

Dominic was left standing in the middle of the rod, sweat trickling down his body and his shirt was hanging loosely on his body. 

He watched as the taxi moved out of sight and cursed further wondering what he was going to do.

'What an asshole?' He thought to himself. They had a deal with Jake but he didn't keep the end of his bargain. He knows where to get him and Jake will have to pay for it dearly.

Walking towards the direction that Jake had disappeared in, he looked at his phone and wondered who was he going to call at this point. 

He thought of calling his girlfriend but that is going to be useless. She will give him some advice but that advice won tale him reach Jake very fast. 

Suddenly he heard a motorcycle coming his way and an idea popped in his head, he waved it down and removed his fake badge. Dangling it in the air for the motorist to see, "I need your bike, get out!" He said and the guy got quickly jumped out of the motorcycle and he hopped into it following Jake.

"Let's see who gets there first you motherfucker!" He said silently as he rode the motorcycle down the road at a high speed.

Everyone around the area made way for him as the moved out of the roading thinking that 'need for speedy was being shot again.

He didn't care, the aim was for him to get to Jake, slap his beautiful face before leaving him and going to find Dee. 

Inside the car, Jake was laughing at Dominic who stood in the middle of the road frustrated. He didn't want to leave him but he thought it won't be a nice idea for both of them to pop inside the ceremony together, leaving his ass behind was for a good reason.

'You won't understand it but I am sorry,' he thought to himself. 

His main aim was to create two different groups. He wanted to be at the funeral alone and then Dominic wi also follow him and come alone. If they all rush and barge at the funeral, people will become suspicious of them.

"I want us to use the opposite road, is that possible?" He asked the taxi driver.

"Yes sir, but you will have to pay more for that," he said. 

"No problem, money is what everyone wants," he said sarcastically and pointed to the direction that he wanted him to follow.

Dominic was sure that he was going to drive at the ceremony even before Dee arrives, he wanted was to make sure that she was safe and sound.

Looking at his watch, he cursed, it was already ten by the time they arrive there, it would be eleven and the body would be lowered to the ground. 

He just hoped if Dominic was fast, he will arrive there faster than him. Though he doubted that. As much as they act as brothers and Clare had told him to always keep an eye on him, he was sure he will be following him right now.

He retrieved his phone from his pocket and texted him something before going ahead to goggle some of the cemeteries in Wood Creek.

"Only one?" He shouted as he looked again.

"Are you okay sir?" Asked the old driver.

He lifted his face and tried to look at him. He looked old enough to know some things but what he doesn't know is if he knows anything about Wood Creek. 

'Maybe I can try my luck,' he thought to himself. 

"Where are you from exactly," he asked him as he composed himself and looked at him from the mirror.

"Sir, I was born in Wood Creek but moved to the city when I was twenty-three, I have been working in the city for some time.

Jake looked at him again and doubted his answers. When he showed him the direction to Wood Creek, he didn't look like someone who knows the area, but how cones he was horn there?

"Do you come here often?" He asked again trying to read his expressions.

"I rarely do sir, work has barred me from travelling you know, expenses to pay and it's just tiring," he said. 

Jake couldn't read his facial expression. He felt like he was trying to hide more. He thought of a way to get more information from him and resolved to engage him in more conversations.

"I am going to a friends burial, but we haven't been in touch with the family, I am trying to get the venue but I only see one cemetery. Are there no more cemeteries around?" He asked 

He knew that was a stupid question. If there was only one cemetery it means that he can just go there and find the venue instead of asking for it.

The old man just stared at the road before they locked eyes with Jake in the mirror.

"People are rarely buried in Wood creek, most families hurry them out of the wood creek." Answered the man and then went silent again. 

Jake also went quiet and tried to digest his words. How can someone hurry their loved one away from the place he or she has lived for most of their years.

Unless people rarely die here because it's an area that people mainly do farming so they engage in nutritious food than genetically engineered food.

Dominic was taking the bike at a very high speed, overtaking the vehicles that were before him. Ge didn't care whether someone was honking at him for using a very high speed, all he wanted was to be at his boss. 

He was sure the area that he wanted to barge into was very risky and he feared that something might happen to him if he goes here alone. 

Trying his best, the motorcycle was out of fuel, he jumped down, and started turning it upside down, shaking it to make sure it works but nothing happened.

He had not looked at it when he snatched it from the owner, laughing in frustration, he left it by the road but after writing a small note to the owner and started running towards the direction that The taxi had taken. 

He couldn't see it, 'it was painted in white?' He thought as he looked ahead of him.

He then tried to remember, no taxi has white colour, they only have yellow colours. All the blood on his body drained and he felt his body go numb as he wanted his brain searching if by any chance he saw the plate number or anything out of the usual but nothing came to mind. All the windows to the car were tilted in black and he couldn't see anyone side of the car. 

"Wait, could it be that the person riding the car was also in a deal to kidnap him?" He thought aloud making the pedestrian walking along the road turn their gaze in him.

He quickly removed his engine from his pocket and called Pete, he asked him to gather a security team that had gone with Jake to Dee's home area to try and look for him.

He then called an important person and asked her to locate Jake's phone. 

"I only trust you, babe, so please do this for me, I put you in charge of his phone's location for a reason and today this is one of those reasons, I need you," he told his girlfriend.

"I have heard you, but can you explain to me how this happened Dominic?" She shouted from the other end. 

'She just called me by my name?' He thought to himself as he listened to his ranting that we're not stopping anytime soon.

"I am sorry, we were chasing after the lady and he suddenly left me alone and boarded a taxi bit I feel like that was not a taxi," he said in a calm voice.

"Hey, do your best and bring your boss home, okay?" She ordered and Dominic agreed and ended the call.

Dominic knew this was all planned. From Dee escaping to Jake following him and then someone saw him follow Dee, the person might have left Dee and led Jake into a trap.

He regretted asking Jake to get into the shop and he some sunglasses or even for them to search Diana in different places.

He wanted to be angry at Diana but he thought that if it was in, he would have done the same thing that Diana did. So he couldn't throw the blame at her.

He decided to ask for a lift bit before getting inside be vehicles he made sure he gave the person offering him a lift a serious look before he agreed to climb bro it.

"Sir we are here," said the man.

Trying to look at his surrounding, a club was pushed on his face with force and Jake passed out on the car's seat.

"I have him."




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