
Chapter 534 Ancestor Golden Snake_2

Such a stalemate.

It lasted a very long time.

Until one day, much later.

Only when True Monarch Fei Hu from Zichuan Prefecture Government sent another message to He Song did he finally comprehend how the situation had ended.

This time, a large group of Golden Elixir Masters had rushed to Purple River State to capture the Twin-winged White Tiger.

After prolonged indecisiveness, there was no victor.

The Twin-winged White Tiger had already been severely wounded by True Monarch Fei Hu and three other Golden Elixir Masters who accompanied him.

By the time it managed to escape the encirclement of the four, it was already at the end of its strength.

Barely enduring through several more days of pursuit, it finally collapsed when other Golden Elixir Masters appeared.

By the time True Monarch Fei Hu and his colleagues departed, it had already succumbed from exhaustion.

In the subsequent time.