
Sekaidewa Daremoga Sorera O Sukidesu Isekai Mo Suki [Global Version]

I heard a voice like in the heaven realm.... Oh am I dead?! wait don't think like that just yet. But when I looked ahead, what I saw was an nympha in a bright white dress, and wearing a Marigold flower hairpin. Frankly I was confused, then the nympha told me her name, she was named Angela Marigold Megami which means she is a goddess. Eventually the goddess and I talked about how I could die, and when I found out that I was dead, I ended up being revived in another world with some skills that weren't very strong for me. Addendum: Next, the author will use two ways of writing, and change the writing style, while developing this story to make it more interesting ... Author: Hayusya Type: Light Novel Pictures: Pinterest [This is an original work, and not a translation, thank you] [I apologize if there are wrong words, because I use a translator tool :-)]

Hayusya · 奇幻
11 Chs

The Beginning In This Training Arena

After we were told by Vio to return to the city, Miya and I finally followed Vio's words. Actually I'm still wondering why she told us to go back to the city, and the thing that bothered me of course was the uncle who was limp in his arms.

On the way, we were confronted again by the Wolfhun group, Miya didn't take part, instead Vio told me to carry the uncle, and it was she who attacked the Wolfhun group of about eight alone, even though she would be seriously injured because it was full of blood. But it turned out that Vio was happy, I really didn't know what she was thinking.

We finally arrived at the city, where I was teleported by the previous goddess, I finally felt relieved, and half afraid, if this uncle would wake up and scold me, maybe even Miya would be affected too.

"Well adventurer, about this uncle's daughter you're after, she's already safe with someone else. You're late, you idiot!"

"I see, talking about that your face is still full of blood, you know?"

Vio just silenced me, while cleaning the blood on his face, it was the same as licking it with pleasure, she just horrified me.

"Ah thank goodness, I thought we failed to save him."

Miya was also relieved just like me, but still who was the one who saved this uncle's daughter, after all considering the adventurers taking part in the event? is he/she also an adventurer....?

That's what I'm thinking now, my head is filled with that question mark... and suddenly someone I don't know greets us along with a beautiful girl in a blue tunic, the girl's hair is sky blue, her eyes are also very beautiful light brown.

"Who are you?"

I asked the two of them, with polite words so as not to offend if there were any unpleasant words.

"My name is Keith, and she is Aurel, I've been waiting for you all this time."

"Waiting for us?"

"Yep of course."

I approached Vio, and whispered in hers ear, asking who these people were, and Vio replied that they were the ones who saved the uncle's daughter.

"So you guys saved this uncle's daughter?"

"That's right it was us, after all we were looking for a quest to complete and happened to see a rescue scenario in exchange for Airi, and it turned out to be true. Look, this is our money."

"I see, uh you said Airi?"

"Yeah, Airi is money, which of course can be used for anything."

I thought Airi was a girl's name, but it's the currency of this world. Oh, it just took me by surprise. Uh, speaking of money, I don't have any pocket money... dammit!

"What's wrong, oh yeah what's your name?"

I answered with my real name, Miya knows my name anyway, I don't know how she knows, maybe it's a coincidence or has the same Reflexions skill as mine.

"Hmm, Nishimiya Haruto huh? It seems your name is really very different from ours, are you from another world?"

Well, how did Keith know if I was from a different world? is this really very easy to know, looks conspicuous?

"Ah yes actually I came from the earth."

"What!" [Miya, Keith, Aurel]

They all shouted loudly at the same time with the same words, only Vio wasn't surprised?

"So-so it's true that you are from another world, then what is earth?"

"Keith, why do you want to know?"

"Yeah, just curious."

"I'm equally curious about Keith."

"Me too!"

Damn they remind me of Magistrate the curious monster!

I also explained to all of them, that the earth was my world before I died, the important thing is that it is short, clear and solid.

"I see, I guessed it from your name, oh yeah I'll just take you where we want to go."

"Uh where?"

"Training Arena!"


Traning Arena? are you serious?!

Before we went to the Training Arena, we met this uncle's daughter who was in the guild, and at the same time parted with her father, whose name was Gloo, the uncle and his daughter thanked us, and gave me a reward in the form of Airi, here it was listed as worth fifty as much as two coins, I don't know what it means, maybe the same as a hundred yen bill.

Don't forget to thank him too. Unknowingly, I was in front of a very majestic Guild shaped like a mansion with an area that is not kidding, just like a Japanese school building, there are even five floors with dozens of windows visible outside.

Truly the biggest Guild I've ever met, compared to the guilds in the games I've played. It was possible that on those floors there were beds for overnight adventurers, and of course that wasn't free.

Ah that's right I want to go to the Guild — when I was about to walk there, Keith pulled my arm of course he forced me to come to the Training Arena which is not far from the Guild, in fact it's just to the right of this Guild, the place is also big.

I feel good with this world, when I first saw a house with the same roof shape, it turned out that on the other hand the Guild and the Training Arena were built very grandly.

"Very cool...."

"Great right? then Haruto let's go in."

I followed Keith and also Aurel, Miya and Vio were also still following me from earlier, even when we finished dealing with the uncle, they still followed me, what do you think I am a duck mother?

In the Training Arena there is a door with a pattern full of warlords, it's weird but cool. Even if the doorknob was made of silver and shaped like a small sword, I don't know if the makers of this Training Arena liked art.


