
Sex Addict in Flea Bottom (SI)

WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING TWO CHAPTERS HAVE A KINK I TRIED TO INCLUDE BUT HATED IT SO THEY WERE LATER REMOVED : vomit. An addict who worked throughout his life to chase pleasures that were too costly to let him out of poverty dies and wakes again in Flea Bottom as a normal man. He looks around at the filth of flea bottom and remembers the only gifts the gods have given him are to be disease free and a coin pouch that is bound to him for life. THIS IS PURELY FETISH CONTENT MUD, Dirt, Shit(Only mentioned once and that is it) 1 chapter ahead for free below. 1 Chapter will always be ahead go to the discord in pinned post https://p@treon.com/swattywriter You will have to go through a link from scribble hub as the page is 18+

Kam_Bam · 电视同人
14 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Filth, Desire, and a New Kind of Pleasure

The past four days had seen the tavern transformed. Where once it had been a squalid pit of cracked walls and stained floors, it now stood as an island of rough elegance in the grime of Flea Bottom. Thomas had scrubbed away the filth, painted over the peeling walls, and replaced the splintered tables with sturdy wood polished smooth. Curtains hung in the windows, heavy and dark, keeping the draft at bay and adding a touch of warmth. The fire roared brighter, its heat welcoming rather than oppressive, and the flickering candles on the tables cast soft, inviting shadows. 

It was not a tavern meant for kings, but it was far more than any of Flea Bottom deserved. Even the regular patrons had noticed. They would shuffle in, look around with suspicion, and mutter among themselves about how it all felt too clean, too put together for the likes of them. The complaints started slow, grumbles about how the new decor made the food taste different, how they missed the gritty feel of the old place. Thomas paid them no mind, focused on making the bowls and stews that kept the coins flowing.

Marla, however, found the whole affair endlessly amusing. One evening, she leaned against the counter, her eyes bright with mischief as she watched Thomas ladling out a fresh pot of stew. "They're bitching about the taste again," she said, her tone dripping with mockery. "All those fancy touches, and they think it's the fucking curtains making their soup taste off."

Thomas laughed, stirring the pot with a practiced hand. "Maybe they miss the special salt," he said with a sly grin, his mind flashing back to Marla's little additions that no one knew about except them. The extra ingredients—sweat, spit, the odd dribble of bodily fluid—had turned their bowls into something more than just a meal; they were part of Flea Bottom's twisted little ecosystem now.

Marla snorted, wiping her hands on her apron. "If only they knew," she said, shaking her head. "We could charge double just for the entertainment."

But the lighthearted banter only went so far. Lyra, still recovering from her bruises, hadn't been able to give Thomas what he craved, and Marla, already tired from the day's relentless grind, was nearing her limit. That night, after the last of the patrons had stumbled out, Marla leaned back against the wall, her expression weary, frustration etched into the lines of her face.

"Thomas," she said, her voice a mixture of longing and fatigue. "I love this—us—but I can't keep up with you. Not every night."

Thomas nodded, understanding. He kissed her forehead, a rare show of gentleness, and promised he'd find another way to sate his needs. And so, as Marla slipped into the kitchen to start cleaning, Thomas stepped out into the night, the cool air sharp against his skin as he prowled the streets in search of something new, something that would let Marla rest and give Lyra time to heal.

The transformation of the tavern over the last four days was nothing short of miraculous. Thomas had worked tirelessly to scrub away the grime, paint over the decay, and rebuild the cookhouse into something that stood out starkly against the squalor of Flea Bottom. Rich, dark wood replaced the splintered tables, and the flickering candlelight bathed the room in a warm, inviting glow. Even the floors, once sticky and foul, now gleamed with a polish that made the regulars mutter in suspicion, their eyes narrowed at the unfamiliar cleanliness.

Thomas didn't care. He wanted his place to be different—to stand as a testament to what could be done with enough will and grit. And Marla? She loved it, but the changes didn't stop the grumbling from their patrons. They missed the old stains, the familiar stench. Some even complained the bowls didn't taste the same, as though the added touches of their old filth had been part of the recipe.

Marla laughed it off, her eyes twinkling with a hidden joke as she worked the bar. "If they only knew what we put in those bowls," she whispered to Thomas, her lips curling in a mischievous grin. 

Thomas chuckled, ladling out a fresh bowl of brown for a waiting customer, but as the night dragged on, Marla's complaints grew. Lyra was still resting and not quite ready to tend to him, and the strain on Marla was showing. She leaned heavily against the counter, rubbing her neck, the exhaustion etched into her features. 

Thomas watched her, his mind already searching for another way to satisfy his relentless need. He kissed her cheek and whispered a promise that he would find someone else for the night. Marla nodded, grateful for the reprieve, as Thomas slipped out into the darkened streets.

