
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · 奇幻
56 Chs


Shui Sheng's complexion turned ashen with fear. As the alleged Pojia Prefect and the magistrate of Miemen County, her father held a modest reputation in the martial arts. However, if the court truly had ill intentions towards the Shui family, their future would be in jeopardy.

Song Qingshu was equally dumbfounded. He had assumed that Wei Xiaobao, being driven by greed and a fear of death, would yield to the situation and release Shui Sheng. Little did he anticipate this cunning maneuver.

Observing Shui Sheng's terrified state, Wei Xiaobao chuckled and shifted the topic. "However, if you become Brother Song's maidservant, the authorities will spare your Shui family due to Brother Song's influence and the burden of guilt will be lifted. The choice lies in your hands."

Shui Sheng's face contorted with uncertainty, and finally, she gritted her teeth and reluctantly uttered, "I will become a maidservant."

"Excellent," Wei Xiaobao expressed his satisfaction to Song Qingshu. "Brother Song, let us continue our revelry."

Song Qingshu cast a wry smile at Shui Sheng before joining Wei Xiaobao in their drinking.

That night, the group sought respite at Yuhua Pavilion. Concerned for Wei Xiaobao's safety within their jurisdiction, the local prefect arranged for the pavilion to be exclusively reserved for their mission, with a heavy contingent guarding the perimeter as a precaution against potential assassins.

Upon Song Qingshu's slightly inebriated return to the room, he discovered that Shui Sheng had been rendered immobile by acupressure. She sat silently on the bed, her gaze filled with fear and vulnerability.

"Zhang Kangnian's lackeys may lack martial skills, but they are certainly thoughtful," Song Qingshu remarked, realizing that this must be the handiwork of Zhang Kangnian and Zhao Qixian.

"How charming of you to come and warm my bed," Song Qingshu sat down at the table in the center of the room, pouring himself a cup of tea. After taking a sip, his expression suddenly turned sinister.

"You wretched thief!" Shui Sheng glared at him with intense bitterness.

Song Qingshu laughed, rising from his seat and approaching Shui Sheng. As he sat down, he noticed a subtle tremor running through her body. "Oh, how foolish you women are. Your resistance only fuels a man's desire to conquer, rather than alleviating pain or discomfort."

Under the influence of alcohol, Song Qingshu extended his hand and caressed Shui Sheng's cheek. The smoothness and softness of her skin were undeniably alluring.

"Ah!" Shui Sheng exclaimed, her voice filled with panic. "Don't touch me!"

Song Qingshu was taken aback, momentarily sobering up. He wondered what was wrong with him—had his abstinence from physical intimacy for too long affected his judgment?

Yet, as he observed the beautiful woman sitting on the bed, offering no resistance, his gaze drawn to her slender legs that were surprisingly well-formed despite her frequent horseback riding, a sinister impulse seemed to stir within him. It was as if a mischievous devil within his heart screamed, urging him to seize her, overpower her, tear at her garments, and revel in her...

Sensing a peculiar surge in his body, Song Qingshu quickly sprang up from his seat, retreating back to the chair in the center of the room.

He had no intention of committing any acts of impropriety, but he had just overheard rumors of a formidable master breaking through the layers of officers and soldiers outside and infiltrating Yuhua Pavilion.

To calm his agitated state and prepare for the impending threat, Song Qingshu poured himself another cup of tea. He glanced back at Shui Sheng, who appeared relieved after narrowly escaping danger, and said, "Miss Water, there is no need to be afraid of me, in fact..."

Shui Sheng turned her head, ignoring him, seething with anger. How could she not be afraid, after witnessing the desire in his eyes just moments ago?

"Miss Water, I am in a generous mood today. Allow me to enlighten you on a method to protect your innocence. Will you listen?" Song Qingshu sighed, realizing that the persistent arousal in his nether regions demanded attention. He had no choice but to resort to an unorthodox approach.

Though skeptical of his intentions, Shui Sheng turned her head curiously. "What method?"

"The next time an assailant attempts to disrobe you, seize the opportune moment to pull out a... certain appendage. It is highly likely that such an act would quell their desires," Song Qingshu suggested, relieved that the unwelcome sensation had finally subsided.


A wave of nausea washed over Shui Sheng, causing her to retch and glare at Song Qingshu with profound bitterness. "Disgusting, repulsive, shameless..."

"In the following events, the choice between preserving your image or your innocence lies entirely in your hands, Miss Water," Song Qingshu chuckled, picking up a wooden sword and approaching the window. He pushed it open, peering into the darkness outside.

There, he beheld a graceful figure, its contours indicating a young woman's presence.

"Who could possess such graceful martial skills?" Song Qingshu pondered, examining the scene before him.

The woman moved with remarkable agility, landing soundlessly without betraying even the faintest hint of her arrival. Had it not been for Song Qingshu's heightened internal power, he would have failed to detect such subtle movements.

In a sudden twist, the veil of darkness dispersed, allowing a radiant beam of moonlight to illuminate half of the woman's face. Song Qingshu found himself captivated by her bright, shining eyes and her ethereal beauty, her complexion fair and radiant.

"From the heavens, descending upon the mortal realm!" Song Qingshu muttered in astonishment, contemplating, "Could it be a celestial being gracing us with her presence?"

However, Song Qingshu swiftly dismissed the notion as he witnessed the woman, akin to a fairy-like figure, stealthily making her way towards Wei Xiaobao's resting place. With each move, she dispatched the guards effortlessly, her strikes swift and merciless, leaving them incapacitated with a single stroke of her sword.

"Such ruthlessness!" Song Qingshu exclaimed, marveling at her audacity. As she approached Wei Xiaobao's room, Song Qingshu swiftly channeled his inner strength, delivering a forceful blow to the hilt of his wooden sword.

Just as the woman was about to breach the room, she heard the piercing sound of the air being sliced, causing her to swiftly turn back and retreat three paces.

Observing Song Qingshu emerging from the house, and noticing the wooden sword deeply embedded in the pillar, the woman's expression turned solemn.

"The moon brings forth a maiden, resembling a fairy-like being, adorned with exquisite beauty..." Song Qingshu's shock was interrupted as a poisonous needle whizzed towards him. Reacting swiftly, he leapt into the air, soaring several meters to evade the attack.

Before Song Qingshu could fully regain his composure, the woman had already closed in, her eyes fierce and her sword, razor-thin and relentless, piercing several sizable openings in Song Qingshu's lower body.

Having mastered the Five-Mountain Swordsmanship and defying convention with his unconventional techniques, having even contested the renowned sword sage Feng Qingyang, Song Qingshu's swordsmanship had indeed reached the level of a master. Seeing the woman's ferocious swordplay, he could discern traces of familiarity.

Drawing upon his inner energy, Song Qingshu's Dantian sank, propelling him into a mid-air frenzy, employing the "Dragon's Tail Wagging" technique from the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, his toes delivering a forceful strike towards the woman's arms. However, Song Qingshu deliberately restrained his strength, not wanting to inflict excessive harm upon an opponent he believed to be a fellow disciple.

To his astonishment, the woman skillfully intercepted Song Qingshu's kick with her left hand, defying the laws of angles and physics.

Song Qingshu was taken aback. With his profound understanding of swordsmanship, he had executed his kicks with impeccable timing and precision. He had anticipated that his opponent would relinquish her sword, but he never expected her to possess such extraordinary evasive abilities.

Nevertheless, while the woman managed to neutralize Song Qingshu's onslaught, the recoil from their clash forced her back into the courtyard. By this time, the guards had been alerted and promptly drew their swords, encircling the woman.

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