Wednesday, at 11 pm. 1 hour before midnight.
It is an average night in the pub tonight, nothing new or fresh that comes out of the blue. Until one thing changed the scenery, it wasn't a visible change but a change that might affect the others after this. While at the counter, Mason was wiping a wine glass with a white towel. He takes his time to sure that the glass is clean by slowly dancing the towel in the interior for a cleaner and faster way of cleaning it. He was fine for a moment until someone sat at the bar stool. Mason tried to ignore it for a moment but soon after, he decided to have a keen eye out for the person.
“One Pina Colada please.” The man asked as he orders a drink from him. Mason nodded but before he grabs the fresh pineapple cuts that was being refrigerated through the night. Everything was newly bought and Mason decided to sure that the fruits are fresh so he places them in the fridge that was under the counter.