
Searching for the Ending

A normal man living a relatively good life one day dies to an unkown reason and everything start over. Not many is known to him nor does he want to know everything. He only want to know one thing and that is to find an end to all this.

FransizSef · 漫画同人
8 Chs

A happy servant

I decided to do some randoms ones before doing one more manual

I'm not sure if I made the correct choice

"My King, the sacrifices are about to begin"

He looked blank and didn't answer me back

It is pitiful. This is the only choice they are left with, the only way for humanity to continue but they themselves know that even if their king wins, it will be the end for them.

"Do you think we will succeed?"

No, there is no hope. Even if we won what will you do by yourself, all alone in this world

"If I-"

"Speak truthfully, I won't do anything. It's not the time for that"

"..No. My King, I don't think humans will be able to win"

He turned towards me. The area was dark but I could see his shining eyes were directly looking at me

"My king, forgive my insolence but I don't think you will be able to handle immortality"

"So you don't believe in your King"

No, I do

"It's not simply that my king. Immortality will surely give you a huge advantage against that thing but what will you do afterwards?"

What will you do in a empty world that fears you

"Being alone in such a world where people who believed in you don't exist anymore, there will be only one thing that will follow you. Madness"

I looked at the hole above us


First one fell


One more



Bodies were falling from the sky

I should also join them. Before teleporting to the top and adding my body to sacrifice as well I walked next to my king.

"I'm sorry, my king. You will live for us, you will kill for us but we won't be there. Please remember us my king, so that you won't go mad. Remember your people who believed in you, so that maybe you can smile"

It was sad to see his frowning face all day long

"Good luck my king, you may forsake your crown, you may not be able to save the world but we will always be there with you. You are the champion of Ka'an…"

I gave him a helmet, the helmet that was done after many nightless days. It's shape like a bat.

"You are the bat to slay the spider. You are our king, our leader and hope. Just don't forget about us. May you be happy my king"

His frown deepened but I didn't stay any longer and went to do my part

[User died]

[Mystery: 1,050,320]


"Haha look at that idiot building a ship on land"

"Just what a fool he is"

Was he really a fool?

"Hey Michael, why do you help that fool? Don't tell me you believe his sayings"

I did not simply believe, I knew they were true

"Micheal come on, leave that fool and come with us"

I continued to help building the ship

"Micheal, you don't even follow his false god so why help him?"

The people continued to try and make me give up but I continued. Soon like the fool they were talking about they left me as well

Now only the fool talked with me

"Micheal, why do you help me?"

Can't I?

I pointed towards my neck and made an 'X' with my fingers

"Right you couldn't speak"

He later turned back and continued on with his job.

Time passed and the ship was completed now he started to gather animals to board it

"Micheal, why don't you come as well?"

He tried to convince me to come but I didn't.


I may don't board it but I can say one last last goodbye to you

In Front of the ship I was looking at his eyes as he was looking at me. The ship was filled with couples for each type of animals


The rain started and it got stronger each second. I stayed still and just waved my hand to him

Water was increasing around me at a rapid speed.

"You still have a chance, why won't you come?"

He asked me one more time but I didn't answer, I was mute after all. I could only shake my head as an answer


Don't worry about me, just continue.

Don't look at me like that now you make me sad.

The water was now fully covering me. I didn't try to go to the top nor did I try to survive. I just allowed myself to be swallowed by the water.

Soon I couldn't breathe anymore and started to drown.

Anyways, I did what I wanted to do so it doesn't matter

[User Died]

[Mystery: 1, 120, 482]


"Demon Lord come out already, the others are long dead"

I closed the book in my hand and walked slowly. This world was really weird, wasn't it.

Opening the door I was faced with a woman with red eyes and yellow hair. Her outfit consisting of white and blue was certainly eye-catching but really I was not interested.

"You called me?"

She looked surprised, it is understandable

"You.. you are a Demon Lord, The Head?"

