
Eleanor's Parties

The day went by quickly from here. By 9 pm, the office is empty and calm with no one in sight, but one office remains lit. Leila stays glued to her screen as she glances from the wristwatch to the laptop stationed on the desk before her.

She picks a pin on the table then hovers it around the wristwatch revealing a metallic reaction. Out of frustration, she groans and shuts the laptop screen angrily.

She rubs her forehead then rises. Her eyes catch the time, but she goes back to her thoughts. Slowly,  she sits back down and stares hard at the wristwatch.

Leila brings out her phone and taps on it a few times. A holographic computer system appears. She works with the computer and on the wristwatch.

Three hours later, she closes up the wristwatch and nods. After which she places it in a casing and into her bag. She rises, almost knocking over the mug that is still filled with tea.

Remembering how it got there, she picks it up, sniffs it, and walks out of the office. She throws the content of the mug in the toilet then cleans it, after which places it on a rack and walks out of the company.

Leila gets home thirty minutes after because City Zee never sleeps and traffic caught up with her.

She plops down on her couch without turning on the lights, resting her head on the headrest with her eyes closed, still holding on to her jacket and bag.

After five minutes in that position, she opens her eyes sharply. "Lights on"

The entire room lit up. Something felt off, she could feel it but was finding it hard to pinpoint it. She looks around the sitting room, then rises with her things.

Feeling it might be from exhaustion, she decided to have a rest. She walks to her room and pauses at the door.

"What happened here?"

She stated staring at the pieces of clothing on the floor, 

A holographic TV appeared before the door and displayed what happened. Leila smiles, but only with her lips. "Where is he?"

"He escaped" a female voice echoed in the hallway, 

"So why leave this place dirty?"

After a minute of silence, the female voice replied, "I wanted you to know"

"Clean this place"

Leila instructed and walks into her room. The next day, Leila lays flat on her bed until late in the day. Sleeping and concentrating lately have been one of her problems for the past month.

She taps the black machine on her bedside table with annoyance as she sits upright. Leila has been unable to sleep without having to toss and turn like someone being chased.

While googling different ways to have a good night's rest, she found out that listening to the voice of nature will help, but it didn't help in any way.

She even tried sleeping during the daytime, and it only made her feel worse. Still analysing her issues, she hears 

"Eleanor is at the door"

Leila shuts her eyes out of irritation. She just got up and Eleanor wants to make a fight. "Let her in"

Lazily, she walks to the bathroom. She spends about an hour in the bathroom, mentally preparing herself for whatever her aunt has for her.

Putting on a white crop top, blue jean shorts and white fluffy slippers, she walks out of the room. The commotion she met in her sitting room almost made her explode.

Random people walked around the house, placing different decorations in around. She looks around shocked, looking for Eleanor. It does not take long as she spots Eleanor supervising the flower placement.

"What's all this?" she questioned with anger visible on her face as she stands behind Eleanor 

Eleanor smiles as she turns around to face Leila. "I want to throw a party, so I thought I could use here"

"Without my permission?"

"I didn't think I needed to"

"This is my house" her voice is laced with confusion and annoyance, "Why would you think you would throw a party in here without informing me? What if I had plans?"

"You never have one. I don't see why you are making a fuss because of a house. I have mine, you know? The place you used to stay before you came here"

Leila's lips twitch. Yes, she stayed in her house despite having more than enough buildings to stay in, and that was all because of Eleanor.

Eleanor said she would feel lonely, so she should stay. Eleanor loved throwing parties, she had lots of sugar daddies and a rich niece, so it was easy to get money. 

And these parties were always thrown in her mansion with no care in the world.

A few months back, Leila moved out from the mansion to another house not far from there to suit Eleanor, but Eleanor turned it into her party hall again. She did not complain as she wanted to make her aunt feel good even at her inconvenience.

Even when Leila felt like sleeping, she cannot because of the noise. Last month when all her troubles began she felt the noise of the music was her issue or at least adding to her issue, so she moved far away from the city to this place to have some peace and quiet.

She was glad that her aunt had not repeated the stunt, but she celebrated too early, and now she wants to raid it.

Hell no!

Leila has had enough of this. If it was some kind of punishment for firing her workers, then this is too much. 

"You should not act like you don't need company, LY. I know you need one and this party would help you. You know you are always invited to my parties"

Leila's gaze remains fixated on Eleanor's lips, then it slowly moves to her eyes. Once it landed on her eyes, the words that left her lips shocked Eleanor 

"Every one of you, get the hell out of my house NOW!!"

ML coming soon

Crown_S_Hcreators' thoughts