
Chapter 318

" I wouldn't miss this for the world, I just went to patch myself up before I bleed to death" he said in a strange tune. This was Normal, after all he had sealed his nose. Lee was wondering how he was still standing before them alive, how was he breathing?

(Smirks) "So that stops you from bleeding?" Joey said pointing to the bandage he had wrapped his nose 

"Shhh, you all are disturbing me. If it doesn't stop the bleeding at least it would soak some blood and that saves me the stress of having to clean the whole mess. It wouldn't be nice having my blood stains all over the place. So tell me what did I miss?" Adams said, rushing at Joay to sit beside him.

(Laughing) "Damn, you missed a lot" Strings said trying to explained the past event he had missed

(Looking surprised) "Don't Tell me you're about to answer such a question?" Joey said, looking at Strings strangely.

"Yes of course, this fellow missed a lot. Having him bleed to death would be a joyous scene. So as I was saying to the old man…" Strings began to explain everything, just as expected Adams started sulking and bleeding at the same time. "It's so touching, such a love story would win me a very big award" he said at the verge of tears. He was really crying, like a child who has been spank on the butt.

Strings then explained the expression Kent had on his face the whole time. "No wonder he asked such a boring question about love" Adams said, wiping off his tears and prouting.

"Kent, you know you study abroad and have travelled to many countries. I have a question, who was the lady that broke that heart of yours" Adams said, adjusting his soaked bloody bandage. The old couple were busy on the call, he had heard enough. Now it was time to ask Kent the story of his love life. All he got was 'No response ' by this time the old man had already excused himself, he was heading to the sitting room.

"If a pretty little girl didn't break your heart then tell me, (pauses for a second) why would you ask such a question about Love?" Adams said, placing his head on his palms. He was already feeling dizzy from all the bleeding, so raising his head up a little made him feel better.

Hearing this question, Lee, Joey and Strings turned to look at Kent, everything did make sense. For someone to hate love with so much passion he must have gone through a terrible experience with a lady. They have never thought about such a thing, Adams was always the sensible one when it comes to asking important questions.


"Why are the rest of you smiling at me over my own question?How pleasing is it?Would you all keep your Faces off my face and stop the smiles? Kent said with a frown. Adams always had his ways of making him the centre of attraction. He wasn't going to answer such a question even if they had to flog him to death. To kill a question the best way is to ask another question. "So can nobody knows what love is all about?' he asked seriously

They were all "Speechless "

They all couldn't figure out how to explain love to Kent anymore. Series of times, they've done their best by educating him about love.They have gone to the extent of preaching love to him.But Kent never seems to understand Love as a whole. It seems he sees Love as something impossible, something that only exists for those who are lucky.

At the end of grandpas call with Lily.Both of them had a beautiful look on his face.It was like they have finally agreed to marry themselves like the days of their fresh love life.

Seeing Grandpa's mood and facial expression ..they could all tell that everything was settled between them. They didn't have to ask him, his working steps were 


Back at Lily's Lodge

Lily stayed long on the cell with grandpa.Long enough that dinner was ready.While Lily speak with grandpa on the cell ..Sammy watched closely to notice her reaction if things will go well or not.From her reaction he could tell that it's going well through their conversation and targeted the time she will end the call.

"Someone is smiling..it seems like everything is settled between you two" Sammy said with a smile on his face immediately after Lily ended the call with Grandpa.Lily got frightened as he bumped up to her in question.It appeared just as he had expected it would be.He knows he will be the one to carry the weight if they never settled just as it is said that..'When two elephants are fighting,the grass suffers' he is the grass in this case.Recalling how his grandpa tortured him back them when granny was out of the mansion..thst alone made him pray for a reunion because he was never ready for face something of sort again.Sammy couldn't wait for her to give the good news to him and Sam but ran down to the sitting room to fetch the news himself.

