
Chapter 336

"That is why we are safe guarding it against being stolen in order to avoid such sacrifice by any Immortal."


"Even without being stolen, Back then an immortal sacrifice his life to get it so as to save others from giving their life. He was a good leader showing good examples. He actually thought he was powerful enough to withstand the heat of the volcano and decided to give it a trial. Though he was the most powerful then. Pride took the best of him. It filled his heart that he couldn't see the danger in it and then went ahead to sacrifice for everyone saving others the stress of getting it.

He was the ruler and never gave in to any suggestion from his subordinate. He was the first to try it out.we tried all we could to stop him but couldn't.So sad..he never showed up afterwards till date."

"Wow.. that is so bad and painful."

"Of course it is. Knowing that no one steals the book and remain alive. We safeguarded it with peace in our heart because it cannot be stolen away from the mountain"

Hearing this, he got surprised because no one will put something precious as the precious stone into a volcano where no one can reach. Not even the immortal and the greatest ones. Such kept pinching his heart to ask so as to get answers to his questions"

"Why then is the precious stone placed in a volcano?" The Old man questioned, The volcano was nothing to someone who could control fire. Though there were cases where by a Fire dragon's breath could formed precious gems just like when a Volcano erupts new life rocks are formed.

"We know you will ask such question. Knowing how precious the precious stone was. You should know that no one in his or her right senses will place the precious stone down into a volcano ."

Hearing this the old man was confused, his focused so much on the earth has made him lost many vital information. Anyways he never cared about all this, his own plans were much more important "Ok..so tell me"

"The volcano existed then as a result of our decision. We are not as strong as the Greatest Fire dragon, but we had made it together. The Golden stone is a mighty stone that no one can take up,not even if we all combine our power as one. No great one in this mountain can pick up the Golden stone because it is a future and past stone that reveals answers to question.With the mighty stone in our midst, there will be no question and when there's no one to ask questions, the world would be terrorized. It will give answers to individual if meant for individuals and collectively if necessary but everyone would want to own the stone, some would go to an extent that they would kill for it. The Golden stone can never have a master, and when there's bloodshed over it. It would disappear and be out if existence, we wouldn't want that to happen" 

"You should know that the precious stone found its way down to the volcano. That happened as a result of our departure from the light mountain when we figured out ways to erase the trace of evil immortals. We never knew such would come to place. It was the least we expected would happen. We knew that with the golden stone by us all will be fine. " they continued


"It was after our separation that a volcano erupted. We had made it in a way that it only retains fire but not to erupt. But doing the eruption, the Golden stone planted itself inside."

"Won't it get destroyed by melting away?" He asked, since they had mentioned it, though their breath of fire was not as strong as the old dragon but when combined it should be worth about 20 percent of the greatest dragon's breath. And that is a lot containing a terrible degree.

"Haha, just like the book of confused characters. it is strong and cannot be destroyed. It has been made to resist all elements"


"Indeed. At that instant,the ground began to shake and boil forming a volcano right at the point where the Golden stone was placed even while noticed, no one could hinder it from sinking into the volcano neither hindering the volcano from taking it in. Though, we never regretted splitting despite knowing that we lost the Golden stone."they explained, it was rare for their old master to be so inquisitive.

"Really that is quite a serious scenario"

"It is. That Golden stone was the answer to every question of ours in the mountains and the world at large. It also has another title 'The Golden Eye'. When we were at the light mountain, no one ever have question to ask because the Golden stone was an answer to all questions. It's so unfortunate that we experience it no more.It happened as a result of our separation.We don't know of we should tern it as the greatest punishment we faced or..what destiny has designed so as to make us independent.It could also be a way to get our successor though we never regretted it" They repeated 

"(Sigh) no one ever mention that to me." He said with amusement 

"No one will ever mention it to you It is a secret we never told anyone except those who witnessed it that is we the Heavenly bodies. And Old master don't forget you've left over a thousand years and many things has been born after your departure, so there are a lot of things you don't know about"

"Umm, Isee, Guess I'll be going back to earth to help with the search. We will surely get the book back to its position "The Old man assured them.


(On Earth)

Having watched enough scene they were convinced and pleased that it was all in control by the guards who were sent down insearch of the missing book if confused characters. The entire scene was like a movie that should never end because watching them carry out their smart plans was one amazing feature of the scene. It built more cause to act smart.

At a point, it seemed they've to stay all day watching while to some point, they felt that they've had enough of the scene and just want to get out of that era that way.

They won't have to get amazed by what can never be in their position.They both decided to make themselves useful for their mission in order to save time comparing the duration of time it will take the guards to locate it , which might not take up a full day to get it finished. It was quite a challenge at that moment. But they couldn't do what they were in no position to do.That way, they gave up. Elyrex who was filled with ideas had to keep them to himself, he was already getting himself into big trouble with his friend Blaine.

Elyrex and Blaine left for their mission as they concluded that their help won't be needed due to how much they have witnessed knowing that the agent possess more power and they could fend fir themselves. They wouldn't need a helping hand. Rather than spending more time helping them, they rather invest their powers to make out their own research for their mission.

(At Recca's apartment)

"Desire..I hope they find him soon and get the suitcase so we won't miss the Train. But you know what? I suddenly like the name Desire, it would make the old man get so purple" Lily said chuckling

She has no one to talk to than the little boy because she was left alone with the little boy in the apartment.Sam had left for the station while Recca and Sammy left for Wilfred's work and home place. Nanny Nina was already getting herself busy with some chores all she had now was the little boy in her arms who still had his eyes closed. This is a normal state for new Borns, it is assumed that when they were still in the womb the whole place was dark. 