"Well, the others call me that"

I had no idea why though but they did. I was neither the same race as them or remotely as powerful as them but they still adorned me with the title Demon Lord. Those kids…

"You are a human…"

"Indeed, I am"


I don't know. I still remember the time when they were talking about getting rid of and accomplishing their missions. It was really hard to keep an eye of all of them

"Let's just say luck"

I wonder if they were happy.

"Lady can I ask you a question"

She stayed silent

"Were they smiling in the end?"

She only nodded her head

Heh, those kids. Even after they succeed to their thirst and embraced it they are still same aren't they

"Thank you for answering. Now, shall we continue?"

She readied herself as the air around her started to grow overwhelmingly heavy. I was seriously not cut out for this stuff

Still I needed to show how I managed to take care of those kids

A Bounded Field started to grow from where I was which swallowed both of us. The space around us started to grow bigger and bigger as the door frame stretched beyond possible

She looked around with an interest on her eyes

A smile was on her face now. She brought her upwards and the space around us started to shatter

Blue flowers started to grow from the ground and some sort of blue crystal was growing all around

"Welcome to Millenium Castle. Normally I won't invite anyone but I will respect you. You were the one that held the Demon Lords till now aren't you?"

Of course, I had to take care of the kids. I just smiled and looked around.

"This place is beautiful"

It was indeed. The Moon's light was making everything perfect. The flowers, the caste itself, the crystal like things. But this also made me question

"You changed the space completely?"

We were not on earth anymore. I could feel it, currently we were truly at Millenium Castle.

She didn't explain it clearly but just noted what it was

"I believe humans call it Reality Marble"

Reality Marble huh, I wonder if I can do it as well

My reality.. what would it be like?

"My blood really stains this place"

I knew the answer, it wasn't even a question

As I was crouched with my wounded chest I could only look upwards. She really showed how beautiful this place was.

"Thank you for showing me this place"

Perhaps later I would be able to show you my place either.

[User Died]

[Mystery: 1,284,592]


I closed the book. 

It was not time for me to choose manually. I skimmed through the book of the library as a single one interested me. It looked rather basic. Just a brown book with blood on it.

My mystery was now getting more and more but still I often died when I find myself on a planet with brown sky. Perhaps this one was similar to those worlds.

The title as normal was blur

I opened the book and could only hope


My first manual choosing ended up with me being Merlin's brother but the second was not so lucky

"This one"

The man pointed towards me, probably because he found me to be the most calm of all the children

Soon they went into a different room and another couple of people took me and placed me in a car. Contrary to what I expected, they were nice. 

They gave me food and water while trying to understand how much I knew

I answered most of their questions but couldn't answer some. Some of them included weird names I have never heard of before

Anyways the card finally stopped but I couldn't see it. The windows were blocked by magic. As the car stopped the door opened and what I saw was a huge mansion. I saw big mansions before but this one? It was too big. Who needed that much space?

Well I was going to learn that eventually. Quickly they entered the mansion but I was instead sent to some side building, was I going to be a maid? No, I'm a male so butler right? No, no butler is too much for a newcomer like me.. manservant perhaps?

Inside some maids came and washed me. They also took measures of my body before giving me fitting clothes. Currently it was all white clothes since.

"New kid, follow me. This is the last one"

"What is this for?"

"Hmm well it doesn't hurt to answer it. You will learn soon anyways or die. You see this place isn't normal or the heads. This test will place us into corresponding places but don't get your hopes up. Most likely you will be a simple cleaner like us. Ah we arrived, well good luck"

He knocked on the door and left afterwards. Yep, I was certain now. This place belonged to a magus. Aristocratic vibes and more.

The door opened and I was pulled inside

The man who pulled me spoke one last sentence before also going out. Now there was only one more man beside me. He looked intimidating but also had a warm aura around him.

"Hello, child. Come sit ahead of me, this won't take long"

I did as he said

"Now, remove that shirt of yours and show your back to me. If it hurts, just bear it."

