
18: Backstory

Meliodas was on a mission from the demon king himself, he was sent to eliminate a group made up off the four main races.

They were going against the demon kings reign of terror, and having a former commander on their side they were made out to be dangerous. So the executioner was sent and execute he did.

Even though it was a 1 v 4 he made quick work of them, his magical sword swing was mesmerizing, his footsteps hypnotic, and his eyes blank with no regard for life.

Axel was struck in the heart, he found what he was looking for. He watched the scene from bushes his mouth watering. He needed that type of power if he wanted to beat his father. So he confronted the terrifying being.

"Hee-ll-oo." His voice shaky, filled with fear.

Meliodas simply turned back locking eyes with him. "I-ii um, power? plee-aas-eee... GIVE ME POWER." Mustering up the courage to say those words he was having strong second thoughts. 'He's definitely gonna kill me!'

But what surprised him the most was Meliodas eyes leaking a tear. 'Is he crying?'

At this point in time Meliodas was sick of the killing of innocents, people who simply wanted to live rewarding life's. "Are you okay sir?" "Just leave this place boy." Then he walked away slowly.

'No, it can't end like this!' So charging toward him he grabs Meliodas, "Please! I need power!" But Meliodas simply elbowed his gut sending him flying through several trees. "My power is a curse." The he walked off one more time before getting stopped again.

"Please!" With tears rushing down his cheek Axel was ready to lay down his life for the power to protect his family. Noticing the determination in his eyes it reminded him of his own younger brother Zeldris.

"Why, why do you want power." Surprised by his reply Axel put himself together before saying, "To protect my brother." "Then that you shall."

For two weeks straight Meliodas in his spare time taught him one of his most powerful techniques, the full counter. Though on what was supposed to be their next meeting he never came, he decided to leave him behind to escape with Elizabeth.

Though he wasn't angry with the fact he never came back, instead thankful for the things he taught him.

Then with his new found power he took his power to his father. Then calling for him the battle begun, with the new techniques he was taught by Meliodas, he bested him.

Not before his father got one more attack of. Though what he saw next made his tiresome and lonely heart fall to the ground, he saw his son use the same technique that killed his beloved wife, full counter.

"Where, WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT!!!" Enraged he tried attacking before getting slammed to the ground. "From a man far better than you."

"The same man that killed your mother!" His burst open, "The full counter right? Meliodas taught you. The bastard that killed my wife!!"

"You.. your definitely lying." "Think for once in your life boy! That bastard killed her yet you learn his technique!!"

"Shut up!" "Do you even love your mother, do you!" "Shut up!!!" He could take no more before finally giving into the temptation, he put his hand in his fathers chest, ripping his heart out.

He didn't feel bad nor good, simply empty. Getting up he walked back to his house where his little brother was, heart in hand. Opening up the door his empty eyes locked in with the boys shocked eyes. Before finally dropping the heart leaving to find Meliodas.

He exited the kingdom going in to the forest land, he had no clue where to look for him, though knowing who he is it wouldn't be a far out guess to say he is in the main battlefield.

So that's where he made his way to, he managed to survive through the forest for 6 months, fighting his way through many demons and monsters.

Before finally finding him, his home territory was getting attacked, then he arrived, sporting new colors of bright green. Though he still had the same magical moves he had before. "Meliodas." Turning back he was met with the eyes of his former trainee.

"Woah Axel, nice to see you again!" 'He smiled? Since when could he do that.'

Then suddenly a goddess came down to, "Meliodas, do you know him." "Yeah, I trained him for a short while."

"Meliodas, did you kill my mother." The faces of the lovers flipped. "Hey, what do you mean?"

Then staring at him a little longer he came to an answer, "You don't even know if you killed her or not, you killed so many people you can't remember."

Drawing his sword and entering a fighting stance he was ready to kill his trainer. "Hey come on Axel." "No. Draw your blade."

Sighing Meliodas knew there was no way of getting out of this.

They then began there battle that ended as soon as it began. Axel was on the ground motionless before a pink blade was hurdled towards the group. Then as the smoke disappeared Axel was gone.

He was taking by a certain man on a wheelchair.

Waking up he was greeted by Gowther, "Hello boy, don't worry you can go back to sleep." "Are you sure the demon shift will work on him. Smiling Gowther went to work. Then falling back asleep he woke up back at his house next to his little brother.


Before you click off respond to this note with whether you like the Blue lock fanfic or this one more just to know which one I should focus on.

Arizon_GDubcreators' thoughts