"Of course Sammy..everything is settled between us.He has accepted his fault and pleaded to be forgiven" Lily said with a smile on her face looking happy and overwhelmed.It was like she woke up from a beautiful dream she never wanted to end. Thinking deeply she recalled the old man telling her about Kent and his friend's arrival, she was yet to tell Sammy about his brother falling into a deep slumber, but since he was already awake she felt there was no need telling him about it. Now she had a light heart and her thoughts were lighter. She felt like tons of loads had been dropped down .

"For the first time..I and the old man had a serious quarrel" she said with a long sigh, this was a fact, during their marriage this was actually the First fight they had that took a lot of time and energy to settle.

"Not true Granny,Don't forget you both quarreled before leaving the mansion for so long"

"You won't understand.We both can tell.It is our world of love Sammy. We know better" His grandmother said with a smile. She was indeed pleased and felt less burdened.


"Share the good news with me young Master, finally there's a bright smile on Madam's face.."Sam spoke out from the kitchen while serving dinner into a flask which will be used at the dining room to serve himself and still setting aside some for himself. His Madam had left this job to him while she was busy making the love calls with her husband.

"Sure..you wouldn't be left out. You're right, Grandma knows smiles differently"Sammy replied

"Well..Granny.. dinner is ready"

"Really?" Lily said, looking amazed. She had totally forgotten about the whole thing, she had left the food in the fire. Andthe call she took was indeed a long one. If Sam wasn't there it would have gotten burnt and all her effort would be wasted.

"Not long after I left the kitchen and the food was ready?"

"(Laughs) Not long you left the kitchen? Grandma, are you daydreaming? Of course the food would be ready. We weren't cooking stones were we? And I am famished"

"No .But did I take long on the cell with your grandpa?"

"You did.You've been on that call for over an hour Grandma. You don't need anyone to tell you before you know you did"

"Yet it felt like a minute.I can see..Since dinner is ready..I can tell..i took quite a long time on the cell with your grandpa"she said chuckling. It was really like a minute to her. Now she was already missing him.

"Granny…enough of the discussion, let's go and have dinner" Sammy said dragging granny to the dining room

"Oh my…let me serve you dinner myself"Granny said while she took a turn heading back to the kitchen to meet Sam.There…Sammy gave the update about Lily and grandpa to Sam as Lily had explained it to him.

Granny and Sammy both went back to the kitchen to assist Sam with bringing the dishes down to the dining room. Since Lily prepared a lot of dishes, she really had her grandson in mind and wanted him to eat healthy.

Reaching the dining room with the dishes Lily served Sammy and was about to serve Sam too while Sam was on his way back towards the sitting room to find his way back to the kitchen.He has set aside his own dish to eat at the sitting room.

"Sam..where are you off to?"Lily asked


"No, not you Sam..your twin.Sam..where are you off to?"She questioned again

"(Smiles) I am off to the kitchen to take my food"

"What food? Isn't this the food we prepared?"She said while pointing at the food she served Sammy.

"I have dished mine separately from that in the bowl"

"Why?"She asked, looking surprised.

"Poisoned?"Sammy asked looking closely at his dish.

"impossible.I wanted it to cool a little before I return from the dining room"Sam lied

"Ok..hurry up..get your food and come over"

Sam walked into the kitchen and sighed.He couldn't believe he lied to Lily but have no other option.He couldn't tell them he can't eat with them in the dining room.He got the food and was heading towards the sitting room to have dinner

"Sam…the dining room is over here. Where are you heading to?"

Grandma could sight Sam because the glass that demarcated the sitting room and dining room was widely opened 

"Why? Is it that the seats here in the dining room aren't enough to take the three of us to have dinner together?''She said pointing at the two remnant chairs trying to understand Sam's point.

"(Smiles) no ma'am.. it's enough"

"Oh …let me guess,He don't want to have dinner with us"Sammy said with a funny look on his face

"Not really,I am not used to having dinner on same table with my Master"Sam replied knowing he was never used to it at the mansion

"Have a seat"

"Ma'am I should have a seat?"

"No Sam..no no no…why would you have a seat? Just lie down on the seat and have dinner.Such silly question.Who else am i referring to if not you?"

"I'm sorry ma'am"Sam apologized, heading to the dining room to have a seat.

