
Secret spy

Being completely alone in a dark and forsaken world, with no family to turn to, no guidance to rely on, no care to comfort, no support to uplift, and no love to cherish, is a utterly terrible and absolutely awful existence. Lisa, a beautiful young lady, lives with her foster parents and siblings, trying her best to lead a normal life and suppress her extraordinary powers, which she longs to keep hidden from the world, fearing their discovery would only bring chaos and destruction. When Lisa was a little girl, she lost her parents in a tragic car accident. A huge truck collided with their vehicle, sending it plummeting into the water. With blood streaming down her face, she held her breath and struggled to free herself from the seatbelt, desperate to save her mom and dad before the car sank further into the ocean. The more she struggled, the more she felt her strength fading, until she finally lost consciousness. As she slipped away, the car continued to sink, taking her parents with it, leaving Lisa alone in the darkness. **** Kevin, a young orphan boy, had no family or friends to speak of, and had never experienced any kind of affection or love. As a result, he had built walls around his heart, shutting off his emotions completely. He dedicated himself solely to his work, using it as a distraction from the emptiness and loneliness that had become his life. His sole focus was on survival, and he allowed nothing to penetrate the armor he had built around himself Hello everyone! I'm Lisa_Lucy, your favorite author! I'm thrilled to have you all here to embark on a journey with me, exploring new worlds, imaginations, and emotions that will leave you breathless. Let's dive into the adventure together! ____Let's dig further into the secret spy____

Lisa_lucy · 奇幻
28 Chs

I lost everything: 001

Lisa proceeded into the hallway and paused in front of Yatami's room, taking a moment to inhale before gently knocking on the door.

Yatami walked over to his shelf, choosing a new book to read, when he heard a knock on the door. He placed the book on his bedside table and went to see who was at the door.

Lisa patiently waited for a response outside the room, but it never came. Just as she was about to knock again, Yatami opened the door.

With a soft smile, Yatami remarked, "You never change, Lily." When they were alone, Yatami addressed Lisa as Lily.

"I was under the impression you weren't in the room," Lisa said with a hint of concern.

"May I come in?" she inquired. Yatami politely opened the door, expressing his permission.

Lisa entered the room and sat down on the bed, while Yatami closed the door behind her. She carefully examined every aspect and corner of the room until her attention was drawn to a book. "I am sorry for interrupting your reading."

Yatami walked leisurely to his bedside table, collected his books, and sat on the nearest sofa. "I was about to read a new book."

"What brought you here, little sis?" Yatami commented.

"I came to see how my big brother is doing," Lisa stated.

"Okay, that was nice of my little sis," Yatami replied.

"Thank you, big brother," she said, swinging her legs on the bed.

Yatami crossed his legs, held the book up in the air, and started reading.

Lisa noticed Yatami in the corner reading a book and inquired, "What are you reading, Ali?"

"I titled it *The Mystery About the Moon Boy*," Yatami stated, flipping to the next page.

"Ohh," she said.

"It sounds intriguing," she said, her voice gloomy.

"I think I need to go now, Ali," she stated.

"What's the rush, Lily? You came to see me, and now you're leaving so soon. What's going on with you?" Yatami asked, leaving the sofa and taking a seat next to Lisa on the bed.

"You do not usually get gloomy easily, except something is up with you; what's going on, little sis? We can have a chat about it, if you want," he said with a hint of concern.

Lisa raised her head and looked at Yatami, then moved her gaze away from him. "You know me too well, big brother," she stated. "You are my little sis, and I would love to see you smile instead of that gloomy expression on your adorable face," he said.

Lisa climbed on top of the bed and folded her hands. "Big brother, I am not sad; I simply want to express what is on my mind to someone else."

Yatami gestured for Lisa to continue, wondering what was bothering his little sis.

Lisa settled back onto the bed. She proceeded to recount the morning's events to Yatami, explaining how her mother's reaction was always intense whenever she mentioned wanting to skip school. Feeling melancholic, Lisa shared her desire to attend a different school in a distant country, away from her current surroundings and acquaintances like Shina and her group, emphasizing her longing for a change.

"Lily, I don't think it's okay to move far away from your family, including me, and you are still too young to move out of the country by yourself."

"I know, Ali. You are right about that. Mom and Dad would be anxious if I left the country," she said thoughtfully.

"I implore you not to consider departing because of another individual. Do not plan to flee like a defeated person, but rather, rise like the sun and advocate for yourself, little sis," Yatami expressed, rubbing her hair.

Lisa was about to say something when Yatami spoke up again.

"Do not allow others to dictate your life and beliefs. I will consistently be present to aid you in all matters, offer guidance, and shield you unconditionally," he said, sounding like he was making a vow or a commander giving orders.

