
Second Chance Revenge: Win The Devil's Heart

"I came to reclaim this," she said as she pointed to his heart. "It has been a while, have you forgotten me, Orig? Or let me say, my husband, Governor Orig," She whispered as she placed her hand on his chest. Her breath was close to his lips, as if challenging him to resist the urge to throw her onto the bed and teach her a lesson until sunrise. Her hips swayed as she got closer to him, and he couldn't take his eyes off her. Her presence was powerful. He pulled her until she was pressed against his chest. Her fingers finally managed to touch him, and she felt the heat of his body. 'Damn it, are you joking? Your image is still engraved in my mind and heart for those four years, seven months, and five days and...' When he didn’t respond to her words, she decided to speak with her lips, for a few moments. Everyone watched in silence, even he was surprised by her boldness. "No, my dear Taya, it is you who will regret this." Can Taya win back her husband? Will he free himself from the control of his stepmother, confess his feelings for his wife, and correct the mistakes of his past? Read on to discover the secrets between the flames of their love...

ovinia_seh · 现代言情
57 Chs

Chapter 54

Taya blinked twice when she heard their response together as they said in unison, "And so what?"

Of course, she was living with crazy people, but she was sure that this man, Mill, did not love her; he was just pretending to have that feeling. She sighed and glanced toward Misan's room, who was watching them, and sent her an air kiss.

'I think I understand a little of what he is trying to do,' she thought as she left the fountain. She was tired of listening to Mill and Aero argue. She had resolved to wait for her husband's return, harboring a great hope that he would surely come back for her.


"Misan, I'm going to meet some patients at the royal palace; there's an outbreak that has spread to the capital," she heard Mill's voice as he wore his formal clothes, a black cloak, carrying a bag filled with several vials of medical solutions.