What was he going to do? Put a slave mark or something? Still I removed my shirt and felt how he placed his hands on my back.

Why is he sending his mana?

His mana was going inside me but it aimlessly went around till it stopped on something. It looked like a.. circuit?

Eventually 1..11.. no 17 circuits lightened up inside my body and then it stopped.

"Oh! 17 Circuits, a little below average. Top quality but low quantity… not bad at all"

Wait, is this something all magus do? Why did those two never tell me!? I was of course talking about Morgan and Merlin. Morgan was passable; she mainly told me about spells and never truly started to teach me but Merlin was different. We grew up together man, you could have told your brother this. Father didn't tell me about this either, he was too sick to teach us directly and instead used a similar method to Morgan.

What I didn't know was Merlin never used circuits either so really, there was nobody to tell me.

"You are still fine? Hmm well we can go to the next part then. Wait here for a second"

He got up and left for a while but I could still hear his voice to some degree.

'He is —- His body didn't even register a pain - —----------- I was going to use Consecration but should I —- his Origin? —---- —?'

Consecration? Origin? I didn't understand but my body didn't register pain huh. I guess that thing he did was supposed to hurt.

"Okay child, you can wear your shirt now. We will continue"

He came back and he now had some sort of device in his hand.

He did some more tests and he even used tarot cards. I guess they were useful.

"Ether Clumps and…"

His face turned serious but it looked like he wasn't sure of what to do. His right index finger was tapping the table as he was thinking. Was it bad?

He looked right into my eyes and turned back to the device he had not used yet.

"Child you can go now. They will take you to a room and stay there"

Did I fail?

Well I got up and left. Outside two men blinded me and carried me till they threw me inside a room.


After that day someone else came to take me in. From there on I started my studies on being a maid. I was to be a servant of the Barthomeloi Family and stay in an empty mansion till further order. I was assigned to a garden job so I have become a gardener.

It was relatively boring honestly, nothing much happened. I have never seen the members of Barthomeloi either so my days just passed looking over flowers that nobody looked at. Oh there was also that magecraft test.

I don't know what happened but it seems I was not allowed to further study magecraft, perhaps because of Ether Clumps? I was not sure. I don't even know what it means.

Still they taught me the basics, the ones I already knew so they were not useful to me. My current order was to protect the garden. From what? I don't know, bugs maybe.

Few years passed since then

"~~People all around the world

We're spinning up and down on a hunk of metal

Melting, but we still ignore it

Thinking that we are all just special~"

I was currently relaxing on the ground. Ah, the weather was just great.

"Are you supposed to relax like that?"

Shit, was I caught?

I immediately got up and turned around. The one to speak was a teenager?

Oh, a newcomer then!

The only newcomer was assignment different job so he had to leave, finally I would not do every job by myself

"Haha, a newcomer, finally I'm not alone. Don't worry, todays job is finished so I can just show you around"

She was wearing different clothes though but maybe that was just time doing its job.


"Come follow me, I will show you my proudest place first"

I went first as I was so happy. God, finally answered my calls

Looking back I saw the little girl was following me quietly. Her eyes were sharp and looking everywhere, anxious?

"Come, come. It's just around the corner."

I worked so hard on those flowers.

"Bounded field?"

"Of course, to make it perfect for the flowers to grow we as gardeners need to supply them with those needs. Bounded fields are useful in this case since you can create any environment easily. I believe they taught you the basics right?"


She had a little shocked face as she entered inside. It was understandable, even for this job the bounded field I used was far above the needed requirement.

In front of us lay a pink flower garden. They were one of Merlin's favorites. Since I couldn't create the "perfect flower" he always creates with illusions I settled with Crinum.

I looked back at the girl. Her brown hair was flowing in the air as the wind was hitting.

