
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · 奇幻
56 Chs

Yue Shenjian

Mu Wanqing closed her eyes, bracing herself for the inevitable plunge into the depths below. But to her surprise, the fall never came. She cautiously opened her eyes, suspicious of the sudden change, only to find herself and Song Qingshu standing on a platform jutting out from the cliff wall. Their gaze was directed upward, away from the spot they had leaped from. Rain and mist shrouded the mountains, concealing any trace of the enigma that lay there.

Aware of the intimate proximity she shared with a man she hardly knew, Mu Wanqing hastily pushed Song Qingshu away, her voice laced with awkwardness. "So, this is where you reside."

As memories of the girl with orchid-like grace and a musky fragrance flooded Song Qingshu's mind, a faint smile played upon his lips. "Indeed, and with the impending rain, it would be wise for you to accompany me."

Mu Wanqing cautiously trailed behind him. When her eyes fell upon the tombstone of King Snake Langjun, a gasp escaped her lips, her voice trembling. "Why... why is there a grave here?"

"What's the fuss about?" Song Qingshu cast her an odd glance, his tone nonchalant. "Judging by the elegance and refinement of this burial site, it seems that Golden Snake Langjun was a reclusive martial arts expert."

"Enter my gate, no misfortune or grievances," Mu Wanqing read the inscription on the wall, her voice tinged with bewilderment. "Take a look at this, it seems this elder left behind some martial arts secrets..."

"When I arrived here, not a single bird feather could be found," Song Qingshu ranted indignantly, handing Mu Wanqing a piece of dry food from his pack.

Gazing hesitantly at the substantial loaf presented before her, Mu Wanqing's womanly caution kicked in. Subconsciously, she worried that it might be laced with some form of poison. However, a rational thought struck her: she had just been rendered powerless by acupuncture, and this oaf hadn't made any suspicious moves. So, she cautiously brought the flatbread to her lips, taking small, tentative bites.

Loneliness and vulnerability gnawed at Mu Wanqing's core, driving her to break the uncomfortable silence. She fired off questions one after another, hoping to fill the void. "Gudan, what are your plans for tomorrow?"

"Treasure hunting," Song Qingshu's response caught Mu Wanqing completely off guard.

"What kind of treasure?" Mu Wanqing's surprise was palpable.

"I've heard tales of treasure hidden in Mount Hua, so I came here to seek it out. I actually stumbled upon something a few days ago," Song Qingshu mused for a moment before revealing his intentions.

"Are you referring to martial arts secrets or gold and silver treasures?" Mu Wanqing's mind raced back to the cavern and a sudden realization washed over her.

"What use are martial arts secrets if you can't eat them?" Song Qingshu responded with naivety. "I'm here in search of a bride. Rumor has it that there are celestial maidens on Mount Hua. Although you are stunningly beautiful, I thought I'd explore further and perhaps find an even more exquisite fairy-like bride."

Mu Wanqing shot him a silent glare, too weary to entertain his nonsense. She closed her eyes, seeking respite, her right hand tightly clasping the hilt of her sword, silently standing guard.

After a considerable length of time, Mu Wanqing opened her eyes to find her companion sprawled on the ground, fast asleep. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she, too, surrendered to the embrace of slumber, her confidence restored.

When she awoke the next morning, Mu Wanqing surveyed the towering cliff, several feet above her, and pondered how she would ascend. Sensing her predicament, Song Qingshu approached her. "Leave it to me," he declared.

Without hesitation, Song Qingshu encircled Mu Wanqing's slender waist, causing a momentary stiffness that gradually gave way to relaxation. He hoisted her up, using both hands and feet to scale the precipice with determination.

Initially, Mu Wanqing had harbored suspicions that her companion was a martial arts maestro masquerading as a fool. However, observing his ungainly climbing posture, reminiscent of a monkey, she couldn't help but smile, surmising that he might have grown up amidst the mountains. Perhaps this skill had been acquired by emulating the beasts of the wilderness.

