
Chapter 325


“(Smiles) I knew I will get detailed information from Recca.You are a darling”Lilly said to Recca knowing fully that Recca is so full of herself. She felt this was a story containing only 'half Truth '

She would love to be praised to function appropriately like.It is something they have all figured out.

 “So tell me, Are you married?”Lilly questioned strictly

“(Smiles) Why such a question?Are you here for me or Recca and the baby?”He questioned back. Looking at Lily he was surprised she had such a grown up young man as her grandson. But he didn't mind too much about it. There were some places where they do give out their daughters at an early stage for marriage. Lily was looking like a woman in her 30's so he felt she wouldn't be far older than him. What she just had as an advantage to him was the fact that she git married gery early but he was sure her husband would be far older than she was. He could be in his 70's if possible. He was lucky Lily had no intention reading his thoughts, he would have been in big trouble.

This only confirms Lily's suspicions.

This question was shocking to him.It was like someone have come to uncover what he was keeping away from Recca.It shook his body and caused him to shiver taking long to give a reply.It seems he was afraid of telling the truth to Recca’s hearing.He has indeed fallen for Recca despite being a married man with kids.

Most times you shouldn’t blame individuals for falling in love at the wrong time,with the wrong person and for the wrong reason but ask love the reason it placed itself in a direction that isn’t needed and will never be. Love is a ruler of its own, love can never be wrong. If you check the whole stuff deeply, you would either find two occasions: first; maybe he married a woman he wasn't in love with or second; all he had for Recca was Lust and not Love.

You may not know that love has reasons for all it does in human lives which is a ‘one time experience' Such experience tends to be a great tool, more like a powerful weapon.

“Why not answer the question asked to you?”Recca questioned, she was no dummy, she could tell he was avoiding the question.

His silence became annoying and unbearable that could raise suspicion.That was all she was trying to avoid, she had just cooked up a convincing story and the guy wanted to spoil the whole fun. She was also anxious to know his present lifestyle entirely.

She has her own dreams which never had Wilfred in the picture.Making him speak out was the best she could do because she was becoming impatient and wouldn’t like to show him the other side of her at such an early stage. He will hate her forever if possible.Her delivery wasn't an easy one.She has been in labour for quite a long time.She ought to calm her nerves and avoid speaking beyond the actual range.

Looking at how restless Recca was to hear his reply, he became weak.His love for her had detected her restless state.The look on her face, her facial expression…all were detected. Hurting her was the least he ever imagined.He felt that securing her from hurt would pay and put smiles on her face. If he did give a sincere reply he would lose her forever. Unknowingly to him, she was never his, she never liked him nor to the point of loving him. He wasn't aware that Recca had been making use of him for a very long time. 

Who was Recca to him? These two went to the same college and even grew in the same neighborhood but why hide it? That's because Recca didn't want anyone to find out about her past life. Because of this her family had to relocate to another state. This was how they lost each other's contact but part of the story about meeting up in the hospital is true. And seeing her the spark Wilfred had for her years back sparked up again but this time it was far stronger than he had imagined. He didn't even care about her being pregnant.

By the look on his face, Recca could tell he was ready to give answers to Lily.She gave a smile in return.Yet prayed he was a married man since she couldn’t predict knowing that he never said a word to her about it.Seeing her smiles got him happy and ready for action in order to please her.All he wanted was to put a smile on her face and make her happy.Hurting her is more of a forbidden part of him.It seems he was being remoted like an antenna seeking for signal or a robot which was never in place.Love is the remote to it. Have this in mind: Love and emotion seem like one piece but they work differently. People think they are one and the same thing and that they work in the same way but the truth is that they don't. Emotions can be put under control but Love can't. The initial stage of Love comes from one's emotions but when Love matures it breaks all ties with emotions.

That is how love tends to treat someone.That emotion works like magic.Love alone carries lots of gifts in it such as peace, joy, happiness, satisfaction, strength and so on.That is the power of love. At times it works in disguise.

Taking a deep breath, he gathered some courage.

“What sort of question is this? Seems you are no ordinary beings.You came out of nowhere to ask me such a question? Isn't there any other question you want to ask me ”

“No there isn't. Answer the question”Lily insisted

“Do I look like a married man to you?Can you see any ring on my finger?”He questioned using showing his fingers and using the ring as a prove knowing he pulled it off after his encounter with Recca.

Sammy by this time was at the door. Recca and Wilfred were too busy to take notice of him but even without having to turn to take a look Lily knew her grandson was back. And just like that she also knew he brought Mike along with him. Just as expected she knew he would go back to find things out and make sure things were okay up the hill mansion.

Hearing this, Recca became restless and the anger in Sammy grew stronger, what kind human being was this Wilfred? He had no conscience at all. Though he wasn't married yet he knew denying being married is a sin, a big one. If they were mere humans it would have been easy to convince them with such rubbish and baseless speech. But Wilfred didn't know what he had gotten himself into. 

He felt like strangling Wilfred at that moment.The jovial Sammy had an entire opposite of himself. The Aura around him immediately changed, Sammy was giving himself away. Sammy didn't notice this at all, at such a point nobody would pacify him, he would change drastically and kill if he had to. He hated such men the most and took it upon himself to have them wiped off from the face of the earth. He felt that he would be doing God and other humans a big favor, at least being dead, he would have no other fellow human to deceive. But if this world was ruled in such a manner, who would survive?

Lilly could tell where such hatred came from; she had to talk him out of it. In another way, she was proud of him.Without falling in love or experiencing love,He could tell the wrong in a relationship.He could see how much hurt Wilfred is causing to his wife and also his innocent kids.

