
Chapter 312

"No wonder they had grown so many beards," he said, looking at his friends. The only person who didn't have beards was himself, he wasn't much of a hairy person. He couldn't help but touch his lower jaw line, "I know I wouldn't grow any beards"





The four men looked helpless, even the shadowed man couldn't find his voice.

"Damn you, is that all you care about? Beards? Seriously?" Joey said glaring at him with disappointment.

"I wouldn't have known we slept so long if I hadn't noticed the beards on you guys faces. So yeah, that's all I care about" he said innocently.

(Scoffs) "you all would have slept even longer if I hadn't come to help.*

(Smirks) "Help? What you did does seem like you came to help. Such a hit could kill and average human being " Adams said sprouting

"And lucky for you, you ain't one if you were you should be dead by now" the shadowed man replied. "I would take my leave, but before I go, I would advise you all to prepare fully next time. I think I would love to pay you guys a visit. I love bloodshed" The shadowed man said and immediately disappeared into the shadow without a trace.

Now the five friends were the only ones left in the room which looked completely shattered. There wasn't even a clean place to place a foot all thanks to the man who they had fought with earlier .

The whole place was scaringly silent, everyone was occupied in their own thoughts. But Adams as usual wouldn't keep his mouth shut "I knew we must have slept long but I wasn't expecting this long. All this is your fault " he said glaring at Kent, those two months would have earned him millions of dollars, if he had stayed out in his business but what happened? He used those two month and became snow white, the sleeping beauty.

Kent was the one who was more disturbed, he felt entirely useless. Now he felt he had made some choices he shouldn't have. Two months was far gone and whoever it was with the sperm sample would have already been due for delivery. It had been nine months already and they had just wasted two whole months for nothing. He had no words to refute Adams' claims because he was indeed very guilty but one important detail they had forgotten to ask was how could it be that they had slept for so long? Nobody thought about this at all 

"I would have made a lot of money from my bar if I had personally shown my appearance," Lee muttered, using his hands he placed or on his face to feel it properly "I have gone old" he said. Getting up he rushed to his room to freshen up and a good shave would bring him back to the good handsome looking man he knew himself to be. Seeing him leave Strings and Joey following suit, they didn't want to complain. This was because if they did complain it wouldn't change anything neither would it turn back the hands of time but rather it would make them more heartbroken.


(Kent and friends heading to the old mansion) they all had freshened up while those with beards had already done a clean shave. They had no appetite for any meal. After they were done Kent was about calling room services for cleaning but Joey suggested they do it themselves. There were some things you can explain to human beings.In less than a minute they were done. It was now time to leave 

(Starts car)

Starting the car..Adam wondered where they were heading to this time. If Kent had listened to him when he had strictly advised they go to the mansion, they wouldn't have spent two months doing nothing but sleeping. The last thing he remembered was going through a lot of samples looking for samples now sperm samples were invalid. What would they go to look for now? Babies? He wanted to bring up all his grievances but on a second thought he decided to think normal. Even though they've spent two months asleep, 

to them it was still like yesterday's night.

The silence I'm the car was already pissing him off so he put on a moody and stressed look."Kent …where are we heading to presently?Don't tell me we are heading to another hospital this evening" Adams said

Hearing Adam speak..they all stared at him knowing he had something more to talk about. They all orayed in their hearts, he better not say any word because they didn't want to hear anything relating to the event. 


It wasn't his fault to ask such questions, Kent never told them what his next plan is. All he did was pick the car keys and they followed him out of the hotel"Don't stay there nodding Kent..Speak up..this silence of yours has no meaning.Don't think you will decide that we are going back to your place this late.It is a very long journey."He continued"

"What's your point now Adams?"Joey questioned, looking at him with a cold face. Adams wasn't the only one who was in a deep slumber, his friend now was becoming so annoying. They all have been through a lot and they are still yet to accept it.

"Sincerely..I am tired already.why not find a nearby lodge? we had a stressful day with no positive results.I am so hungry"Adams replied

"A nearby lodge again?" Lee shouted in horror. 

"What an Idiot, if you needed a nearby lodge dummy, why then did we leave the hotel?"

"What! Why are you guys all unto me? Kent never said we were leaving the hotel, did he, he didn't even check out. So how would I know, and we've been driving for half an hour now and need I reminded you guys that we just woke up from a long tired sleep " 

"Shut up..you've been the one complaining"Strings said

"Of course..Strings is right.Anywhere he is taking us too..we will go with him.Why not remain silent and watch?."Joey contributed.

Hearing them talk..Kent continued driving and remained silent observing them and also buying time to let them conclude their suggestions. It was rare for him to be silent but now he had no choice. Adams had every right whatsoever to complain.

"Well..I have my plans. we can't stop searching can we?"Kent replied

"What?This late? Another hospital?"Adams asked

"Yes.I have been hearing you all in silence.I have it all planned out.Now..let me tell you my plans since Adams is insisting."


"Well..As I earlier said..making this research is what brought us all the way to this place.now..with this car..we will head somewhere else for an investigation where I will investigate some individuals individually which will be done personally.i won't return the car from where it was taken."

"Ok.." They all replied with a stare waiting to hear more of what he had planned out watching his lips move 

"Yes.we are heading for a research somewhere"


"But where exactly?"Strings asked

"We will be going to see my grandparents.Its at their place I will carry out some certain investigation and then return the car after seeing them even though I will be there for a visit after so long I will have to force some words out of their mouth if there was any hidden moves or something sneaky "

"Oh..that's the hospital you were talking about?"Strings questioned

"Of course.I am sure It will be a great surprise for them to see me.What do you think? After sleeping in a spot for Two months without having to piss the old man up, there's suddenly no fun at all" Kent said in question to his friends.

