
Secret Of The Nightmares

."Why I'm supposed to suffer like this?" He was drowning in the deep ocean struggling to breathe. But it seemed he was trapped in the time lap. Every day brought a new trial for him and he entered a never-ending misery when he shut his eyes at the night as his nightmares about his past dragged him into the darkness but he wasn't aware that his nightmares had a secret which he wasn't aware of. Park Jimin Fanfic

Rida_Kanwal · 灵异恐怖
20 Chs

8. An Unexplainable Love

Namjoon entered the restaurant saw Hoseok waiting for him sitting on the corner table nearby the window seemed busy on his phone. Namjoon walked towards him finally grabbed his attention, "Oh Namjoon, I didn't notice you," Hoseok said to put his phone back on the table.

"Yes, of course, you were busy scrolling your phone," Namjoon didn't miss a chance to tease him.

"My apology, Sir," Hoseok said giving him a small bow.

"No, it's okay I was just kidding," Namjoon said chuckled lightly.

Namjoon had met him when Jimin was in the hospital and since then they have both become close friends. Namjoon was very well aware that only Hoseok could help Jimin to get back to his normal life as he had done the last time. But after being realized that the case was different this time Namjoon was now losing hope. But It couldn't stop him to help Jimin as he was still so desperate to bring Jimin into normal life.

Hoseok ordered some food for them, During all the time they both just talked about the random stuff. After having their favorite meal Hoseok now came to the reason why they had decided to meet at the restaurant. Namjoon explained to him the incident that happened last night and Hoseok became shocked.

"I'm feeling bad for Jimin his life was already a huge mess and now he's being haunted by his daughter," Hoseok said.

"I don't know how will I find someone to help us," Namjoon said taking a deep breath.

"I know someone, who can help you," Hoseok said.

"Oh really? Who is he? Tell me his address I will meet him today," Namjoon said excitedly.

"Namjoon but there is a problem," Hoseok said.

"What is it?" Asked Namjoon.

"He's my school friend and it's been quite a long since I met him so I have to find his address and for this, I need some time," Hoseok replied, "But I can surely say one thing he will permanently solve your problem," He resumed.

"Okay take your time but find him at any cost,"  Namjoon said.

"Don't worry Namjoon I'm equally worried about him," Hoseok replied.






Taehyung rashly arrived at Jungkook's apartment as soon as he got the message from Jimin who had asked him to come quickly and then he had turned his phone off. Taehyung had tried to call Jungkook but he wasn't receiving calls and as result, Taehyung's heart was pounding faster as it never happened before Jungkook had never avoided his calls he could avoid anyone but Taehyung.

Taehyung parked his car in the parking lot and then came out of his car, He ran towards the elevator throughout the time he was just thinking about Jungkook, "Did something wrong happen with him? Why he's not picking my call?" His mind was asking many questions and every time the tension was rising.

He finally arrived on the top floor where Jungkook would live. Before he could ring the bell he found the door already open. He couldn't think any worst when he entered the apartment and found merely the pitch-black darkness he could hear his heartbeat echoing in his ears, "Jungkook–ah are you there?" He asked but the apartment was filled with deep silence.

He walked towards the switchboard to turn on the lights but because of the darkness he didn't know where he was heading, Taehyung was still trying to figure out the situation suddenly a dim yellow light of the candles appeared in front of him and he saw the person holding a cake for him. It was Jungkook Chaerin and Jimin who emerged from the room and they all burst out in a laugh.

"Happy anniversary, Taehyungie," They all yelled in the same voice.

Taehyung was surprisingly gazing at Jungkook's face beaming with happiness and finally, he remembered that today Jungkook had proposed to him and it's been three years since they were together.

Taehyung flashed his boxy smile blew the candles along with Jungkook Chaerin brought the knife and they both cut the cake together, "Do you know how much I was sacred," Taehyung pouted.

"It was Jimin's idea anyway," Jungkook replied.

Jimin burst out in a laugh and Chaerin couldn't stop herself gushing over him. Taehyung felt satisfied after seeing Jimin smiling as it had been a while since Taehyung had seen him laughing like this.

"Guys let's eat cause I'm so hungry," Chaerin said and went to the kitchen as well as Jimin.

"It feels good to see you happy, Jimin," Chaerin said while setting the plates on the dining table.

"I decided to stop living with the past, I've done enough now I'll start my life in a new way," Jimin replied bringing the forks and spoons on the table.

"But what about the last night, We can't avoid that incident so easily," Chaerin showed her concerns.

"I don't wanna think about anything else, Today I'm happy for them and I'm not gonna ruin my mood," Jimin replied.

"Okay as you wish sir," Chaerin replied, "Taehyung is so lucky he got his childhood friend as a life partner," She said.

Jimin looked at her he could read the hidden meaning behind those words, "Jungkook is deserving since the beginning, He's caring, strong and above all he's equally successful, It's good to get someone like him," said Jimin while setting the folks on the table.

Chaerin gave him a long gaze, saw his struggle to hide his pain behind his straight face, "Love is not about to spend your life with someone rich or successful, Love is about to live with someone whom you find pretty whose flaws doesn't seem like flaws to you and believe me for me you're completely perfect," Chaerin said, She couldn't understand why she was confessing her love for him but it seemed that the words just flowing from her tongue and she didn't want to stop herself.

Jimin was shockingly glaring at her it never happened before he never saw her getting so emotional as she was at the moment. Jimin wasn't prepared to talk about his feelings for her. As the love and care were always there and in these two years he had been missing her all day but when it came to desires he found himself empty. His bitter past had sucked all the emotions from him and he just found himself drowning in a painful misery if he tried to fight with himself for growing the desires for her.

"I think I should call them" Chaerin decided to leave when she couldn't get any answer. She walked towards the door with ber heavy heart but Jimin made her stop, right in the doorway.

"I don't deserve you Chaerin," Jimin finally decided to speak as he didn't want to avoid any further it was fine if Chaerin feels heartbreak or she break the ties with him after knowing that he's asexual. He just wanted to free himself from the cage of his secret, "I'm like an empty box, I don't have anything to give you, I like you but I can't feel any desire for you, I'm not like others who could make you happy," Jimin said, staring down to the floor he released a long breath of satisfaction.

"I can wait for you Jimin Until you overcome your all fears, Until you don't feel something for me because I can't see anyone accept you, I love you so much Jimin," Chaerin said walking closer to him, Jimin tightened his grip on the chair his deep eyes were nervously gazing at her face, His heartbeat was steady he couldn't let her ruin his life for himself, He couldn't be that selfish.

Chaerin came closer to him, She put her hand around his neck and gave him a warm hug. Jimin felt her warm breath hitting his ears, Her breast squeezing against his chest, But he pushed her away, "No, you should find someone worth love don't waste your time on me," Jimin replied in a low voice he then headed toward the door.