"Beautiful isn't it"


She still didn't answer and her face didn't change much but I knew, it was all looks. How did I knew? Call it instincts of someone who lived this long

"No answer? That's fine. I know you like it. No need to be that stone like, people won't talk with you then. Remember that we are to serve Barthomelios ok? You need to be able to converse with others and if other maids don't like you your job will be harder. Not to mention the-"

"Kayle! I need you here!"

Oof, someone was calling me. Oh and yes, my name here was Kayle but most called me Gardener.

"Okay newbie, someone is calling me so I will show you the rest later on."

I went out first then ran towards the one who called me. It was the.. head butler? What was he doing here

"Yes, how can I help?"

"Oh you are here. Soon someone from the family is going to come here so we will be assigning orders. While you will still be the gardener it will be better to attend. You may need to do one or two things as well."


"Okay then, you can go. Do tell the others if you see them on the way"

He went inside as I did too. I was going to the other side of the corridor so when I remembered about the newcomer it was too late to ask him. Well, later. The kid probably won't join the meeting as well too.


"Miss, so you were here. But what are you doing in the garden?"

The girl was greeted by two man when she was about to enter the mansion

"I was checking if the servants were doing their job."

Understanding the situation the two men didn't ask further but the girl continued on.

"Say, is it possible for a bounded field to change the surrounding weather and expand the space by thousands of times?"

'Huh, the miss was asking a question?' This was overall a first for them. They were one of the closest people and highest ranked among the servants of the Barthomelio family but it was still something never seen for them.

"It is better to ask your teacher about this but what you described sounds more like a Reality Marble."

The girl getting her answer continued on her way while thinking about something. In her head many things were going on but even if it was not certain one question couldn't get out of her head.

'Why is our gardener a Reality Marble owner?'


Well that was a total waste of time.

Apparently nobody was sent to the garden as well so when I brought it up about that girl they looked at me weirdly.

I should go and check that place, I tried to replicate Avalon but it never felt that good so I kind of just made Avalon.. It still is not perfect Avalon but that still comes with stability issues so I constantly have to check it though.

"You, gardener. Explain to me about this Bounded Field"

This girl was still here?

"About the garden? Well…"

I don't really mind but

"Before that can you explain to me who are you? I talked with the head butler and he doesn't know about you"

"I'm from another mansion"

Ohhhh it makes sense now. Someone from the family was coming so it makes some special servant or another would come as well

"Well then, what do you want to know about?"

"How do you mimic things to reality that well?"

Mimic? Oh no, you got it wrong

"That's not mimicking. I'm kind of playing with the world and changing its settings inside the Bounded Field. Erhm I'm not good at this explaining stuff so just watch me"

I picked a small flower and showed it towards the girl. Keeping Avalon active was kind of burdensome so now I could only show something simple but it will do. I created a Bounded Field around my palm.

"See, now the setting inside the Bounded Field is still the same as the world right? Now normally some people change the setting to alert the user when someone enters or make it so people don't feel like coming close and avoid the place but that's all changing the setting of the outer rim"

Let's see, she seems to be following

"Now, what I did was something else. I went deeper and changed the core settings. This of course puts more tax but this way you can do more. Now watch, I will make it so inside of the Bounded Field will be black and white"

As I said those words the flower inside my hand lost all of its color as the rest of my palm.

"Now do you know what I did?"

She looked a bit confused but still answered

"Did you remove the colors?"

Nice try

"No. You're still young so it makes sense for you to not know. I will explain in rather simpler terms. Imagine the colors on the waveland, on this waveland humans can only see a limited number of colors. Our eyes have little cones that absorb energy and only the energy of corresponding wavelength can enter the cone. So if there exists a red energy but only a cone for blue energy the person won't be able to see red.That is also the reason why color blind people see differently and dogs or other animals see differently."

"Now try to guess again"

She stayed silent for a bit before answering

"You removed the wavelends?"

"Hahaha, no. I did not remove anything, instead I changed the wavelength. Now there only exist energies with different wavelengths to the cones so cones can't absorb those energies. Basically I changed red to unknown color and to us that is basically no color"

She seemed to understand a little now. The colors turned back, it was time to show something else.