Even the sound of the door opening was loud, we all entered this room, the floor was made of silver again, the wall with accessories of two cross-shaped swords, skull heads, deer heads and so on, like this place is like a museum, there is even a statue of clothes iron armor complete with weapons, such as swords, spears, axes, and so on.

"Haruto, wait here I will call an administrator of this Arena first, don't try to run away you know!"

Keith ran and looked for someone, the only thing I could think of was, why does this place look deserted, is it because the other adventurers are busy with the event? does it look like that?

"Hey you guys over there! what's the matter coming to the Training Arena, want to train?!"

Someone came out from the right of the corridor of this place, he was wearing a green armor with a staff in his hand. He looks young, because he looks like a high school kid.

We also approached the person, and explained who we were to make it clear.

"I see, so you guys are waiting for someone and also want to train… er that sword on your back, is that a Light Saber sword?"

"Eh Light Saber!?"

Miya exclaimed, it seemed like she was really shocked. What's with this sword?

"I thought, it's only natural that when you attack Wolfhun your strength is restored, and the sword can also emit light waves, deserves to be familiar to my eyes!"

"What kind of sword is this Light Saber anyway?"

"Maybe you don't know, but the Light Saber is one of the legendary swords!"

"The-legendary sword?"

Legendary, so not only skills are legendary in this world?

"There are three legendary swords in this world, the first is the Light Saber in the form of a medium-sized sword, blunt, but has a very powerful light element, then the second is the Dark Yaminiku, which is a small sword but as it collects the souls of the slain creatures it gets bigger, and this sword has a terrifying dark element, and the third Murasama, the sharpest sword in the world, even axes and shields made of the strongest metal, can be destroyed!"

"So I'm not the only one who has the legendary sword?"

"That's right, what I know is only one Murasama wielder, he's named Murasai!"


"Yes Murasai, he is also on an adventure and looking for the strongest person as a form of training before defeating Demon Lord."

"I see, thank you, this explanation is very useful, so I know that I am a legendary weapon holder."

That person nodded and smiled, the only problem was Vio, from earlier still saying words I didn't understand, maybe she was wondering why I got this legendary weapon, but I got the Light Saber from the goddess. It turned out that the goddess was very kind, and she also wanted me to rid this world of Demon Lords.

"Ah sorry for the long wait!"

Keith came with a administrator, who looked very old, he had a very thick white beard that reached down to his neck, he also wore a walking aid in the form of a wooden cane.

"So you guys want to training huh, I thought this place would be deserted, and it's also not free here, if you want to train you have to pay 50 Airi!"

"Eh what's paid!?"

I was even surprised to hear that, this is really a Training Arena, and it's also paid! so it's similar to the free lure game until in the middle of the game you have to pay, damn paid content! I'm fed up with that!

After all, I was given two Airi coins worth 50, if one takes one, then only 50 Airi is left, which is enough to make up the cost of buying a house for me later!

"Haruto you were given money by that uncle, just paid for it after all, it's only 50 Airi."

"Listen to your girlfriend-"

"Your head girlfriend! since when is Miya my girlfriend, don't you know!"

"Why are you yelling at grandpa!?"

"You're really regretting it, old man! after all, cant! have to pay for training! it's not good at all!"

"Huh, you talk a lot, you're a lost youth, just pay for it!"

"I want a discount!"

"No discount, you think the market!"

"Huh never mind Haruto, just pay, it's cheap after all, you know?" [Keith]

"Damn cheap? you're the one who dragged me here anyways, my economy is still low idiot, after all I want to buy a house right away so I don't rent a Guild room later!"

"Lots of bitches!"


The old man was as fast as the wind, hitting my stomach with the wood he used as a walker, and of course it hurt a lot.


I even got blown away and hit the armored statue, even the statue was damaged, and caused me to owe two million Airi in compensation.

Too bad, even Airi as my reward was taken away, even though I got an apology from the old man, but I got the toughest condition again, which was to join the training here until I succeeded in defeating the old geezer with power like that robot.

The limit is a week, my debt has also increased, I have complained to him about the armor statue, but in the end he got smacked and beaten by him, he also didn't want to know, and told me to pay compensation, or my life would be threatened like hell.

Agile, strong, clever, and of course he is very cunning, in fact I was repeatedly knocked against the wall because of him in this Training Arena.

"Just like that, even though you have a Light Saber, what can you do, Sura takes care of him!"


Sura was the one who told me about these three legendary swords, and there were also other challengers that this old geezer had ordered.

Today is the most unlucky day, bad start, nothing is, already in debt, fuck!


Haruto's money temporarily: 0 Airi

Cost of indemnity for the statue of armor: 2 Million Airi

Training Arena debt fee for a week: 300 Airi

Total debt in Training Arena: 2 million 300 Airi


And next I was also told to compete with a spear man in armor named Sura. If I manage to beat him, there are still other challengers, I thought this place was quiet but it was crowded, because in this room like a stadium, there are several seats for the audience and also three seats that seem to be for the champion.

Miya, Vio, Aurel and the others watched in the nearby audience seats to watch me fight Sura.

It turns out that this world in my opinion is very bad, yes very bad. Bad....!


Challengers Haruto must defeat: Sura, Nigel, Laugh, Borne, Torne, Keith, and Old Grandpa Xi

As a final condition to pay off before paying Xi's cunning grandfather, that is to defeat him, and be allowed to return


Next Fight....

Hayusyacreators' thoughts