"Kent, I would like to come right in into this, the sperm sample would no longer be valid, this is because we wouldn't find it. If you don't get any information from your grandfather I think it's better you forget about it" Lee said

"Yes, he agree to this, it's already past nine months and if your sample was used then the child would have been brought into the world already " Joey added

"You shouldn't expect less.It has been long, seeing you will be a surprise indeed"Strings replied. He knew such new woukd change Kent's mood, so he was trying to show him the bright side. Nobody had planned all this, itcame unexpected.

"(Smiles) You mean your grandparents weren't aware that you will be in town?"Adam questioned, strings,Lee and Joey turned around to look at him strangely. They all knew how sour Kent's relationship with his grandfather was. But they couldn't tell anyways Kent could always do the unbelievable if he wanted to. So it's not so surprising he could have given them a heads up.

Adams has always had his own ways of troubleshooting questions which seems to be the actual question needed at the moment.

" Of course"He replied


"Adams,you very well know the reason why we are here... Don't you?"

"Of course I don't, if I did would I be asking?'

 Kent was rendered "Speechless" he wasn't expecting such an answer neither were the rest of them.

"But you know my grandparents lives here and they rule over the affairs on this side of the world don't you"

"Of course, I know that"

"Nice ..I never said a word to them because I never planned to come over for no reason other than to carry out that research. And the best way to do that is by following your advice and that's 'asking the old man straight up' " Kent said with a smile

"Speechless ", "Surprisingly you've never taken my advice at all"

"Yes, I haven't but from today onwards I will think twice and who knows I might just listen to you"

"Damn, so it's kind of a surprise visit? And stealing it, this car mama came to action?"

"You're always in such a kill mood" Joey said with a flinch, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

"Let him be, I would be shocked to death if Adams was mute. Through that..You should know that they are not aware that I am in town because I never planned to be" Kent replied Adam with an ugly smile on his face

"How then do you expect them to welcome you back home without..?"

"Adams..any sort of welcoming is acceptable.It mustn't be grand"Strings said

"Keep that to yourself"Joey said

"Well …welcoming me don't have to be with their knowledge it has been long since we've seen each other.They ought to do a grand welcoming"

"(laughs) How possible is that?"


"I'm not saying anything wrong here. He is expecting a grand welcome without being informed? I Guess that will be done after your arrival at the mansion.They aren't in you heart to know you will be going over to the mansion.So..Only then they can carry out a grand welcoming party for you kent"Adams said 

"Well as I said earlier it will be a surprise to them all including Sammy."Kent said with a smile on his face.

"(Surprised) you rarely,like.. barely have a smile on your face. By mentioning Sammy's name..it produced a slight smile on your face kent"Adams said

Immediately noticed..Kent adjusted and put on a cold look.

"Wao..Adams. Let Kent be please,No one forced you to come along.Let's go to the mansion to see them then"Joey said


"Why not give Aliesha control?" Adams suggested. Kent saw it as a good idea, so he called out to Aliesha and from her responses they could tell she was surprised and excited as well. "Thanks Mr. Kent, I had actually been parked over in the hotel's parking lot for 8 weeks and 4 days. I had tried connecting to your cellphones to make sure everything was alright but it had been switched off. I am happy to see you all" Aliesha said sounding very polite as always

"Owh really? Is that the case? We had gone on a tour to the unknown world" Adams replied

"So how was the journey on your way back?"

"It was painful, stressful and a bad experience. And please don't ask me how and why" Adams quickly said.

"Okay then, from your blood levels and temperature, I can tell you must be starving. Hold on for a while, I would check if the road is cleared and drive at the maximum speed " A few minutes later Aliesha went silent, the whole members seated in the car were silent as well. It seems they didn't want to disturb her, she seemed so focused doing whatever calculation it was that she was doing.

"The road is now clear, please everyone should put on his seatbelt. This is to ensure safety just in case of emergencies" she instructed strictly like a mom and talking to her children. They all did as instructed and Aliesha immediately took the wheels and took control of the vehicle "Do have a pleasant and smooth drive ahead. Would you all like some music?" She asked

"No" they all shouted in horror, Aliesha was surprised by this answer. Everyone loves music. "Okay then" she said and the speed of the car accelerated tonits maximum.

(Few minutes later)

(At the mansion)

When they all arrived at the mansion. Kent instructed Aliesha to park the car a little distant from the mansion leaving his friends in it to check out how things are going with his family before inviting them over. There were quite some procedures to be carried out at the main entrance but it wasn't necessary as Aliesha had already contacted them when she was close by. This was her Normal routine when she was driven out of the mansion. 

He actually wanted the surprise to present itself before him, and that will happen when he is seen alone.This was the advice his friends gave him.

Getting towards the gate , the whole place was so quiet. This wasn't what he had imagined. The mansion was more like a royal place; it couldn't be so quiet except if there was no one present. He tried creating a mind link with his younger brother but it didn't get connected. Then he tried the old man, after getting a terrible headache he immediately cut the connection off.

Kent was shocked to see the palace main entrance shut, this door was always opened, it had never been shut. At Least that's what he remembered in his memories , the main entrance to the royal palace was made with a strong steel and iron. The door is too heavy, it was made that way in case of any attack, it would be difficult to break it. The main gate was made with a more terrible quality of iron than this door he was facing now.



"Is Anyone home?" He asked, he could just disappear into the mansion, to the last place he remembered in his memories but he didn't want to.

Kent continued knocking for some while yet silence was maintained.This was something strange, it barely occurs.He felt bad standing there for sometime with no one attending to him.His friends noticed he hasn't been back to give them feedback, this means he must have been standing by the door for a while without being attended to. "Is everything okay?" Lee asked connecting a link to Kent