"You lied earlier"Sammy attacked Sam with a question of his earlier action


"That's ok.. enjoy your meal"

"Hey.. That reminds me..I have planned asking but it keeps going off but it won't any longer."

"Sammy..go on,since you've recalled..let's talk about it before we have dinner.It won't be nice to have it go off again"

"Ok..Grandma..i have a question to ask."

"Go on"

"What exactly am I going to do at Recca's place?"


"Yes granny..what exactly did you say I am going to do for Recca?"

"I don't understand your question Sammy"

"Ok..we are heading to Recca's place right?"

"(Nods) yes..we are Sammy, that's why we are in this vehicle and not in the mansion"

"What then is my mission?What will be my mission when we reach Recca's place?"Sammy asked

But this tends to be a surprising question to Lily.She could recall telling Sammy the reason behind their journey and of a sudden he has forgotten

"To give her some energy so she can put to birth of course..She have been in labour for long.It's almost a day now.."

"Umm.. really?"

"Yes.I told you this earlier"

"You did granny"


"Ok ….Now..here is my point granny,you shouldn't let your emotions get the best of you.Don't tell me you're moved emotionally by Recca's condition" Sammy said trying to observe his grandmother properly 

"Sammy..why did you say so?"

"Ok..my reason is this..we all know that Recca isn't aware that we are Immortals.That's I,Kent and grandpa"

"(Nods) you're right.She doesn't"

"This has crossed my mind before we commence this journey so far..I wanted reminding you but totally forgot "

"I am sure that there is enough time to talk this out.If I will be giving some energy to Reccaa so as to enable her to give birth..we will do it silently.She shouldn't know that I am using some energy on her."

"(Smiles) Do you think I never thought this through? Of course… she wouldn't be aware of it "

"That's right "

"Recca never knew and isn't aware that you have powers nor does she know that you are an Immortal.I have that behind my mind and..I knew you were cautious also.I knew I have a smart grandson..you thought about it too."

"There's nothing more than to examine each steps we are about to take.That's just e?what I have done"

"That's clever of you.So smart "


"We all know that if Recca finds out that our family and Kent are Immortals she will cause lots of trouble for us."


"The baby she's carrying will bring out the pride in her which will cause lots of trouble for us.That's the main reason why we won't let her know that we are Immortals in the lineage.She have no idea that the baby in her is not Kent's baby that is why she's misbehaving. I have studied and see what the future will be like with Recca.I hope we find that missing sample too, that's if it's really missing. And if it is, it would be invalid"Lily continued with a pale look on her face.

"Ma'am..may I speak?"Sam requested.

" Ma'am.. young master.. I have watched you all speak while I was eating.Why not finish up dinner and then continue your conversation?It's late already."Sam said

"You're right Sam.. " Lily said nodding, they've all forgotten their manners at the table 

Hearing what Sam said.. they recalled that they were about having dinner before they went into the discussion about Recca.They totally forgot because of the discussion


The next day

They all got set for their journey, the personal driver came to pick them up.

 The journey has taken over 28 hours since they began the journey to see Recca.

 They left for Recca's place when it was 12:00pm at noon and now…they have about 10 more hours left to reach Recca's place which isn't up to a day hoping Recca remains strong and waits for their arrival. They didn't understand why Lily had chosen this means for transportation at all but she doesn't do anything without thinking about it carefully. 

But they couldn't just travel just a distance without having a good meal for breakfast. Lily woke up as earlier as possible, over here at the Lodge she had no maids to instruct. So she had to do everything by herself but Sam was indeed very useful. After she was done making breakfast, she served the meal in the table calling for Sammy to come downstairs. Sammy walked down the stairs looking all stunning and gorgeous, you could tell he meant business. They all settled down to have a peaceful breakfast like a family.

(Phone rings)

(Picks up)

"Ma'am..How long will it take before you will arrive? Recca has been in labour for so long. Probably she's awaiting your arrival before putting to birth. Don't forget that she is doing this for you at your request" said a young man who had called with a strange number