Now coming into the world they would have difficulty adjusting to the bright light. The little boy was not ready yet to see the way the wirkd looks like, but maybe after a week or two he would have to steal a peep.


(On their way to Wilfred's place)

"Sammy, this is the exact spot where I and Wilfred Met. Over there there is the organisation where he works "Recca said while she point towards a building.

'Ok let's head into the organisation we hope to meet him."Sammy said with a sigh.

While they discussed… Wilfred cited them from afar. He couldn't figure out whom they was until he moved closer of which he was able to recognize them. Knowing that it was Sammy and Recca, he decided to say hi to then being that he was happy seeing them and also hoping that Recca has come back to sort things out with him.

"Hey Recca" Wilfred called from afar with a smile. This disgusted Sammy so much, earlier at the hospital this was sthe same man who had ran after his wife to try to settle things with her but now just by reading his thoughts he was disappointed.

Turning back to take a look at who it was. Recca saw that it was Wilfred who had called from behind, it seems he called somewhere else before reaching the organisation


She had a bright smile because she was happy they met him ontime. But Wilfred misunderstood this smile.

"Hey Sammy, you are here too." He said talking to him like he was an old friend 

"Of course I am" Sammy said with a tight frown, thank goodness he wasn't a human being. Because sometimes he was disgusted at the kind of personality they have 

"what is the urgency that you both have come here?"

"Well..Wilfred you are the urgency we've come to take you"

"Pardon? What do you mean by I am the urgency? How could that be possible? What did I do?"

"Yes Wilfred you are the urgency because you have what we need urgently"

"Ok and what's that urgency"

"Do you recognise this suitcase I am carrying ?" Sammy questioned

"Of course, that is my suitcase. I recall holding it back home when I left the room"

"Sure I am surprised you have my suitcase with you knowing that I held it on my way back home then from the hospital"Wilfred said looking surprised

Sammy was surprised to here this, Wilfred was just a Human how could he have carried his suitcase which weighed a lot? Though looking at Wilfred he could tell he was a body builder but even at that it should be so heavy, except maybe if there's another explanation for it "Okay can you tell me where the suitcase is right now?"

"My suitcase is at home"

"Ok..tell me, If your suitcase is at home why then are you here at the office without it? And who's Suitcase would this be? "Sammy questioned.

" Well, after leaving Reccas pat the hospital I head home immediately because I couldn't concentrate, we all know what had happened no need for long details. But reaching home, checked my suitcase and found some documents of which i didn't recall keeping any file in my suite case and a lot of books as well. So I knew it will be from the organisation which was mistakenly placed in my bag by me even though I don't seem to recall handling any file."

"Oh, Okay is that so?."

"yep, I never intend coming to the office today because I have a lot to take care of but I had to because of those files in my bag. I couldn't figure it out by myself so I head to the office because if there was no other field where I could suspect the file came from. It could only be one of my director's files which I mistakenly placed into my bag so I had to rush down to the office to hand it over to him to avoid him searching for it

"Ok then,did you open the files to check what is in it? "

"Of course not. it's none of my business .I couldn't meddle with what wasn't my business not like other people who would meddle into other people's lives. Without wasting much time, I just had to run down to the office to hand it over in time so that I won't get query"

"Ok..Wilfred, they are mine and this suitcase I am holding right here belongs to you"Sammy said with all seriousness stretching for his hands showing off the other suitcase he held with him.

"Pardon? why did you have to keep your files in my bag without telling me about it? You shouldn't have done that.You would have made a fool out of me if I had gone into the organization"

"What a Dumb ass! You are blind to see that the two suitcase are identical? You were the one who had taken it from the hospital. I should be talking about that but I am not, so be reasonable." Sammy said in his thoughts, he had tight a frown on his face. What a fool! He felt like slapping or even killing the man before him. His thoughts were just disgusting. "We must have exchanged the suitcases, you picked mine while I picked yours" Sammy said 

"That's a wrong doing you know,you can also tell right from wrong too since you're no kid. Anyway, there is no problem at all just had over his suitcase " Recca chipped in

"Really? It was all my mistake? How am I not sure he intentionally took away my suitcase?"

"Wilfred will you just shut up didn't you hear him explain? He Just spoke to you about it and it seems you are deaf and you didn't listen to his explanation before you talk rubbish"Recca said sounding Angry. She suddenly became defensive, she didn't like such an indirect insult. If they had intentionally carried his baseless bag what was the essence of returning it? What rubbish!

Hearing Reccaa shut him up, he remained silent knowing that she won't speak in such a manner if it wasn't something he ought to listen to. He also knows that it will either be a good a bad cause. Speaking on behalf of Sammy and also being his accompany also signify that something is going on because Recca has said she never want to see him again so it broke his heart knowing that she wasn't there for him but for the file.

"I would explain one more time, so it wouldn't look like I am pushing all the balmes to you" Sammy said

"Ok I am all ears"Wilfred replied

"I'm sorry I noticed this late but we both have same suitcase"

"same suitcases? How possible is that?"

"You don't believe me? I recalled keeping my suitcase beside the bed. Going to take it but I was surprised to see it by the wall side. And I didn't notice on time because Mike had carried it."




"It's now your turn to explain, why did you pick something that wasn't yours?" Recca said facing Wilfred with a glare.

"As at then, I wasn't mindful of it at all because I know that probably someone could have placed it there away from where I kept it. And everything happened so fast with Stella and the kids so I didn't know. It's not like I would intentionally carry what isn't mine "