Lisa lifted her head and directed her gaze towards Yatami's shimmering silver eyes, observing the variety of emotions she struggled to articulate or interpret, whether they were signs of sadness, anger, moodiness, or happiness. She then surprised Yatami with a hug, leaving him speechless as he slowly raised his hands to reciprocate. Upon sharing a tranquil moment together, the two siblings were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. Yatami, noticing that Lisa was the only expected visitor, paused their embrace and with a puzzled expression turned to look at her. He then rose from his knees and made his way to the door, curious about the identity of the visitor. Upon receiving no answer to his inquiry of who was there, he retrieved a bat located behind the door and handed it to Lisa, instructing her to use it in self-defense.

The doorknob was turned slowly, and Yatami prepared as his hand generated electricity, ready to shock any potential threat. Lisa maintained a feminine stance, tightly gripping the bat and giving Yatami a nod to signal her readiness. To their astonishment, it was Mr. Amorth Jeremy - Lisa's father and Yatami's creator - who stood on the other side of the door.

"Oh dear, it seems I frightened you both, with the bat Lisa is holding and that electricity coming from your hand, Yatami. What is going on here?" Jeremy stated with a concerned expression on his face.

Lisa left the bed and positioned herself in front of her father by the entrance. "I will provide you with an explanation, Dad. We had the misconception that you were a malevolent individual. If that had been the case, Big Brother would have administered a mild shock to you before using you as a punching bag, causing considerable pain due to his android nature."

Jeremy paused briefly to reflect, then expressed his appreciation, "It is wonderful that you are making daily updates due to Lisa. Learning how to protect your little one is crucial and commendable. I admire the care you provide to my beloved daughter."

"I am delighted that you two are getting along as siblings, and I'm sorry for not replying to you both earlier," said Jeremy with an apologetic expression.

Yatami stepped forward and placed a hand on Jeremy's shoulder. "No need, Mr. Amorth Jeremy. I am here to protect you and my family, including Lily," Lisa nodded in agreement with Yatami's statement.

"Call me Dad, not my name, Yatami," Jeremy commented.

"Yes, Dad," Yatami stated with a warm smile.

"That's good to hear. Also, Lisa, you are coming with me," Jeremy said.

Lisa looked at her dad, wondering where he was going to take her.

"Oh no," Lisa exclaimed, her face changing as she realized what day it was. "I am sorry, Dad; I forgot today was your and Mom's fifth wedding anniversary." She expressed her feelings of guilt. "How stupid of me to forget this specific occasion," she said to herself three times.

"But, princess, you do not have to say that. You are unique, not stupid, but incredible," said Jeremy, bending down in front of his daughter and lightly rubbing her hair.

"Do not say that again, Lily; I am lucky to have a little sister like you," Yatami stated. "My creator and his family are delighted that you have joined them."

Lisa turned to look at Yatami, who was standing behind her, looking serious, which made her giggle slightly.

"Lisa, you understand what your brother said. What do you think about this idea? Let us go home, pick up Mom, and have some fun today," said Dad with a smile.

"It is great, Dad, spending time as a family. I love the idea," Lisa exclaimed, beaming.

"Before that," Lisa said, "I need to do something, Dad. Give me a moment," as she looked at her father, who gave her permission.

Lisa turned around and approached Yatami. "You have always told me you want to be with me wherever I go; this is a great opportunity for you to join me and Dad as we celebrate their fifth anniversary."

Sure, here's a revised version of the text with corrections and arrangements for clarity and flow:


Lisa waited for Yatami's response while he looked at Jeremy, who nodded and returned his gaze to Lisa. Yatami lifted her up and spun her around, delight clear on his face. "Thank you very much, Lily. I would be delighted to accompany you. You are unique, like a red rose that draws attention with its intense beauty and uniqueness," he said. Lisa spread her arms out like wings, feeling the sensation of the soft, cold air against her skin, causing her hair to lift into the air. Her brother whirled her around the room, making her giggle even more.

Jeremy's smile as he watched the two interact every day made him a proud parent.

Lisa giggled and said, "Big brother, that's enough; I want to come down now."

"Okay, Lily," Yatami said as he lowered his sister until her feet touched the floor.

Lisa took her brother's hand and her father's hand as they exited the company and headed towards the car with a much better perspective, "Let the fun begin."


Sophia awoke from her nap feeling energized, got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to take a bath. She then entered her walk-in closet and went to the left side, where all of her clothes were stored in a large wardrobe.

Sophia opened the wardrobe, took off her white long-sleeved spring dress, grabbed her black chiffon bow tie, and slipped into her skinny high-waist lace-up jeans, which complemented her slim figure perfectly. She then went to her vanity, applied some light makeup, and styled her hair in loose waves. She looked in the mirror and smiled softly at her reflection.

Sophia went to the left side of the room, opened the closet, grabbed her Taylor high-top black and white Converse, put them on, and walked out of the room, heading towards the stairs. Downstairs, she turned to her right, heading towards the kitchen to prepare something for herself when she heard the doorbell ring.

Sophia changed her direction and walked to the door. She opened it and was surprised to see Yatami standing there, her eyes wide open.

Yatami was about to greet her when she asked, concern evident in her voice and expression, "What are you doing here? Where is Jeremy? Let me call him and tell him you are here," as she searched for her phone to call him.

