
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · 其他
40 Chs

Against The Overlord

Hi everyone, a little story idea for you. I don't know if it has been done but I've never seen it personally.

So, a SI in Overlord. This will be divided in 4 parts:


Part 1: Reincarnation terms


Unknown Time | Unknown place

???: Josh, 38 years old; mythology lover and sociopath. Born to a model Christian family, after an accident at 6 was 'born' anew. Learning about the world he's in, he got along swimmingly. At 15, he deviated of his family medical legacy in patty because he was getting Parkinson's symptoms. At 25, got his PhD in computer sciences and started to concentrate on his enterprise. At 32, he got married under the constant nagging of his mother and his health started deteriorating. Died from the lasting effects of the fateful fall that made him 'reborn' leaving behind his lovely wife and two children. Did I get everything right?

Josh: Yes, pretty much. So are you the devil?

???: For you, it doesn't make any difference. So this is how it gonna go: I will dump you in the Overlord world 20 years before Yggdrasil release. You'll have to make your own guild that'll be transported to the new world at the same time as Nazarick. Your goal is to destroy Nazarick and dominate the New World. Oh and you can't interfere with Nazarick gameplay during Yggdrasil... Do ask away?

Josh: I didn't want to ask but anyway, would it work if I just joined the most powerful guild?

???: Sure, why wouldn't it. All your guild members would just be transported with you be they dead or alive, in or out of the game... And don't forget your goal is to become the only tyrant of the New World, so no one can be at the same level as you. You'll have to deal with them too.

Josh: So, no as you even closed my options to kill them all before the game end. What do I win and what do I lose?

???: You win a new life to begin but that wouldn't get you pumped, huh? If you reach the goal I set for you, you keep all yours powers and I open the multiverse to you. If you lose, that's fine too. I get to torture you till I get bored and or unimaginative. But as I'm feeling generous, you can have a tiny wish for those you left behind.

Josh(deadpan): Really? Couldn't I change it to get a good start in my new life?

???: Nope.

Josh: Then protect them in this life and the lives to come blah blah blah

???: Here you go.



Part 2: Doing what I do best


Earth:2106 AD

We didn't get to the Steins'Gate.


More seriously, I was born in a dystopic Earth as an African orphan no less. But God Bless I was an healthy baby. I'll do what I do best; use everyone for my goal. I won't do like everyone else and hide myself to seems normal, that would be beyond stupid. I'll use my 'genius' for my great cause.


At 2 months, I could speak as fluently as my vocal cords allow me. I was deemed a monstrous genius by my caretakers that started to allow me to access to the Internet for self-learning.

At 3 years old, I was already known throughout the world as the world best genius that would lead it out of this dystopia. I wrote a paper about bio-domes that should allow humanities to thrive in this ruined world. That got me an adoption ticket by a rich business man.

In the same year, the countries of the world started going downhill. With the collapse of the primary-sector industries due to advanced environmental destruction and the drying up of crops, there were food riots in all corners of the world. The riots eventually turned into coups d'etat, and when the politicians were targeted by the people's discontent, they were tried by the mob.

Into the power vacuum left by the halt of government functions, due to the coup d'etat, came the huge conglomerates, which seized the legislative, executive, and judicial powers. They succeeded in taking over the world.

With my new father founding, the first arcology was born in Africa and soon I became richer and richer. I then started interesting myself to the medical discoveries. The medical sciences changed very much adding many robotic, computer sciences elements. It fascinated me.

I consecrated my next 10 years to it on my paradise island while most of the world was crumbling. To avoid the poor to ever overthrow us as they did the countries under our lead many means to control them were introduced. One of the most workings ones were the MMO-RPGs. Not only the plebs were under constant monitoring with the log but they get to spend their meager revenues and work harder for us. One of my proudest idea.

At 16, I created the first virtual school and university. The richest of the arcologies were the only ones able to send their kids to me. Using the games tech, the students use their avatar to access to the courses without going out of their arcologies. Obviously, the monitoring devices were 'removed'. It was also great for them to try all kinds of experiments without worrying about the consequences.

In the meantime, I started looking for the developer that would make Yggdrasil to buy it without success.

One year later, I finally build an AI that could satisfy my demands and also found Yggdrasil father. In fact it was a conglomerate from the Japanese arcologies that wanted to create the most addictive game possible and use many plebs brain as bots to reach the highest level possible in data management as they would get the required storage and processing devices.

They were too big already for me to buy, so I started to acquire shares of this conglomerate.

