As the suns steadily set, the darkness of the looming night slowly arrive, days turn into nights, clouds of white slowly turned into gray, city lights turned on to set and prepare for the later night, others decided is a good time to eat outside while others focus on their normal activities. People rode their vehicles, their bikes, or simply, just talking a soothing walk. Mason opened the doors of the pub, and by surprise, they were very early, too early that Travis hasn't arrived yet and of course, without Travis, there are no keys.
“It's lock…” Hypnos said as she tried to turn the knob, Mason sighed and decided to lean on to the pub's walls.
“I can enter the pub and unlock it, if you want?” Heather suggested, Hypnos agreed on, and then Mason decided to took out his phone and began calling Travis. After a few rings, Travis picked it up and so the two started calling each other.
“Sir, may I ask if I can unlock the pub?” Mason asked his boss through the phone.