
Chapter 1213. Helping the Army’s Retreat

In a grove nearby not far from the battlefield where Liguritudum and Aurebor fought Hydrurond's second army, a battalion of five hundred draconian soldiers was running away from the battlefield.

The one leading this fleeing battalion was a dominion commander named Pagram. He was a level 78 rare elite draconian. Beside him was his trusted subordinate, Gyseo, who was a level 75 special elite with the rank of dominion captain.

The two and the soldiers following them were in very bad condition. None of them had full HP. The worst was their expressions. They had the look of the defeated. They didn't even run with full might. They felt extremely disgraced for running away, but their bodies just moved on their own. After seeing their Lord Dominator's death and their comrades killed in bulk, they just couldn't continue fighting.