
Second reich

Kane an engineer student in Berlin from 21st century died due to an accident and some unknown reason Reincarnated as one of the sons of Willeim II of second reich let's follow his journay while he being a prince of prussia , the prince of German Empire and lastly Emperor of one of most powerful empires , Second Reich Important information guys: English is not my first language well to precise not even my second one but with time it will improve and from above you have already now about my grammer so don't expect much I always wanted to read about German Empire before ww1 but I am not able to found one such book so I will do it my self. And after written this thing, I began to regret that now I have to research on hell a list of thing about German , European and world history So give me good luck that at least I am able to finish it And it's my first novel I have literally no experience about how to write one so don't expect much thing also

X_demon · 历史
4 Chs

Prince of Germany

Potsdam is located on the banks of the Havel River, only 27 kilometers away from Berlin. This is a small town with beautiful scenery. The German royal family built a palace here. The Kaiser lives here for more than half of the year.

  A young man was sitting by the Havel River, watching the quietly flowing river, without saying a word.

  This boy is named kane. Of course, this was the name of his previous life. Now, he is called Oscar. This is undoubtedly a name that makes kane very speechless, because he will always be associated with movie award in future. Fortunately, even movies have just started now, like a toddler, naturally there will be no movie awards with various names like in future generations.

  Why he became Oscar, or why he traveled to this world, kane didn't know. He just clearly remembered that it had only been a year since he awaken his privious life memories. And, it's not the twenty-first century that he is live in but it's the beginning of the twentieth century. In other words, now he lives more than a hundred years back.

  In his privious life, kane had a very wealthy family. Both parents are successful businessmen, which makes them busy with business all day long, almost becoming trapeze. Naturally, they don't have much time to take care of kane.

   And kane didn't like other rich second generations, relying on money to do evil, but became a complete nerd and a military enthusiast.

  kane is keen on collecting military historical materials, weapons and equipment from various countries, and even various military historical relics and weapon models, aircraft cannons, tanks and warships, everything that one expects to find.

   kane is particularly interested in Germany. In his view, Germany is one the best country in world with their advance industry as well with many talented individuals who are born in Germany, it's undoubtedly have power to become world hagemon.but it's also one of the tragic country as week. The people of country are industrious, rigorous, and rigid, as if they were machines. However, their strength cannot be denied. In the two wars in the first half of the twentieth century, they almost defeated the strongest countries with almost with their own strength and became the hegemony of the world. However, every time it fell short.

  kane even guessed that if in the First World War, Germany defeated Britain, France and other countries and dominated the European continent. Then, is the subsequent history of the world different from the history he is familiar with?

   It's just that there is no way to repeat history, let alone hypothesize.

  However, God seemed to have played a joke on him. When kane got a big Iron Cross medal from Germany at a huge price, when he opened the package excitedly, a burst of dazzling light flashed. After feeling dizzy for a while, kane realised that that iron cross has reincarnation him as prince Oscar and On his 15 birthday he awaken his privious life memory

  The current kane has a prominent status. He was Emperor of the Second Reich of Germany and Prince Oscar, the fifth son of Kaiser Wilhelm II. However, kane, ​​who is familiar with the fate of the Second Empire, is not satisfied with this identity.

  Once the Second Empire collapsed, the princes of the German royal family had almost no good end.

  In hai privious life, Prince Oscar died at the age of sixty. But almost all of them are just trying to survive and live in the world. This kind of life is not what Oscar wants to live.

   "What should I do? It is already 1904. The war is only ten years away. Is it true that the fate of Germany's defeat cannot be reversed?" Oscar murmured.

  Now he feels a deep sense of helplessness and anxiety.

  Although Germany's industrial output value has surpassed that of the United Kingdom, it has become an industrial power second only to the United States. Moreover, in terms of high technology, especially military technology, Germany is several streets ahead of the United States.

  The United States today is not the Uncle Sam of later generations, it can be regarded as Boy Sam at best. Although it has achieved great success in industry, there is still a big gap compared with European industry. Europe is now the center of the world.

  But Britain controls the most colonies in the world and has the most powerful navy in the world. Compared with Britain, Germany has huge disadvantages in many aspects.

   First of all, although Germany has a developed industry, it lacks various minerals except coal. The sales market of various industrial products is heavily dependent on overseas markets. Once the war broke out, the German navy could not break the blockade of the British navy. German industrial products cannot be sold overseas, and various natural resources cannot be obtained by sea. There is undoubtedly only one final result, and that is to be dragged to death alive. It can be said that this is undoubtedly the main reason why Germany was defeated in the two world wars.

  Secondly, Germany, located in the middle of Europe, is strategically located. The traffic can be described as extending in all directions. But at the same time, it also made Germany fall into a situation surrounded by powerful enemies. Britain and France to the west and Russia to the east are all enemies of Germany. Although the ally of the Austro-Hungarian Empire exists, the Austro-Hungarian Empire only has the name of a powerful country in the world, but it is actually vulnerable. Their performance in the war can be described as rubbish. Such an ally will not only fail to help Germany, but will also drag Germany down. The so-called not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs. When the enemy and the enemy's allies are all god-like opponents, while their own allies are like pig-like teammates, no matter how strong Germany is, it can only be beaten to death!

  Although, Germany now has begun to build a powerful navy. The ambitious William II was even more eager to build a powerful fleet capable of defeating the British Navy. But because there are enemies all around, this makes it necessary for Germany to have a strong army. Therefore, it is impossible for Germany to invest all its financial resources in the construction of the navy. This made the gap between the German Navy and the British Navy not only not narrowed, but also widened. When Germany began to build battleships on a large scale, the British pointed out even more arrogantly that when Germany launched one battleship, they launched two, always maintaining an overwhelming advantage over the German navy.

   "Damn it, no matter how you look at it, Germany is bound to die! Is it possible that, as a prince of Germany, I will end up struggling for survival forever?" Oscar thought helplessly.

  Although, it has been a year since he ha awaken his privious life memory, but he still love his family and don't want them to struggle for survival like in his privious life history. And I am already very familiar with this world. But Oscar didn't feel the joy of being a prince at all, instead fell into endless crises and worries. This also made him appear more taciturn in the eyes of others