
Seed Of The Stars

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, there was a creator that created a great tree. From that tree, the universe was created. But, in the universe was the weak and pathetic humans. They were given only the ability to think, so the gods had pity on them. A god had given them mana. Another gave them ways to fight back with that mana. The greatest gift was given to only a single human. It was a seed from the tree that created life. And with the power of the seed, the manifestation of mankind's desires began to take hold. That was how the first ever champion of mankind, a "Sprouted" was born. ~~~~ Our story takes place in modern magical times, where everybody has something called a "Seed". At the age of 16, every child must go to awaken their seed, the event of a lifetime. Nobles protect the civilians from danger of demons and beasts under the law of the first king- "Noblesse Oblige", but it's the dream of our main character to become a sort of a hero! Our main character, Nova and his friend Rai- ends up "Sprouting", a phenomenon that occurs when their seed is fully saturated with mana, right on the spot of the examination. With Seeds that qualify themselves to attend the same school as the nobles, they're forced to take place in "Noblesse Oblige" as well! From then on, it's up to them to see where their Seeds will take them. Disclaimer: There ARE some cultural references in this story. Please keep in mind, just in case you get interested or confused. Thank you for the amazing support! Please leave a review and add this book to your library!! Coverart drawn by https://twitter.com/Blumbus_ To stay up to date and check out some fanart, please check my twitter! https://twitter.com/AlanOfTheStars

Alanala · 武侠
218 Chs

Mune's Analysis

After they finished the mission and absorbed the crystals, they returned to the Raidagem room.


Nova laid face down on the hardwood floor of his Raidagem's room.

『....I've never been so exhausted before…』[Nova]

Mune walked over and knelt down on the floor, poking Nova's back.

『Yo. You dead, Nova?』[Mune]

Nova groaned motionlessly on the floor as Mune got up and sat on the couch.

「...His abilities are so versatile… He can absorb mana and strengthen himself with it, and that leads him to have much more mana than the others at his age. So that means… someone put that seal on him to protect him, right?」[Mune]

Mune leaned far back into the cushion of the couch, staring at Nova.

「Reagan wouldn't know how to do that kind of seal… Lucifius, you said that Nova had Mana Heart, right?」[Mune]

「He has it. His Seed is damaged, however.」[Lucifius]

Mune tried his best to not show the shock on his face, but his body tensed up.

「...His Seed is.. damaged?」[Mune]

「It was partially healed by him, but it definitely wasn't a perfect seal. He's not leaking mana or anything, but… he probably doesn't have a "limiter" on his Seed.」[Lucifius]

「...His abilities so far… he can go as big as he wants with them, is that what you mean?」[Mune]

Mune didn't let him respond as he kept on thinking on it.

「...Right. Nova's abilities are all free-flowing continuous abilities. He can make and burn the flame as long or as bright as he wants. His Area is also as large as he wants… And he made that new Stellaris ability massive earlier!」[Mune]

「Right, so-」[Lucifius]

「His Seed abilities don't have anything to stop him from overextending his mana, so if he goes too far, he might kill himself!」[Mune]

Lucifius patiently waited for Mune to finish his thought before he finally cut in.

「...Exactly, but you know, his Mana Heart is linked to his body, so the depletion of his mana-」[Lucifius]

「Uh… yeah, I just said that if he overextends on his mana, he would die.」[Mune]


Lucifius paused for a moment before continuing.

「Too much mana is rarely a problem for him, though. It should leak as blood, but… if it's too sudden, his mana veins might be stretched out too far. His mana veins look like they're recovering right now, actually…」[Lucifius]

「He's… overextending himself.」[Mune]

「Overextending? I didn't think I'd ever hear that about someone from you, of all people.」[Lucifius]

「...The line is thin.」[Mune]

Nova began to crawl on the floor.

『...I have… so much stockpiled mana…』[Nova]

Mune couldn't help but laugh.

『...Yeah, you probably absorbed a truck's worth of mana crystals. But I think your seal isn't going to break until your mana veins regenerate. I believe that's the condition.』[Mune]

Nova shifted his head to the side to look at Mune.

『...Mana veins?』[Nova]

『Lucifius said that your mana veins were overextended. You weren't paying attention to the amount you were absorbing, right?』[Mune]

『...Yeah. I ended up fighting that Nezha guy in the last mission.』[Nova]

Mune's eyes lit up.

『And you're still alive? Not bad at all, Nova! Getting away with just overextending your mana veins isn't bad, then!』[Mune]

『...Heh… Should I be happy…?』[Nova]

『Hell yeah, you should! That means with time, you'll be able to fight on par with the Cardinal Sins!』[Mune]


Nova began to snore mid-conversation, leaving Mune speechless.

『...Guess that's all we're doing for today.』[Mune]

He took a paper out of his spatial ring, staring at another quest.

『...Or at least all I'm doing with him…』[Mune]


By the time Nova woke up, it was about lunchtime.

『...How long have I been asleep?』[Nova]

He got off the floor, a puddle of drool leaving its proof of his nap.

He concentrated on his earpiece with a bit of mana.

『...An hour, or so?』[Nova]

A popup text appeared from Mune, telling him to take it easy and be ready for what was in store for tomorrow.

『...I guess I can go look for Freyana….』[Nova]

He got up and cleaned the saliva off of the floor before starting to walk back to his room.

『...We're running out of time until the battle begins… and we're still short someone…』[Nova]

He suddenly felt someone grab his collar from behind.

『Hey?! Let go-』[Nova]

He turned around to find Reagan staring at him with a death glare.

『Let's do some training, why don't we?』[Reagan]

Nova was forced to simmer down, only allowed to meekly reply.


Sorry this is late. I'm getting WAAAAAY busier in real life. I'll try to release each week, but I'm getting a bit too busy to even write full chapters. I'd like to prioritize frequency over length just to make sure you all have something to read each week though. I barely even have time to read any responses, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit of a silent author!

Alanalacreators' thoughts