At the launching of the game, I was already a major shareholder with 9% of shares.



Part 3: A new world to conquer


I will win this game by cheating. In fact, I could do without that just with my money as Yggdrasil is after all a pay2win game but why not do my best?

So, to begin my character Master Alexander Abaltel Hernandephim's level cap got removed. It"s a character with seven bodies that can be simultaneously controlled and with no restriction. Each of these bodies got the abilities of one of the Lords of Seven Deadlly Sins to begin with, world item immunity included. As they are basically all me when I get to the New World it would be one mind for seven bodies but in the game when I'm not controlling a body it's managed by my AI.

With my invincibility ensured, I decided to enjoy the game. I toured the map to find the best place for my guild. One month in the game, I found my first World Item: The Well of Mimisbrunnr. Personally, I think this is the best World Item of this game. You have to sacrifice something to it and in exchange it give you many options you can choose from.

I sacrificed a town of NPCs to the well in exchange of information about the world best dungeon. It was the First Dungeon of Yggdrasil born from the center of the Ginnungagap at the same time as Nilpheim and Muspelheim. It has two entrances one in Muspelheim and one in Nilpheim and it exist in the in-between. It's almost as wide as one of the Nine World and is supposed to be impoosiible to conquer as it's home for two World Ennemy, the Giant Ymir and the cow Audhumbla and the cap on a party make it impossible to conquer. It has nine floors corresponding to the nine Worlds and bosses like the four cardinal dwarves.

But impossible isn't Alexander Abaltel Hernandephim. It took me one month of raiding with my seven avatars doing it together. It got me two World Items: the Seed of Creation from Ymir and the Codex of Creation from Audhumbla.

The Seed of Creation can create a domain in which you're God. But in the game, it allows you to make some rules that would apply to all beings in the domain.

The Codex of Creation is simpler. It works in conjunction with spawn areas. When bound to a spawn area you can customize the spawns however you want given the appropriate resources.


One year since the game started. My guild initial setup is done. Its name is The In-between.

10 floors.

+ 1st to 3rd floor: Primitive lands

++ Guardians: Astrid the Dragon Rider; Admiral John and The Silent Shadow

As it's name imply these floors are primitive. Inspired by WoW, these floors are dominated by Trolls, Giants, Orcs, Goblins, Worgen and all kind of savage races. Using the Codex of Creation in conjunction with the existing spawning areas, their numbers never diminish in spite of their incessant fights.

Admiral John stay on the first floor with hus fleet of pirates as it's mostly Water with nine islands on it. They kill and plunders all years long. There's nine captains under him occupying one island each.

The Silent Shadow manages the second floor that's mostly forest. She's the best huntress of the guild. No prey ever escaped from her. She's very territorial and not really sociable. The floor management is mostly left to the tribe leaders. (The Giants live on a floating continent you can reach by a giant bean sprout)

Astrid, The Dragon Rider is in charge of the third floor that's mostly mountainous. She with her dragon are the strongest of the three guardians. Her team of Dragon Riders help her with managing her floor.

+ 4th and 5th floor: Day and Night

The 4th floor is home to the Kingdom of Darkness while the 5th floor is home to the Council of Light. The former houses dark creatures like vampires, dark elves, demons, black dragons... the latter houses high human, light elves, angels and so on.

++ Guardians: Vlad Tepes, the son of the Dragon; Escanor, Pride of the Sun

Vlad rules the Kingdom of Darkness with his 3 vampire brides. Vlad is a dragonman that became the first vampire. Meanwhile Escanor with the three other Graces preside over the Council of Light.

Contrarily to what many can think the two states lives in perfect harmony but their armies are still well trained as they often do raid on 7th and 8th floors.

In opposition, with the first three floors that focus mostly on physical powers and have rudimentary spells, magic is very developed in these floors.

The 4th floor also holds the Assassination Order as well and the 5th, the Information Gathering Agency.

+ 6th floor: Nexus

++ Guardian: Singularity, Guardian of the Nexus (From Fortnite)

A futuristic city with science so advanced that it may as well be magic. Refined golems, cyborgs, laser gun and so on. Singularity protect and govern this city. When fighting she uses her giant Mecha robot and wields a sword.

The Energy source they use is the caloric stones.

The inhabitants of these floors mostly research new technologies and try to formalize everything magic included.

It holds the Alexandria Library which makes me think I should search for the Akashic Records World Item.

Their primary goals is to build World Item from scratch.