"Look at the flower now, where is it?"

"It's.. gone?"

"Haha if you think so go ahead, try to touch it"

She brought out her hand and it entered inside the Bounded Field. Searching for the flower her hand grabbed the air. She later removed her hand and looked at the flower.

"It's here?"

"Of course it's there. You can't simply remove something from existence, well you can but it's complicated and not something you can understand. Now do you know why the flower turned invincible?"

"...It has to do with energy?"

Haha well done but this time I will explain it super easy. It is apparent you did not understand the previous one that well.

"Close but for simpler terms I will say light. I told you that energy causes the colors right? Now this is a little bit different but you could say around the same. Normally our brain, thanks to our eyes sees things with lights that bounce off the objects. But if the light never bounced from the object then you would not see anything there, just a black emptiness for example. Your brain does fill stuff but let's skip over that for now. Now in this case I changed it so the light not only doesn't bounce it passes through the flower. Now since the light bounced from the back of the flower interacts with your eyes your brain can't understand it, so no flowers."

Looking at her face it seems she understood it now

"You may say where I'm going with these but be patient. You remember the Bounded Field I showed you right? That place is just a world but with some core settings changed. You could say it is another world but that wouldn't be true, it's still a world and will be until all the settings are changed. If you change the content of the meat in a hamburger it will still be hamburger. Now to answer your first question, I did not

simply mimic it, those are just simple illusions."

Well I tried to explain at least. I destroyed the Bounded Field on my hand and planted the flower back.

"I see"

"Why don't you try it then. Let's do something simple. Do you know molecules?"


Oh.. Well that's it for me then

"I understand the problem now. That Bounded Field I showed was heavily dependent on your understanding of how things work, like how the world spins. It spins thanks to gravity right? But how does gravity work? You need to understand most of these things otherwise there will be huge mana requirements as it will fill the unknown. You see I don't understand things to perfection as well but I have a rather huge grasp on things so the mana required is relatively small. Now you probably tried to do this right? Your mana is not enough for that, you would need almost the same mana that is on earth to do that which is impossible for humans. First you should understand how things work and love the requirement and try it again."

"Does this work with other magecraft?"

"Kind of. The reinforcement is already known that to be better at it you need to understand how your body works but to get better at it you need to understand how things work with your body as well. It's more than that but you don't need to know that much. Some stuff straight does not work or atleast to my knowledge. For example the runes, how do they work? We don't know. To cast that spell Mystery is needed because of that."

"Won't this method make things weaker as well?"

"That.. depends. Erhm like I said I'm not the good person to explain these but if you let's say had an grasp of everything then mystery would be gone right? But that doesn't simply remove your ability to do spells. The reason they are often weaker is because people don't understand the method to make them stronger. To give an explanation let's say flying with a broom, that's rather simple black magic. Now how does magic do that? We don't know. It's not simply a force pushing it from underwards and behind, there is the aerodynamics and how the user doesn't get affected as well. It's a little hard. I must say I may be and probably wrong about some stuff I said. I never had a proper teacher to teach me stuff like this but this is what I discovered by myself. So don't risk it and find a teacher."

"You never had a teacher?"

"Yes, I don't know what happened but after they found out my elemental affinity and circuits they sent me away here. I guess it had to do with my elemental affinity because for my Magic Circuits the one who did it said it was just a little below average but not bad. Argh what am I talking about with a kid. Now do you have any more questions? I need to finish today's job and it's getting late"

She shakes her head and goes away. Man, I wouldn't be a good teacher. Maybe I should use what Scathatch used… nah that method won't work with this.

Let's just get done with this job


Years passed

At first the kid often came and asked me more questions. She always wanted me to demonstrate it but it all stopped after one day. She was probably sent to another place so I didn't mind much but it did feel like she was becoming my student you know?

