

The morning event began with greetings from the two large families who had gathered at Andien's home.

"Previously, I'd like to thank you for the willingness of Mr. Hamdan Hanafi Tachsin and Mrs. Rosi Karenina Putri's large family to welcome us and allow us to stay in touch in this warm house."

I'm Irgi Haidar Pranata, the eldest son of Mr. Anggara Wibawa Pranata and Mrs. Dewi Anggita Larasati.

On this day, we are present in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Tachsin's family in order to stay in touch and get to know each other better. Furthermore, we would like to convey the wishes of our younger brother, the third of four siblings, Elang Dirga Pranata.

Our younger brother has known your daughter, Keinara Andieni Tachsin, for many years and has admired her since he was a child.

To cut a long story short, let us represent Dirga and express our sincere desire to propose to your daughters as his life partner.