
Selling Jars in the World of Naruto

After transmigrating to the world of Naruto, Shen Mo gained an all-purpose trading system. With it, he began a journey as a jar-selling merchant. Tsunade: "Shizune, don't stop me. Today, I must open enough revival coins!" Jiraiya: "Love potion? There's such a thing? Give me a hundred jars!" Uchiha Sasuke: "Opening jars can really make you stronger? Even if I have to give up everything, I must buy them. I will surpass that man!" Uchiha Itachi: "My foolish little brother, I have opened more jars than you." ... Looking at the chaotic world before him, Shen Mo [the protagonist] had a helpless expression on his face. "I just wanted to earn some money to buy Icarus..." MTL fanfiction.

RoB1TzZzU · 漫画同人
20 Chs

Chapter 3: The Charm of Jars!

With Tsunade's vision, one can imagine the miracles that a sufficient amount of Fountain of Youth could bring.

Eternal youth?

Rapid wound healing?

Even immortality?

Tsunade's gaze towards Shen Mo had changed.

A person who can produce this kind of thing can't just be an ordinary merchant.

"Really impressive, young man." Tsunade shook the bottle in her hand. "Can you tell me where these bottles were purchased?"

The addressing had changed from "kid" to "young man."

It seemed that the shock brought by the Fountain of Youth was even greater than she had imagined.

Various thoughts flashed through Shen Mo's mind, but his smile remained unchanged. "Sorry, it's a trade secret. We signed a non-disclosure agreement."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes.


It meant that there was more than one person selling these bottles.

She subconsciously pondered whether there were some mysterious forces plotting behind the scenes.

But suddenly...

"Forget it, I just casually asked. Just casually asked." Tsunade emphasized twice, as if she was trying to convince herself.

After all, she had already left Konoha.

The world had nothing to do with her anymore.

Looking at Tsunade, who suddenly seemed forced to smile and had a bleak expression, Shen Mo also vaguely realized that she was still in a decadent phase.

The successive deaths of her brother and lover had dealt her a heavy blow.

"Well then, I'll take my leave."

Shen Mo deliberately took out a rope and pretended to slowly tie up the remaining eight scrolls, as if he wanted to take them away.

"Wait a minute."

As expected, Tsunade's voice rang out.

She had really taken the bait.

Shen Mo was secretly delighted and looked up. "Miss, is there something else?"

"It must be hard carrying so many bottles on your back. How about selling all of them to me at a cheaper price?" Tsunade stared expectantly at the other bottles.


Although she didn't want to get involved in unnecessary matters anymore, she was still full of curiosity about these bottles.

With the Fountain of Youth, would there be anything else?

Unknown, like the other jars, has its own charm, not to mention its gambling aspect.

"Good things are never cheap." Shen Mo firmly rejected, apologetic, "It's the rule, I'm sorry. In fact, even those two jars earlier, I'll have to use my own money to cover the cost."

Discounts can't be given too easily.

Otherwise, once customers get used to it, it will never end.

Shen Mo has to stick to the rules.

"I'm just a worker, with some advantages and abilities, but I can't make decisions about selling jars."

"Hmph." Tsunade seemed a bit displeased, but didn't insist. She waved her hand and shouted, "Shizune, give him the money."

"But, Lady Tsunade..." Shizune hesitated.

Tsunade likes gambling and owes a lot of debt. She only has a small amount of living expenses left in her hands.

"It's okay, buying this jar won't lose me any money!" Tsunade shook the bottle in her hand, eyes full of excitement.

The second charm of the jar.

It won't lose money!

She felt that everything inside was of value, without realizing that the things inside might be useless to her.

Shen Mo knew the truth.

Tsunade had fallen into the trap.

"So, you've helped me a lot." Shizune handed the money to Shen Mo and the system judged the transaction to be successful. Then he pushed the jar forward and said, "May I also take a look at what's inside the jar? If there are some rare items, I can explain them to you."

Tsunade nodded nonchalantly and pressed her palm down.


Another ten thousand yen?

Suddenly feeling a bit disgusted, she looked at the next jar.

This time, it was a package of powder.

"This is a special narcissus root powder, worth about thirty thousand yen." Shen Mo didn't wait for Tsunade to ask and explained directly, "If you mix it with a special wormwood stem liquid, you can create a powerful sleeping potion called Life and Death Water. It's colorless and tasteless, with a strong effect."

From the world of Harry Potter.


Among these eight jars, apart from two containing money, there are five potions or herbs from the world of Harry Potter.

Healing potions, petrification agents, and the most expensive one, the tiny bottle of the Truth-Telling Potion, worth 80,000 in the mouth of Shen Mo.

Of course, their actual value in the system is only around 10,000.

That is about 600 trading points, just enough to meet the minimum trading value of one-fifth.

"I hit the jackpot!"

Tsunade's excited voice overlaps with Shen Mo's joyful thoughts.

"To think that there are such miraculous potions and herbs."

She looks at Shen Mo, her face full of excitement and a blush.

Tsunade, who always loses in gambling, has never made as much as she has now.

"Your luck is really good." Shen Mo is generous with his praise, giving a nod of admiration. "Even though this is a series of medical jars, it is very rare to get so many valuable potions."

"Hahaha." Tsunade laughs loudly, without any ladylike image, and then picks up the last jar and smashes it.

Inside is a book.

Here it is!

Shen Mo's gaze flickers.

This is the gift he prepared.

"What is this?" Tsunade picks it up and opens it. "About the application of chakra in cell regeneration."

"This is it!?" Shen Mo's acting skills explode, showing a shocked expression. "This is the treasure of medical ninjas. It is said that whoever can collect the entire series can become the greatest medical ninja!"

"The greatest medical ninja?" Tsunade looks at Shen Mo disdainfully and sneers. "Whatever."

She is already a very famous medical ninja.

It seems that this should be the most useless thing.

She glances through a few lines.


Her expression changes.

"Tsunade-sama?" The nearby Shizune quietly asks, but Tsunade raises her hand to stop her from speaking.

The room suddenly becomes quiet.

Only the rustling of pages turning can be heard.

This book...

Many of the things recorded on it are exactly the same as what she has been studying and thinking about!

There are even many additions and interpretations that she did not know about.

Shen Mo just smiles and watches.


The author of this book is Tsunade herself, but Shen Mo searched for her medical work 15 years later!

And only a small part of it was taken out.

He deliberately spent a certain amount of trading points to remove any possible names, dates, and other information.

The system truly deserved its "omnipotent" name.

"What else?"

Tsunade had already delved into it, but suddenly found that there was nothing below it.

The entire sheet was only about ten pages long.

For someone like her, a top medical ninja, this feeling was awful.

"This is a series," Shen Mo shook his head helplessly. "It's only in the jar of medical series, but it's very difficult to collect them all."

The allure of the jar number three!


Just like a game of drawing a wife.

One jar is useless, two jars have low damage, the third jar is like a passerby, and if you don't draw the fourth jar, you're missing out.