While she looked at him,she had a warm smile on her face.It was quite enticing which Sammy never noticed. He was focused on killing the fool one way or another. Lily kept looking towards his direction, her warm look could help lessen the hate.

As soon as he did he calmed down knowing what she meant, she knew he wouldn't accept a mind link connection now so this was the best move. After he was calm his grandmother connected to him through the mind link "You wouldn't want to kill this man would you"

"It would be my pleasure to end his miserable life," he admitted.

"I know, he deserves worse but that lady would become an early widow and those kids imagine what would happen to them"

"He's better off dead, if he dies he would still be the best father and husband in their eyes but if he doesn't he would break their heart Into pieces"

"I know that darling, but we shouldn't be the cause of their grief. Why not I strike a deal with you? That way you would not feel I am defending him."

"What deal?"

"Good, if he is repentant he lives but if he isn't you can end his life. Grandma wouldn't stop you, is that a good deal?"

"It is, Deal"Sammy said and immediately cut off the link. Sammy was indeed very curious to know how his grandmother would solve this case. He had a feeling that he would be the winner and at the end he would become the soul reaper.

“ Wilfred…If we are to trace this carefully, we can tell that this young man has a wife and three kids' 'She spoke out loud looking at Recca. The newborn was sleeping soundly in her arms, she keit cuddling him with care since he was still very tiny as she spoke to Recca and Wilfred. She just prays that the young man comes out clean or else he would have to die. She pitied him; currently his life is hanging on a thin thread.

Hearing this, There was this calmness and warmth Recca felt within, both Sammy and Lily sensed it. Sam on the other hand, was already so bored, what he was waiting for were strict instructions where he would have to bundle Wilfred out. He preferred merciless actions. Then he was worried about his son but now sensing his presence he felt comfortable. He had a lot of questions to ask him but now wasn't the right time.

She couldn't show her excitement before Wilfred, rather she planned to make Wilfred feel appreciated for all he has done for her.She put on a moody look in pretence.Though..She hasn't heard from the horse’s mouth. Concluding things will happen to be worse if it was never true.

“Granny won’t lie anyways”She convinced herself within her thoughts. 

”You….”Recca Stutters 

Granny could understand what game she was about playing at the moment.Being in such state is quite relatable.Of course even as friends not mentioning one’s personal life and keeping secrets hurts.This could be the way Wilfred will feel if she never showed appreciation of all the love and care he showed her.That was the hurt she was trying to form up to make it a complete story because she was never touched by it. Sometimes you don't have to read someone's mind just looking at their body language is very much enough.

Wilfred was surprise hearing that from her knowing no one have an idea about his family. It was something he never made mention of. Even his close friends he had here knew nothing about it.

His heart became heavy and caused nothing but fear. Wilfred felt strange hearing a secret he kept spilling out of Lily's mouth he fully knows that after his relocation for a job which he went alone in an entirely different place leaving his family behind,he never mentioned anything about his lifestyle to anyone not even those he called friends.It was indeed a shock to him. Something inside him told him, she could just be guessing. He knows of the fact that she knows nothing about him.

“Could it be that Stella is now broadcasting the so-called marriage to the world?”He questioned himself knowing that Stella has been married to him for quite some time. But since then she haven't done anything contrary to her love and care.Stella is the name of the pregnant woman Lily had met in the train then, his wife.The look on his face suddenly change putting on the look of a violent man.They could all predict by his facial expression,that was more of an answer to the question asked. "Who on earth told you that?" Wilfred said coldly in his thoughts 

They all watched closely and noticed that the question Lily asked got him angry.Lily could tell he had his wife to blame.Such anger was generated would only result in a worse situation. She just wanted to hear his reply, would he accept it or maybe deny the whole thing.

“No one said anything to anyone”Sammy broke silence.He could read Wilfred’s thoughts and then noticed he was trying to find some fault in his wife."

With a glare at Sammy, Wilfred paid less attention to him for the first time.Looking at him to his face he could see a lion ready to devour right in front of him which calmed him down. He didn't know what it was but he felt a killing intent in the way Sammy looked at him.

He wondered how possible it was for one to make one’s mind transparent in order to see and read through it.

“Now listen..I have no idea of what you are talking about.As said earlier…I am not a married man.''He replied, walking towards the baby in Lily's arms to play with him. He had an indifferent look on his face like he really knew nothing about what they were talking about.

"Recca..believe me. Not for once have I made secret calls and many fishy stuffs” Wilfred explained further in a low tone and an innocent face. This is how a guilty conscience works, it sells you out even without your knowledge. Nobody spoke about secret calls and many fishy stuffs, it's already clear that his conscience is doing a very good job letting things out. Wilfred immediately realized this and decided to keep his mouth shut. The statement he had just made a while ago, makes no sense at all. Instead it made him look guilty of what he is being charged with. 

Hearing this…Recca shook her head in surprise wondering what action to carry out next.It was quite difficult to tell if he was lying or not.It was a polished lie in disguise which no one was willing to believe not even himself.

Recca turned her face looking away from his direction.She was speechless at the moment and preferred to think through on what to do. The baby boy was asleep already which gave them more cause to focus on their discussion without interruption. Lily approached the little soft bed and placed him on it. She couldn't explain her feelings at all, such a man could never be repentant. What a great pity! She felt sorry for his family and not for him at all, just for the sake of the little cute children she had seen with the pregnant beautiful lady she decided to give him another chance.

“All I need from you is a simple answer.Are you married? Yes or no? You don't have to stress yourself compiling some long sentences. Answer a simple question with a yes or no.” Lily said paying more attention to him. 'Littke boy your life is on the line, be truthful to yourself and save yourself ' Lily said in a tone only she would hear.