
Going to work

Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day, also termed Take Your Child to Work Day, is a national day that gives children a glimpse into the working world. It's a very odd thing to do, taking your child to your space of work? Children can be very destructive, loud, overexcited, eager, the list can go on forever, but the gist of it is that kids can be very annoying with a capital A. So to take a bundle of annoyance to work where all the adults reside does not sound like a great idea. Yet someone decided it to be an amazing way to introduce children to the working world as if it would help in any form. Why subject yourself to something like that? Why bring a kid to work? Why risk something stupid happening and then you're left to clean it up?


I don't get it really, even as I sit here in my father's car. He's taking me to work with him today, something I have mixed feelings about. On one hand, it gives me a chance to finally learn about what it is my parents do in detail. On the other hand, I feel as if I shouldn't be brought to his work because it sounds dangerous. He works closely with heroes, heroes fight villains, fighting villains can be destructive, where there is destruction there are people who get hurt. You see what I'm trying to say here? I'm not sure how closely my father works with the heroes so I don't know what is going to happen. I just think that adding a child into the equation is not the brightest idea.

But I'm not an idiotic ten year old, now am I?

Perhaps that's why he thought it was okay to bring me along.

It would be a learning opportunity to see the heroes do their work. I always wondered how things actually work. I know that the heroes get to the scene before things escalate but I wonder if the people can just call them up or if it needs to be done by the police. Do the people call the police who then call the heroes? Maybe it's a stupid question with an obvious answer but I'm curious to know. I also wonder how a hero agency works. I know that heroes are employed by hero agencies and that some big-time heroes own their own. I know that sidekicks and budding heroes are mostly working under the heroes who own the agency, but that's as far as my knowledge goes. I want to know how everything works.

The car comes to a stop next to a massive building that looks like a normal office building. Dad steps out of the car and I follow, standing at his side and watching people file in and out of the building. Some are dressed in suits, others in costumes, others somewhat casual.

"Does mom work here too?" They have the same job, perhaps they work in the same building.

"Nah, she works somewhere else"

I was wrong then.

Following my father into the building I note the greetings he gets from those who walk past. It seems almost everyone knows and are on good terms with him. Do they actually like him or are they just wearing masks? This is a question I would know the answer to were it not for the devices on my ears. Public use of quirks is forbidden after all and since I have a way to block my quirk I have to follow this rule as well. It sucks, but it is what it is. And I guess my quirk is very invasive so it's best I do go along with it.

We get in an elevator with a couple of people, all talking to my father and laughing at whatever joke he makes. Sometimes they all laugh after saying something that should not be funny. I guess they have a couple of inside jokes then.

"Cute kid"

The compliment comes from a man standing next to my father. He waves at me with a small smile, a gesture I return.

"Takes after her mother"

Look at him being all modest and coy. He knows damn well that my looks stem from them both. Although I appreciate the subtle compliment to my mother. This man doesn't seem capable of saying anything remotely negative about his wife, something that I respect about my father.

"So you work with some big-shot hero?"

We're out of the elevator and travelling down a long, wide corridor. Dad's adjusting his tie as if he won't pull it loose at any chance he gets and nods to my question.

"What do you do?"

"Lots of things" there's a chuckle as he says this, he knows that's not the answer I was after.

"Such a detailed answer" ah, sarcasm. What a wonderful thing it is.

"Right? I've been told I'm good with the fine details"

"Yes you are, dear father, the very best" I go along with his nonsense as we turn a corner, now approaching a set of double doors. "The answer you gave was so vivid I could picture every single detail. No one could've done it better"

He's grinning from ear to ear, chuckles escaping him at my words. He doesn't say anything anymore as we stop in front of double doors. He glances at me, mouthes something about awesomeness and finally pushes the doors open.

The first thing my eyes find is the man standing in front of the floor to ceiling window that overlooks the city. He's tall, taller than my father who stands at a perfect six feet. Looking up at him will be the cause of my broken neck. He's dressed in a darkly themed costume that contrasts his light complexion. The outfit hugs his figure closely, something I expected from a hero costume. The thing is so tight to his skin that I can see every outline of his muscle, every vein running down his arm to the way his arm flexes when he moves his book away from his face. Why is it that tight? Is it not uncomfortable? Why are you reading a book whilst standing over there? He's not leaning against anything, just standing in front of his large window with the sun casting over his form.

"Vincent" there's an accent to his voice that I can't place as he says my father's name. He turns to face us, running a hand over slicked-back hair as if to make sure it is exactly as he had styled it. He's looking down at me soon, green eyes seeming to appraise little old me. "And you must be Zena"

Have I seen him before? He's supposed to be a big shot hero, isn't he? I should've seen him on Tv, maybe I have but I can't place him at the moment.

"Why am not surprised you did this?"

I'm not sure if he's talking about me being here or my father and I having matching outfits. It was in no way my idea, but I did not turn down the idea either. The fact that my father had a full suit for me meant that this was planned beforehand. The suit is the classic black with a blue dress shirt and dark tie. The pants are a pair of flat fronts that I'm very comfortable in. The blazer is soft on the inside and overall just comfortable. Unlike my father I don't constantly adjust my tie, nor do I try to loosen it. I've never thought of trying on a suit until it was brought up and I would like to say that I quite like it.