Once they reached level ground, Mu Wanqing promptly pushed Song Qingshu away, adhering to her usual routine. Initially intending to depart, she found herself intrigued by the mystery of the treasure he had mentioned. With nowhere else to go, she decided to trail him, step by step.

Noting her lack of intention to leave, Song Qingshu's eyes sparkled mischievously as he teased, "Madam, it seems you can't bear to part with me."

"Utter one more nonsensical word, and I'll send a venomous arrow your way!" Mu Wanqing warned, her expression fierce. "You are forbidden from addressing me as 'lady' in the future."

"Alright, lady~" Song Qingshu agreed, grinning from ear to ear.


Their banter continued unabated as they made their way toward Huashan Yunvfeng.

Although the Huashan Qi Sect held a respectable position, their once formidable prowess had dwindled, paling in comparison to the might of Chaoyang Peak's Jianzong. The duo proceeded cautiously, shrouding their movements in secrecy, evading the notice of the Qi Sect disciples.

"Eager to press forward, are we? The Huashan School's path ahead is perched precariously over the cliff," Mu Wanqing mused, her gaze fixed on the treacherous mountain trail before them.

"The treasure lies atop that cliff! Tell me, my lady, are you afraid?" Song Qingshu playfully quizzed, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"Hmph, what is there for this girl to fear!" Mu Wanqing, always headstrong, had initially harbored reservations about the reputation of the Huashan School. However, in the face of Song Qingshu's provocation, she cast aside her concerns and forged ahead, undeterred.

The duo passed through the lengthy sky plank road until they reached the pinnacle of the contemplation cliff. Three sides of the cliff were sheer drops, while the remaining side was adorned with a mountain wall, featuring a cave. Once a secluded retreat for the esteemed masters of Huashan, it had gradually transformed into a place for disciplinary contemplation, left desolate throughout the year.

"I suppose Linghu Chong was the last visitor here," Song Qingshu pondered. "Among the protagonists, Linghu Chong is rather exceptional. Although he mastered the Dugu Nine Swords, the Five Sacred Mountains' swordsmanship should remain intact within the cave."

Having realized that he couldn't contend with the protagonist's destiny, Song Qingshu had relinquished all the unique skills of the original main character. Yet, there were numerous martial arts techniques in the book that the protagonist had never monopolized, such as the Five Sacred Mountains' swordsmanship, which was etched within the cliffs.

"Curious, what do you accomplish with a wooden sword all day long?" Mu Wanqing inquired, noticing the slender wooden sword on Song Qingshu's back. With her limited knowledge, she couldn't fathom the absence of a formidable blade, assuming it to be a mere plaything.

"My lady, for the sake of perfecting my swordsmanship, I have long discarded the use of sharp blades," Song Qingshu responded, his tone smug.

"I couldn't care less," Mu Wanqing retorted. Over the past couple of days, she had grown accustomed to his incessant boasting, paying him no mind.

Although Song Qingshu harbored a firm belief in his own speculation, he had yet to witness those sword techniques with his own eyes. As they entered the cave, he scrutinized the markings on the wall, soon discovering a loose stone concealed behind a vine-covered tree.

With a gentle palm strike, Song Qingshu dislodged the rock, allowing him to bend down and enter.

"Oh!" Mu Wanqing's heart clenched at the sight of scattered bones strewn across the floor, instinctively tightening her grip on the sword.

"I had anticipated some treasure, but all I find are crude villainous drawings," Song Qingshu grumbled, feigning disappointment. Yet, his eyes swiftly scanned the array of sword techniques depicted on the wall.

"You foolish fool! These are undoubtedly extraordinarily brilliant sword techniques," Mu Wanqing exclaimed, gazing up and observing the Five Sacred Mountains' sword technique and its various intricate maneuvers etched upon the wall.

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