
Chapter-2: Family Is Everything

(Jack & Elena Are Heading To Wedding In A Car)

Elena (Inner Voice): I Didn't Know Aunt Lisa Has A Hot Son

Jack: What Are You Thinking

Elena: Nothing

Jack: So Tell Me What Are You Doing

Elena: I Work In A Small Company And What Do You Do

Jack: I Have A Small Start Up Business

(Jack & Elena Reached Wedding)

Lisa: Elena You Came I Know You Will Definitely Come

Elena: Well You Blackmailed Me With Emotional Speech In Phone So I Don't Have Any Choice So I Came

Alia: Elena You Came

Elena: Yeah Congrats On Your Wedding

Jack: Well Some One Greet Me To

Alia: Idiot Come Inside

Jack: Well What A Nice Welcome From My Sister

Elena (Inner Voice): What A Nice View The Air Feels Good

Jack: Nice View Right

Elena: He Is To Close

(Elena Starts Blushing)

Jack: Your Face Became Red Are You Okay

Elena: Yeah I Am Fine I Think I Am Tired I Will Go To My Room

(Elena Goes To Her Room)

(Someone Door Knocks And Elena Opens The Door)

Elena: Aunt Lisa Do You Need Something

Lisa: Can I Talk To You

Elena: Ok Come In

Lisa: You Grown So Much You Just Look Like Your Mother Now I Really Missed You How Is The Work

Elena: It's Good

Lisa: You Always Like This You Don't Say Anything Much And Always Like To Leave Alone Only Yourself

Elena: Well It Is Comfortable Living Alone

Lisa: That's What I Am Scared Of

Elena: Scared!

Lisa: At Your Age Living Alone May Feel Good But When You Reach My Age You Will Regret Living Alone

-You Will Feel To Lay On Someone Hands Someone Warm Someone Who Love's You And Someone Who You Love And Have A Beautiful Family And Wonderful Kids-

Because Family Is Everything

(1 Week To Go For Wedding)

Everyone Need's A Person Who Cares About You

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