The alleys of Flea Bottom were alive with the usual filth—whores, drunks, and desperate souls trading whatever they had for a few coins. Thomas prowled the narrow lanes, his eyes scanning the figures that lingered in the shadows. He needed someone who could handle his appetite without making it a chore, someone who could give Marla a break and keep Lyra safe in her recovery.

It wasn't long before he spotted her—a thin, older woman, her face lined with years of hardship, standing beneath a flickering lantern. She was barely dressed, her cloak hanging loosely over her bony shoulders, her eyes sharp and calculating. She watched Thomas approach, her posture guarded but curious.

"How much?" Thomas asked, his voice level, though his mind was racing.

The woman smirked, her lips curling as she looked him up and down. "Three knuts, maybe two, depending on what you want," she said, her tone tinged with bitterness. "But I've got my own needs. Don't do just anything for just anyone."

Thomas stepped closer, intrigued. "What kind of needs?"

She leaned in, her breath hot against his cheek. "I've got customers who pay for things most wouldn't stomach. Nasty, dirty things. Pissing, shitting… puking. That's what gets me off. I'm not your run-of-the-mill whore."

Thomas considered her words, weighing his options. He didn't flinch at the thought—he'd done worse. "I want you for myself," he said plainly. "Three knuts a day, like Lyra. Be mine alone. But you follow my rules."

The woman cocked her head, her eyes narrowing as she assessed him. "Three knuts is good coin for this place, but if you want me to stay exclusive, you'll have to do the nasty every now and then. Puke on me, fuck me filthy… that's my price."

Thomas nodded, unfazed. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the coins, letting them clink into her waiting palm. "We'll do it when you need it," he said, his voice firm. "Tonight, I'll give you what you want."

He led her back to the tavern, the streets emptying into the quiet, darkened space that now felt like his sanctuary. Marla was still working, the sound of her daughters' soft laughter drifting from the rooms upstairs. Thomas guided the woman to the back, where the bath waited, pulling an old wooden bench into the center of the room. She lay down eagerly, her eyes glittering with a sick anticipation.

Thomas's stomach churned as he leaned over her, the familiar burn of bile rising in his throat. He let it come, retching violently, the sour, acrid liquid splashing over her thin chest. She moaned, her breath hitching as the warm vomit soaked into her skin, her fingers tracing the mess in slow, deliberate patterns. Thomas watched her, feeling the twisted thrill of her satisfaction mingling with his own disgust.

The woman squirmed beneath him, her body moving eagerly, and Thomas felt his arousal spike, hardening at the sight of her drenched in his sickness. He pushed her legs apart, positioning himself between them, his cock already stiff as he thrust into her without hesitation. The slick, sick mess of vomit and sweat made every movement easy, his length sliding into her with a filthy, wet sound.

She moaned loudly, her voice high and desperate, each thrust sending splatters of bile and spit across her pale skin. Thomas gripped her thighs, pulling her closer, his hips driving into her with force, each movement raw and uninhibited. The bench creaked, the wood groaning beneath them as Thomas fucked her relentlessly, the sick, sour stench of vomit mixing with the heavy scent of sex.

Her breath came in short, sharp gasps, her body writhing in response to his every thrust. Thomas lost himself in the moment, the primal rhythm of their bodies meeting, the sensation of her slick, messy skin under his hands. He felt the tension building, his own need overwhelming him as he pounded into her, chasing his release with a fierce, desperate urgency.

When he came, it was with a rough, guttural groan, his cock twitching inside her as he spilled deep, his release mingling with the filth that covered them both. They stayed like that for a moment, the room filled with the heavy sounds of their panting, the smell of sweat and vomit thick in the air.

Thomas pulled back, his breath ragged, and led her to the bath. The cold water splashed over them, washing away the remnants of their depravity, leaving their skin clean but tinged with the lingering memory of what they'd done. The woman smiled at him, wiping herself down with a satisfied sigh.

"Looks like we've got a deal," she said, her voice still trembling from the rush. Thomas nodded, showing her to an empty room upstairs, the same deal he'd given Lyra—a place to stay, a purpose in the filth of Flea Bottom. As she disappeared into the shadows, Thomas felt a strange sense of balance settle over him.

He returned to his room, his thoughts heavy but clear. He had what he needed—a place that was his, women who would satisfy his cravings, and a growing sense of control in a city that had nothing to offer but decay. He lay back on his bed, staring at the ceiling, knowing that whatever the next day brought, he was ready to face it. Flea Bottom was his, and he would take from it whatever he wanted, however he wanted.

1 chapter ahead for free below. 1 Chapter will always be ahead go to the discord in pinned posthttps://p@treon.com/swattywriter