
He Wants Dee or The Company.

After the meeting, the group decided to drive back into the hotel, Jake has been silent the whole time, just glued to his phone making Dee wonder why he was not talking or saying anything yet everything went on okay. Trying to reflect on the day, she doesn't remember doing anything that might upset have him, she was trying her best to avoid upsetting him and did everything so as not to anger him. 

Domonic watched as the couple was silent and wondered what was in Jake's mind, after the meeting, Jake was just quiet and didn't talk about anything. He saw the uncomfortable Dee, she was trying to say something but she feared opening her mouth so she resolved on keeping quiet and had drifted to seep.

Arriving at the hotel, Jake quickly walked out of the car leaving the two back in the car, Dee was dead asleep and had not realised they were already at their destination.

"Dee, wake up, we are already here," said Dominic as he tapped her on his shoulder.

Startled from her sleep, she woke and liked beside her, Disappointment washed over her face after she failed to see Jake. 

"Where is Jake?" She asked.

Dominic saw the concern on her face that masked the disappointment that had previously taken over. 

"Sorry, he went up," said Dominic as he stretched a hand for her to walk outside. 

Dee waited for him to turn off the engine and walked together into the elevator, "did I do anything bad to make him this mad?"

Sighing, Dominic didn't know what to tell her, they were in the meeting the two of them so it's was difficult to understand what transpired between them. He started noticing Jake's silence after the meeting.

"It's hard to understand him, Dee, maybe some memories have been triggered during the meeting to have him act that way," he said as the lift beeped indicating they had arrived at their room.

Dominic wanted to bid her goodbye but he thought it was good to walk her inside the room. Jake was in the minibar drinking from the bottle of alcohol, Dee and Dominic looked at each other with worried faces. Whatever memories that were triggered must have been terrible to have him this drunk.

Dee wanted to walk over to him but Dominic held her back, she looked at him with furrows forming on her forehead, "what's happening?" 

"Please, walk over into the bedroom, I will deal with him," warned Jake and Dee stood rooted to the same spot she was in. She couldn't understand why Dominic will always ask her to stand aside when he wants to speak to Jake. She was her girlfriend and she had a say in something,' turns out being a girlfriend doesn't give you any right to know what's happening to Jake.'

She walked into the bedroom and slammed the door behind her, she didn't know why they kept keeping her away, she wanted to help, to do something but she felt this scenario was not different, and she didn't want to end up like Dave. She would rather be his friend but not some girl he can't tell shit to. 

Checking at her phone for any important message, she only saw a text from Dave, she will be lying if she said she doesn't want to know how things are going on between Nathan and him. 

Dave: I think he is going to fire me, Dee, there has been a new girl in the office walking up and down and most of the time I was asked to give her my space.

Dee saw this and decided to video call Dave, but not after locking the bedroom door.

Dave answered the call with the first ring, his eyes were puffy, it was like he has been crying the whole day. She knew this is not how best friends are supposed to be, she needed to be there for him, to comfort him but too sad, she was not even there. She is stuck with Jake who is emotional and doesn't want her to help.

"Hello Dave," she called him after she saw how sad and silent he was after receiving the call.

"I am very low, will you please be with me, even if it's just for thirty minutes, I will appreciate it," begged Dave and Dee nodded. 

She watched how frail he looked, his eyes were swollen and pink because of rubbing them over and over.

"Do you remember when we stole food from Mark's bag because he was bullying me, then we placed moulding clay, in year one?" Asked Dee as she looked at him.

Dave laughed before looking at her, "are you serious? I know no one has ever known of that story and I am happy because my mum would gave pinched me and killed me."

"Wait, then we stole his books and drew a very bad picture before returning it into his bag," said Dee as she laughed loudly at that day.

"Yeah, but the worst is when we decided to put the itching leaf powder on our teacher's desk because we hated how she treated you in class, so sad she never stopped until we left her class," Dave said and they both busted into laughing, Dee was happy that at least Dave was cheering up, she hated to see him sad and blaming himself every time.

Their talk went on for some time, It was not until Dave checked the time and He excused himself telling Dee that he needs to sleep and prepare for tomorrow. She nodded and they ended the call.

She felt better speaking to Dave, but for Jake, that was something else, she didn't know how to approach him. Taking a quick shower, she did her routine before picking a book, she didn't want to be engrossed in the thoughts of why Jake was acting strangely towards her, she just hoped it had nothing to do with her and maybe it was something else.

In the living room, Jake stood, sipping alcohol, he didn't even look at Dominic who was moving towards him.

"Is everything okay Jake?" Asked Dominic as he sat next to him.

"He wants to take my company Dominic, something that I have built from the ground, the hotel that I laboured for," said Jake.

Dominic watched how he was angry when saying those words, he didn't know that his dad was in the meeting, the last time he saw him was like them years ago when Jake asked him to come and help him as aw his dad off his company. 

This time round he finest know why he is back, he was sure that his father was not there for the business or the hotel unless he was after something else.

"I didn't see him in the meeting," said Dominic as he raked his brain for any memories of seeing his father, maybe he is too old and Karma has done his part of punishing him.

"He sent his asshole of a son, to come and tell me that it's either I leave Dee or give him the company," 

Dominic looked at him, "why would he be interested in Dee Jake, Dee is just another young girl that you loved and has nothing to do with him."

"Turns out my dad has been asked to deliver Dee to Dorcas' group and without her, I am going to suffer consequences that I don't know about, maybe my company or my life?"

Dominic looked at him and shook his head, if they had known early, they could have invaded the organization the day Jake asked him to do it, but they were taking their time to access whether they might come up with concrete evidence against them. Turns out they already have new plans. 

"Don't worry, I wi ask Pete to do an investigation, then we will work on that when we go back, right now focus on making sure Dee is safe now that people know where you are, and you posted about her on Instagram," explained Dominic.

Jake gave him a worried look, "are you sure they identified her?" 

Dominic shrugged his shoulder and walked to the door, "I am just happy that for once you've posted about her, but people will start running after you everywhere you go."

"I can't control myself around her, it's like this piece of diamond of gold that u have found on the hound of solid and I don't want people to know about it and at the same time I want to boast about it in the market to fetch a higher price for it," Said Jake.

Domonic understood her, finding someone who loves you makes you feel different, you are always at peace, you discover yourself because you thought you were complete. 

"Just don't her, because my girlfriend is interested in her and I won't mind a threesome," grinned Dominic and Jake threw him the bottle of alcohol but luckily for Dominic, he missed it and ran out of the house.