She found her phone in the back pocket of her jeans, pulled it out, and called Jeremy when she heard a ringing tone nearby. 'This is not the time to bring Yatami here, Jeremy,' she thought.

She looked behind Yatami and followed the ringtone with her eyes until she saw Jeremy hand-in-hand with Lisa beside him.

"Please wait, Lisa; I need to check who is calling me," Jeremy said.

Jeremy pulled out his phone from inside his coat and saw his wife's name appear on the screen. He looked perplexed, wondering why Sophia was calling.

Jeremy averted his gaze and looked towards his house, where he saw his wife standing at the door, looking at him anxiously, and Yatami at the entrance, wondering what was going on.

"I have to calm down the situation before it escalates," he thought as he hurriedly walked to the house with Lisa beside him.

At the entrance, Jeremy stared at his wife. "I am sorry, dear, I did not tell you that Yatami was coming home with us." Sophia walked in with her arms folded across her chest, leaving Jeremy, Lisa, and Yatami outside looking disappointed.

Jeremy instructed Lisa to show Yatami around the house before following Sophia.

Sophia entered the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, grabbed a cold wine, and went to retrieve a glass from the cabinets to place on the kitchen counter.

Sophia opened the wine bottle and poured the red liquid into the glass she brought, filling it to the brim. She picked up the glass, gulped down the wine, and set it on the counter, about to pour another one, when Jeremy walked into the kitchen, looking like a lost kitten.

"I am sorry," Jeremy said as he attempted to explain to Sophia.

"You told me that Yatami is a secret project of your company that cannot be revealed because if an evil hand gets hold of the powerful formula maps that no one can translate except Yatami and the code that your company is unaware of, only us know, the world will be destroyed," Sophia said, her worry mixed with irritation.

Jeremy approached Sophia and hugged her; she attacked him by hitting him on the arm, feeling a surge of rage in her heart.

She tried to push Jeremy away, but his grip was too strong, causing her to succumb to the hitting and pushing.

Jeremy hugged her even tighter and stroked her hair with his other hand. "I know about that, Sophia. No evil hand will get hold of the maps and codes as long as we are with him."


Lisa showed Yatami around the house, except for the kitchen, where her mother was likely arguing or fighting with her father.

Lisa entered the living room, followed by Yatami, and took a seat on the sofa while Yatami sat next to her, waiting for her parents. "This is going to take longer than I ever imagined," she said, knowing her mother well; she does not like it when you keep something from her.

"Okay, Lily, why did Mom act like that when she saw me earlier?" Yatami asked, perplexed.

"I am not sure why Mom treats you that way, Ali," Lisa said, aware she was with her father. Yatami shook his head in agreement, then closed and opened his eyes to reveal a bright light and a video popup. "Wow, Big Bro, you are amazing; you can do what projectors normally do to watch movies," she exclaimed, excitedly, but it didn't last long.

Lisa saw her mother's shocked and worried expression when she saw Yatami on the video. How her mother tried to call Dad but he did not answer, "Please stop the video, Big Brother." He stopped the video, closed his eyes, and then opened them again until the light no longer appeared. "I am sorry for my mother's strange behavior; she had no idea you were coming home," she said in a sad tone as she bent her head down. Yatami now understood why his mother behaved this way, and he asked Lisa what they would do before her parents returned.

Lisa changed her expression and said, "Let us do some drawing or painting." She stood up and led Yatami to her drawing room, which was located outside the house, following the garden.

Lisa opened the door to her drawing room and entered, inhaling some air in. "Home sweet home," she said, while Yatami's gaze scanned the room.

The floor gleamed with Carrara White Gloss Marble, radiating a sense of luxury and sophistication. The walls were adorned with a stunning mural of delicate pink flower petals, creating a whimsical and romantic atmosphere. As the eye wandered towards the center of the room, a large window framed a picturesque view of the flower garden outside, where vibrant blooms swayed gently in the breeze, bringing the beauty of nature indoors.

"It looks like you love Disney princesses and anime, and you are very good at sketching them," Yatami said, pointing to various Disney princess and anime drawings on the walls.

"Not only do I love them! My favorite characters are Elena, Sofia, Elsa, and Rapunzel," Lisa proudly stated.

"Let us get started with the drawings; you use my mom's painting boards, and I will use my painting notebook. Wait while I get you the things you will need to paint," Lisa said as she walked to the basement and entered it to get her mom's artist apron, which contained all the equipment Yatami needed to draw and paint on.

Yatami set up the painting holders and placed the painting boards on them. "I am done with this, just waiting for Lisa to return now," he said.

Lisa returned with the apron, which she handed to Yatami.

"Isn't this your mom's?" asked Yatami, staring at the apron.

"Yes, it is hers, and it is the only one that can fit you better than mine. My apron is small, and it cannot fit you," Lisa said, nodding.

What do you think could happen next? Find out more in the next part of the Secret Spy.

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