+ 7th floor: No man's land

++ Guardians: Typhon and Echidna

This floor is unfriendly to all. The climate change every 30 minutes going from flooded forest to scorching desert in a blink. It's littered with traps of all kinds as the three previous floors test their weapons here.

Only true monsters survive here. There's no area guardians here but each monster is well above level 80.

+ 8th floor: The Island

++ Guardian: Baron Samedi

This is totally taken from Fortnite. Using the Seed of Creation I recreated the Loop. Every players that get here will be teleported into the Loop and if their numbers isn't enough some NPCs will supplement. The NPCs will be at the level of the strongest player. Then Battle Royale only one survivor. The losers die for real, thrown again in the loop or are thrown back from whence they cometh according to my of the Baron's will. The winner get to choose whether he wants to go back into the Loop, from where he came from or to the other side of this floor. The said other side is just an entertainment city with everything for it. To go to the next floor you'll have to kill the Baron Samedi but if there's something living in his dominion (the Loop included) he can't die.

As we can really wipe the memory of the players, in the Loop the chat is closed and their skins change randomly which makes it hard for the players to coordinate.

+ 9th floor: The Facilities

++ Guardian: Wilhelmina, the Guardian overseer

All kind of facilities that are or may prove useful later: Conference room, treasury (Picsou as the treasurer)...

+ 10th: Divine Land

The highest floor. No guardian. Home to your truly.


So after discussing with the developers, they twiked my guild a little and made it a game features. They encourage players to test themselves against it as they will get rewards according to their progress meanwhile when they died I get their drops.

With all these willing hands to try my defense I will perfect it while getting rich.


Two years since the Game started and the world champion tournament started. I got the title for the seven worlds besides Alfheim and Muspelheim. Damned ???, if it wasn't for him I would get rid of my growing enemy.

In these years, I got the Akashic Records and the Bifrost.

You can get any existing knowledge from the Akashic Records in exchange of gold.

The Bifrost allow you to monitor everything everywhere you want and teleport to or from it.

So I took my seven World Champion Items and sacrificed it to the Well of Mimisbrunnr together with my titles to create a special item: The Broken Ring.

This artifact can remove the world shackles on something, someone once every month. In other world you can remove limit cap, racial weaknesses and so on. I can even use it to rewrite the flavor test of an enemy NPCs.

I first used it on myself for seven months then started to use it on my guardians.

After that, I welcomed the Five Buddha Lords in my Guild as Protector. They should be really effective against Ainz in the New World.

It's been five years since I started this game. It got boring so I gave up. Now my AI play on my stead and the developers ensure that I don't have any setbacks.

Meanwhile I'm enjoying myself in the Real World.


And here we are at the eve of my third life.



Part 4: Here we go again


It feels fantastic using seven bodies at the same time. And this feeling of power is intoxicating. All this knowledge that came in my head from nowhere. When my AI took other the management of my avatars, it did a great job. One was specialized as long range damage dealer with marksmanship and devastating spell, one as a summoner and tamer, one as a close up-fighter and tank and one healer (and curser alternatively) as the fighting team. One became alchemist another craftsman and the last learned all kinds of things from the Akashic Records.

I'm pretty tempted to just go and destroy Nazarick right now with my servants but no I'll let them do the job for me while I attack from within.

I convened a meeting and announced my grand plan to my servants. In fact, my guardians don't even fear World Items as they being over level 100 are immune.

We will use this world as a training ground for our future endeavors in the multiverse.

Our guild entrance was transported into the sea blending perfectly with our first floor.

I went to the Empire and brainwashed Jircniv. I then put two intelligent warriors over level 100 besides him as well as a legion of 300 soldiers (>lvl 80) under his command to conquest the world and fight Nazarick for me.

Also when Shalltear got affected by the World Item, I personally went to change her background to make her an extremely intelligent spy in Nazarick.

She then got killed and resurrected again. Now, being as intelligent as Albedo and Demiurge and not blinded by Ainz false bravado she'll cooperate with Jircniv to overthrow Nazarick and destroy all other obstacles.


It took two years for Ainz to kill himself. I then used a World Item to control the NPCs I favored while waiting for the Broken Stone to recover after each use.


It's been 100 years since this world come under my rule. ??? finally opened the multiverse to me.

And the first world is Dragon Ball. My close combat avatar would be the most prominent one here followed by the magic one. But with this world technology Nexus will reach a whole new level.

Towards the end I was tired hence the hurriedness.

Evil_For_the_WINcreators' thoughts