"You know I had to" dad touches his tie again with a smile that's very stupid. "I'm surprised you let me bring her"

"Why not let you bring her? I've been wanting to meet her for some time now, especially since you talk about her every chance you get"

Why am I here though?

"So, Zena, ready to follow your dad around and see what he does?" He's crouching to be at eye level with me. He smells like the forest for some reason and his smile is full of kindness. My friendly father has a friendly boss, what do ya know.

"Am I going to be in the middle of boss fights?" The answer to this question is very important. I really need to know what I'm getting myself into here

"If I say yes?" A brow's quirked, the smile is now devious and I love it.

Well then, yes, I'm ready to find out what my father does for a living.


Patrolling the streets of the city is something expected of a hero so they usually don't get more attention than they deserve. But patrolling the streets with a child in tow draws a bit more attention from everyone else. I can feel eyes on me, a feeling that has a shiver running up and down my spine. I'm not used to being watched by so many so I'm uncomfortable, although not for a long time. The feeling is gone faster than I expected, quickly replaced by the calm I usually feel. I look here and there as we walk the streets, tuning out the conversation between my father and his boss. I have no idea what his name is for he hasn't told me, nor has my father. I believe they did that on purpose. I'm curious as to what quirk this man has, but don't try to bring it up. I'll see at some point.

Villain vs hero fights are often on TV, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if some ridiculous bad guy materializes in front of us and starts going crazy. I wouldn't bat an eye if there were to be an explosion a few blocks away. I wouldn't be surprised to find someone robbing a store. A lot happens in the day as people suffer some reason for wanting to partake in the life of crime.


I would make a dangerous villain. It's not the first time I've thought of this. I couldn't help but think this when I think of my quirk and the potential I have when I've gained full mastery. A bad guy with my abilities can become one of the greatest bad guys to exist.

I could manipulate a hero into doing something for me, something that would greatly benefit me. I can use a hero to gain information or even plant the idea of there being a mole amongst the good guys and turn them against each other. I can easily frame some hero for crimes I have committed.

The things I can do are unruly.

The world better pray I don't wake up one day and decide to live on the wild side. They wouldn't be able to handle me, especially with my amazing evil lau-

There's a scream from nearby that's followed by a loud bang sounding like a gunshot. The sound came from ahead of us, just around the corner we were approaching.

I wonder if it's the usual robbery taking place

As we turn the corner I'm not sure what was or is happening before me. A man stands right in front of us, gun in hand, but that's not what my attention is on. What has all my focus is what's sprouting from his back. Tendrils, long and eery reach around his body, surrounding him in some odd sort of flower. The things are darker than the night and wriggle in the air, some impact the ground, sending cracks travelling to my feet. They're strong then. One holds a woman captive, curling around her body like a snake slithers around its prey, getting tighter and tighter with each passing second. It comes to her neck, curling around her throat tight enough to cut off her screams and her breathing.

What in the tentacle porn?

I never expected to see something like this ever in my life

"This is bad"

You don't say.

"That woman is about to shake hands with death himself" I voice between the men who already seem ready to attack. They need to be careful before one of those tentacles gets them. "Just letting you know"

They're fast. I realize that as one is suddenly shot towards us at a speed I can barely register in time. I react before I fully think about it, stomping my foot to the ground, forcing the pavement to bend to my will and manifest a solid wall before us. It's little help as it's pierced by the strong tendril, but it helped none the less. My father catches it with his bare hands and the hero springs into action.

I expected some epic battle to unfurl before my eyes, a battle I could later tell to friends who would not believe I had witnessed such awesomeness. That did not happen, however...

All I remember was my dad's boss sprinting to the offending man before there was a blinding light followed by the sound of an explosion.

My eyes hurt from the light even when I had closed them and when opened I was met with a confusing scene. It's confusing because I heard an explosion yet there is no sign of destruction. The tentacle guy is passed out on the floor, his tendrils lying helplessly around him. The woman is having a coughing fit nearby, tears streaming down her face in her terror and relief. Then there was the hero whose name I do not know. He stood over the bad guy with a frown before turning to us. He and my father have a silent conversation that ends with my dad pulling out his phone and dialling a number.

I wanted to know what this guy's quirk was and I don't even find out. I can learn nothing from a bright light and explosion. An explosion that caused no damage at all. What happened?

"You did good kid" he's talking to me but all I wanna know is what exactly he had just done. "That thing was super fast and you acted before it reached us. Your reaction time is amazing"

I'm smiling before I can try to stop myself. It's not every day you get complimented by a hero.

I'm an amazing earth bender, I know

"The authorities will be here in a minute" dad puts his phone away and approaches the man that looks dead on the floor. I only now notice the blood covering his face and soaking his clothes. Now I'm even more curious. "You did a number on him"

Yes he did


What had he done? What was that light? What was that explosion? Was I just hearing things? Will these two take the time to explain to me?

No, they won't

I'm starting to think I should've stayed at home with my mother. She's already three months pregnant and could use my help, yet I'm out here with my father, confused and curious. I could've been eating something delicious right now, or maybe sleeping in my comfortable ass bed.

And why are we wearing suits out on patrol? Why did my father think it a good idea to wear suits for this? Why does he do the things he does?

I was supposed to finally find out what my father does every day yet all I know is that he goes out on patrol with the boss. That doesn't give me any insight since that's what a sidekick would do and dad is not a sidekick but I'm not sure what he is.

Mom could've had some use for me.

I wanna go home.