, Kazuma truly surprised everyone because no one could ever remember seeing such a handsome classmate until now.

Not letting anything bother him, Kazuma walked straight to his seat and sat down as the class instantly turned rowdy.

After disappearing for an entire month, the class fatty came back like a prince!!!

Setting his bag down and looking at everyone's expression, Kazuma only grinned even more happily as finally the two whom he hated the most entered the class together.

As someone who dated Kazuma for almost an entire month, Izumi didn't disappoint Kazuma by failing to notice that it was him and not a new student.

The bully Sada however noticed him instantly.

"Yo, if it isn't the fat bastard. Did you finally get over the shame of losing your girlfriend?"

He might have gotten riled up and felt humiliated if this happened in the past, but Kazuma only smiled and stood up.

Walking near Sada who looked petty in comparison to the past, Kazuma who didn't change himself just for revenge but also to never feel weak and helpless again, pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Sada.

"What is this? Are you apologizing to me?"

Chuckling a little, Kazuma said, "You didn't fail to show off why you're ranked at the last of the class."

"You fuc... "

Ignoring Sada, Kazuma continued by saying, "This paper contains the list and cost of everything you made me buy in the past. If you don't want my lawyers to put you behind the bars, it's best you pay all of it back. Got it?"

No longer paying attention to the shocked Sada, or the slutty Izumi whose expression was truly incredulous, Kazuma went back at sat at his seat when Sada finally reacted.

"Have you lost your brain, fatso? Maybe I should give you a few punches to remind you of who you are."

Raising his arm, Sada who was around the same height as Kazuma and a bit more bulky than him truly struck fear into the weak-hearted.

Unfortunately, this didn't work on Kazuma anymore.

Raising his own hand to catch the punch, Kazuma didn't show any expression despite feeling the pain in his arm.

After all, no matter what he did, it was impossible for him to become stronger than the class bully in just a month.

"It seems like you truly won't learn a lesson without going to jail. I'm giving you a week's time, you better pay me back unless muscle brain."


"Let's go, Sada, the teacher is here."

Pulling Sada away by the arm, Izumi didn't stop looking at Kazuma the entire time.

"You should also pay me back for everything I did Izumi. You however only have until the end of today's school. If you don't, hehehehehehehe... "

Laughing loud enough for the entire class to hear, Kazuma would be surprised if any of them didn't possess a vivid memory of him from today onwards.


The rest of the day went by very awkwardly inside Kazuma's class as no one knew if they could speak freely without causing the new Kazuma and old Sada to start fighting.

In the end, however, Izumi hadn't yet spoken a single word or paid back Kazuma for everything he bought her.

Since the beginning Kazuma never expected her to do so, or even hoped for her to do such a thing.

All he needed was an excuse to make Izumi feel even more guilty and sad when he went through with his revenge.

Therefore, as soon as the school was over Kazuma reminded Sada to pay back his debt within the week and told Izumi that she'd regret not paying him back.

As someone who spent quite some time as her 'boyfriend', Kazuma knew that Izumi spent a lot of time after the school was overdoing whatever crap she felt like for a few hours before going back home.

So, even though the 16-year-old never took his past fat self to her home, as a naive fool who truly believed and felt that he loved her, Kazuma knew where her house was at and began travelling towards it to start with his revenge.

Just imagining everything that he wanted to do caused Kazuma to repeatedly lick his lips excitedly on his way over.

NTR - Read ahead till chapter 36 - p@treon.com/erosaint

P.S - Check out my newest novel the Astral Womanizer if you have time.

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