
Chapter Thirty-seven

Festus was reluctant to hand the envelop to his Master who was drunk. But he knew his Master would be upset if he finds out. So he (Festus) had no choice than to give it to the drunken man.

Festus handed the letter to Williams. He also prayed silently that he (Williams) do not destroy it. Williams did not stop drinking. He had in one hand, a bottle of alcohol and in the other, the letter which he had squeezed the envelop that contains it. He threw the letter to the floor and staggered up and out of the room. Festus, went to the side of the room, picked the letter and opened it. He read the content of the letter and folded it back into the envelop.

Meanwhile, in the house of the Smiths, Sofia’s  face was swelling up by the minute. She ran out to meet Eva and ask for assistance. 

Eva was busy in the kitchen, when the door flicked open and Sofia stormed in.

“Eva.” Sofia called out in tears. Eva was shocked to see Sofia  that way. She moved towards Sofia and held her out of the kitchen.

“What happened to you, Ma’am ?” Eva asked with concern.

“It’s Valerie. She slapped me. “ Sofia broke into tears. Eva was dumbfounded. She went into the kitchen, instructed the maids on what more to do and left with Sofia.

Immediately they entered Eva’s  room, Eva got her first aid box to wipe off the water that exuded from the swells. She then dashed out of the room to the garden. She got some herbs and went to the kitchen. She prepared the herbs and also got its water extract and then rushed back, into her room.

Sofia sat down in Eva’s room still in pains. Eva came in and began to apply medications on her. While she wince at any slightest touch on the surface of the wound. After that, she drank the water extract and Eva made her lay down to rest.

Eva left the room to call Lady Lily and Mira. She knocked on the door several times yet no one opened it. After searching carefully, she found out that the door was locked outside. So she guessed the duo might be somewhere within the compound. Eva again began to search for them within the compound. She was exhausted after a long search and no positive result. She then slowly  retraced her footsteps to her room. Something hit her brains on her way and she rushed out. It was a relief when she sighted them in the washing area.

“Lady Li…ly a..nd… Mi..ra.” Eva called in a squeaky voice. She was panting heavily when she sat on the chair.

Mira rushed out to see if someone was pursuing Eva. She came back inside when she saw no one.

“ What happened?” Lady Lily asked.

“I’ve been searching, all over the place for you two.” Eva said still breathing fast.

“ Valerie gave us a day’s work. As you can see, we have a whole lot of works to do and we can’t leave here, till we’re done.” Mira told her.

“ Ma’am Sofia is down. Valerie attacked her.” Eva announced.

“What?”  Lady Lily and Mira shouted in shock.

“She’s in my room and ……” Before Eva could finish her statement, Lady Lily and Mira were out of the washing area, on their way to Eva’s room. Eva trudged to her room. Lady Lily and Mira were already in front of her room. They ran out without asking if Eva’s room was unlocked. Mira rushed and collected the key to Eva’s room on seeing Eva. Immediately, she opened the door and duo ran in. They went and sat on the bed where  Sofia lay. 

“ Ma’am. “ Mira cried. Eva joined them in the room and locked the door behind her. Lady Lily just stared. They didn’t know what to say to her Sofia smiled a little. She didn’t  want to cause them so much worries.

“ You didn’t  tell us about this, Ma’am ?” Mira complained.

“ Does it hurt so much? “ Lady Lily inquired. She was almost at the verge of tears. 

“ I’m  ok. It’s just a minor issue.” Sofia assured.

Mira got so upset. She stood up and left the room to the surprise of the trio in the room.

“ Where is she going to? “ Eva asked. Everyone kept quiet. They did not know where.

Mira wanted to see Albert. She took the courage to go to his room (**should I say his entrance door? it’s a room that led to several rooms inside. **) 

She knocked at the door and a security guard came out. 

“ What can I do for you ?” The security guard asked her. He was looking at the young lady in a questionable manner.

“ Please Sir, I want to see Young Master Albert, urgently. “ Mira said pleadingly.

The security guard looked at her again and exhaled loudly. “ He’s not in. Search around the compound.” He told her.

Mira bowed in thanks and left him. She began searching around, asking anyone she came across if he or she had seen Albert. Luckily after several attempts, someone directed her to a place. Mira ran to the direction, she halted on her way because she saw, Valerie with Albert. 

“ No I must be courageous. Ma’am  Sofia can’t die. “ She ran in to meet the duo ( Albert and Valerie )

“ Young Master Albert. “ Mira called as soon as she barged into the place. She was panting heavily and was exhausted by then. Valerie furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Mira.

“ What are you doing here? “ Valerie asked in a high tone.

Mira knelt down and started crying. “ Master, Ma’am Sofia is dying, please come to our aid.” Mira pleaded.

“ Is that what you’re here to say ! “ Valerie yelled. “ Have you washed the clothes I asked you to wash? Or, is it because I allowed you the freedom to …” Valerie was interrupted when Albert held her hand as to tell her to calm down. 

“ What did you just say ? “ Albert asked Mira.  Mira repeated what she said.

“Where is she now? “ Albert inquired.

“ In Eva’s room. “ Mira replied and Albert left them. Mira followed suit. But Valerie remained behind. She didn’t want to witness Sofia been taking care of.

Lady Lily sat beside Sofia consoling her. Eva was sitting on the couch in the room. She already slept off.

A knock came to the door and Lady Lily ordered the person to come in. She was astonished to see Albert and Mira behind. She stood from the bed and bowed in respect. She also went to wake Eva.

“Wh…a…….t?” Eva felt really sleepy. She felt like giving  whoever that was tapping her, a knock on the head.

Lady Lily whispered in her ears that Valerie was in the room. The name ‘Valarie’ hit her eardrums so loud that she stood to her feet with great force. She was disappointed when she saw Albert. 

“ Good day Master. “ She bowed in respect.

Albert nodded to her greeting and continued looking at the sleeping beauty whose face was badly wounded. 

Eva was irritated. She glared at Lady Lily who chuckled lightly in return.

“ What happened to her? “ Albert asked.

The trio glanced at one another. “ Who was going to speak? “ They wondered inwardly.

“ I asked a question ! “ Albert repeated, this time in an angry tone.

“ Ma’am Valerie slapped her. “ Mira told him. 

“ Albert : What? “

The room became silent at once. Lady Lily and Eva stared at Mira which eyes bugged out. The didn’t have an answer but Mira wouldn’t have revealed that to Albert.

Albert stood up and left the room in anger. 

“ Why did you do that ? “ Lady Lily asked Mira. Mira remained silent. 

“ How are we going to explain this Ma’am Sofia? “ Eva asked.

“ What should we have said. I just told him the truth…”

“ Shut up!” It was Lady Lily that yelled this time. No one spoke after that.

Valerie went to the washing area to find out if lady Lily and Mira washed all the clothes she gave them to wash. As expected, they didn’t. They washed some and left the rest there.

“ I can see that they have no regards for me. Especially, that Mira girl. “ Valerie thought to herself. She glanced at the unwashed clothes kept on the chair and anger rose in her mind. As she thought of what she’ll do to Lady Lily and Mir, her phone rang and it was Albert calling. She picked the call and told him where she was when he asked her for that. 

Albert headed straight to the washing area. His face was covered with dark lines as soon as he met Valerie.

Valerie already pretended to be crying after she received the call from Albert.

“ They left my clothes unwashed. “ Valerie said in tears. “ That’s because, I treat them do well. “ Valerie allowed tears flow from her eyes down her face. But, Albert wouldn’t go for that.

“ What did you do to Sofia ? “ Albert enquired in a dreadful tone.