
First Catch (Pt-1)

((Hey guys sorry for taking so long, first I have a report, then it was my Bday, and my google docs documents started to act all glitchy. Umm this is the 10th chapter so I would really appreciate it if you guys could tell me what you like and don't like about my writing. Also, text something on the comments, I want to see how many people are reading and I really don't trust the numbers. Each time you open the story it adds like 20 views to it lol. Hope you all have a nice day/night))


Ethan used body enhancement and ran towards the grassland that was in between Pewter City and Viridian Forest. After running for an hour he was deep in the grassland so he didn't have to worry about disturbing anyone.

He brought out his armor and Pokédex, Gary had already shown him how to use it during their time in the Pokémon Center. When Pidgey saw the items appear out of thin air it was startled and quickly flew off his shoulder.

"Wow, looks like I can forget about getting your help if I ever face danger haha."

After Pidgey had seen that everything was safe and that nothing bad had occurred it flew back to on.

"You little…. Anyway, let's scan you and see what we have to work with."

When he scanned Pidgey a picture of it appeared on the Pokédex and it began talking, "A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand."

"Let's see, it says here that you know how to use Gust and Sand Attack, Can you use those two moves? I believe that I've seen Gust before but not the Sand Attack move."

The bird Pokémon chirped and flew a little distance from him before it started flapping its wings and it created a miniature tornado that flew towards the direction it was facing. The Pokémon then flew closer to the ground and began to flap its wings once more while facing downwards. All around it, a cloud of dust began to form. Even though Pidgey was about 15 to 20 feet away from him it still reached him.

Once the sand storm was dissipated Pidgey flew back to him and he gave it a berry for its demonstration.

"Not bad that Sand Attack has a good range and we could definitely use it to get away if we get in over our heads. Like father said having an escape plan for when the attack goes wrong is always a must. That Gust attack is also useful for a sneak attack especially since you seem to be a pretty silent flyer, when you surprise the Pokémon I can finish it off and catch it. Let's see this area is pretty open so it should be pretty easy for you to spot a Pokémon. When you find one, come back and tell me alright?"

Pidgey chirped and flew away, 'The professor gave me 5 Pokéballs and 5,000 Pokédollars. I can eat from what I find in the forest, I have 2 sets of clothes and once I have Pokémon I will be able to sleep in the forest without much trouble. If each Pokéball is worth 200 dollars then I should have enough to buy 25 of them. My main goal is to catch Pokémon to increase my strength. I'm sure that once I have the Pokémon I'll be able to find an easier way to gain money. There are always crooks in cities, like my father says, stealing from crooks is just making sure that justice is served.'

After about 5 minutes later, Pidgey came back and circled around him once, before it flew back where it had come from. After following it he saw what Pidgey had found, "Those are two are like the walking twig I saw before. Gary said that they were called Bellsprouts, it really is a funny-looking Pokémon.

He brought out his Pokédex and pointed it towards one of the two Pokémon "A carnivorous Pokémon that traps and eats bugs. It uses its root feet to soak up needed moisture."

Ethan thought that the Pokédex would tell him what abilities the Pokémon had but other than the image and the description it didn't give him any other information. 'Well they don't look all that strong and they are also grass types so Pidgey should have an advantage. What has me worried is that poison attribute'

Before Ethan could make his mind on whether the twigs were worth catching, the two Pokémon looked up and began shooting at Pidgey who was circling over them. He was surprised that they seemed to be shooting leaves shaped like a crescent moon. Pidgey quickly dodged them, but unfortunately for Ethan, he was spotted by a Bellsprout.

He quickly garbed his dagger and prepared to cut the flying leaves they were shooting at Pidgey. 'They don't seem too dangerous but Pidgey found the need to dodge it so there must be something to it.'

Since Ethan didn't have any long-range attacks he enhanced his body and began to run towards the two Pokémon. This way he might be able to create an opening for Pidgey, which was better than keeping his distance doing nothing but dodging.

The Bellsprout immediately shot out 3 leaves at him, Ethan used his dagger to slice through them. After the Pokémon noticed that its attacks weren't effective it suddenly sprouted two vines from its twig body.

Ethan was surprised, since he was running towards the Pokémon the vines reached him even faster which meant that he barely had enough time to dodge the attack that sounded like a whip as it hit the ground.

The Pokémon got the attention of the other Bellsprout that was shooting at Pidgey since he was the one that was actually making some headway. Ethan looked at his new opponent, the Bellsprout used its leaf attack and Ethan once again cut through them pretty easily but he suddenly felt something wrap his legs together.

As he fell he looked down to see what was happening and he found out that the two vines the Pokémon had shot out earlier had wrapped around both his legs.

"So they can control their vines to this extent huh."

Slowly the vines made their way up his body, he cut the vines but that didn't stop their growth they just continued climbing from the spot he cut. He was also busy protecting himself from the barrage of leaf attacks coming from the other Bellsprout.

"I wouldn't mind a little hand you damn Pokémon"

Pidgey who was simply staring stupidly at Ethan's situation finally seemed to come back to its senses and it flew closer to the two Pokémon. Once it was in range it used gust, a small tornado formed and hit the twig Pokémon. They flinched a bit and got a few cuts but they weren't sent flying like he expected them to. He could tell that even though the tornado was small it still carried some power. After taking a closer look he noticed that their feet were sinking into the ground which was the reason that even though they flopped like crazy they rode the tornado with minor injuries.

Now that the Bellsprouts were busy he cut himself free and ran towards them. The tornado had dissipated by the time he got there, he immediately kicked one of them as hard as he could and sent it flying towards the sky. "Pidgey take care of that one would you."

He grabbed the other one by the throat or at least the area where the throat should be and slammed it into the ground and began stomping on it over and over.

'You want to go inside the ground right? then let me lend you a hand you freakin plant.'

Pidgey flew back to him struggling to carry that unmoving body of Bellsprout on its beak, "Hey you don't think we killed them, do you? Since they are plants they don't really have a pulse."

He used his food to nudge the Pokémons' heads. Both of them gave a weak reaction which meant that they were alive.

"Well, Gary said that to catch Pokémon you had to battle them first. At least this way the chances that they escape from the Pokéball are slim so I won't be wasting Pokéballs."

He threw two Pokéballs at the Pokémon and waited for the catch to be successful. Gary had already explained it to him so everything went smoothly.

"I originally wanted to catch all 5 Pokémon before going back to the city but after struggling so much to catch a pair of twigs it doesn't seem likely. I have to get these two healed and we can smoothen out our teamwork."

Pidgey seemed to agree and together the two of them traveled back to Pewter City along with their two new companions that were in his storage space.

Fun Fact:

Has anyone heard of the Yeti Crab? If not search him up. It's pretty cool how he uses the hairs on his claws to catch bacteria from deep and I mean deep underwater which is what it eats.

DemonicReader101creators' thoughts