"Kayle!? Ah you are here"

Who? Oh it was just Lilly. She often works on the kitchen and comes here sometimes to cool of but this doesn't seem to be the case


"Can't you just stay in one place, it is always hard to find you"

I got up from where I was laying and faced her head on. She was smaller than me, currently I was 35 and she should be around 23 right now.

"Sorry, sorry. But why were you searching for me?"

"Ah about that. Apparently you got a note. Look, Kayle I'm not sure but apparently it had the seal of head of the family. Just be safe"

I smiled as I went ahead, it was probably nothing but changing my place. I was getting older and it made sense to change my place but it is weird it had the seal of the head of the family.

"Don't worry about me, it's probably nothing. You take care of yourself"

Entering the mansion I went ahead and searched for the head butler. It did not take much to find him, he was giving interaction to kitchen

"No, this is a mess! Who trained you guys!?"

Apparently they were not doing well

"Ah, hey?"

He turned to me and his angry face softened up

"Oh Kyle, it's you. God, the new ones are just horrible. This place is turning into a hellhole and if someone from the inspection team comes I will be the one who gets his neck sliced."

"Hahaha, you are too harsh on them. Instead of screaming you should teach them"

"Yeah, no. Tried it, but it doesn't work that well. Installing fear in their mind is easier and more effective."

I can't argue against that

"Anyways, I heard something came for me"

"Ah yes, come. Follow me"

We got out of the kitchen and entered his room. He sat down and looked through his drawers before pulling out a simple looking letter with extraordinary symbols and most importantly the seal on it.

"Here, if possible, can you tell me about the contests as well? Honestly I was extremely surprised when a letter with that seal came here. Now I'm dying from anxiety because of it."

"Sure, no problem"

I gently opened the letter and took out the paper on it and started read it

"Mr. Kayle. This is a message noting that you are being called.."

"Kayle? What happened? What does it say?"


"Kayle, please say something? Where are you being called?"


"To where?"

"To Clock Tower"


Ah yes look at the air so good

Don't you agree my little man showing me the way I don't want to go

"You need to go up and go left from here now, there you will meet someone who will take care of the rest. I will be taking my leave now"



Why.. WHY!? What was I doing here?

Still no matter how many times I cried inside I followed the man exactly as he said.

They didn't even give me proper clothes so I was just weaning my garden setup. Often people did throw me glances and I could understand them. Everybody was wearing aristocratic clothes and here I was some random gardener walking next to them.

I was simply not ready to come here now and definitely not to keep that stupid promise.

"You must be Kayle. Come follow me"

The glares went away after I found him.

"Can I ask where we are going exactly?"

"They didn't tell you? The queen wants to meet you"

Queen? Why? I'm just a random gardener from the Bathomeloi family.

"Do.. Do you know the reason?"

He came to a sudden stop after passing through a few corridors. Looking dead into my eyes he answered

"No, rather I question it as well."

He went away after that leaving me in front of a rather huge door.

Knocking is the right move i guess

*Knock Knock*


Slowly I opened the door and there stood a woman with brown hair.

"Close the door behind you"

I did as she wanted me to do so

She was going through a few files while talking to me and I was not sure if I should talk. Thankfully she did and didn't hanged me for long

"You have been selected for a Dead Apostle Hunt. Outside someone will take you to Enforcers. They will know what to do after that. That's it, you can live"

I was about to leave but I stopped. I turned back to her and asked what has been bothering me till now

"Sorry but why was I called? I..I'm but a simple gardener of the Barthomelio Family and nothing else."

She stopped and slowly bringer her head upwards

"I think you are misunderstanding something. You are not to ask any question, you are to follow. You have Sealing Designation on your head and the only reason you're not dead is because you're a servant of the Barthomelio Family. You are not to talk, not to chat or anything unless I said so. Go out now"

Scary, I instantly went out and just breasted out nicely.

"Your talk seems to be done. Now, get up. We are going."

"Ah.. wait a second place. Before that can I ask a question?"

"..Go ahead"

"Who is she?"

Such scary woman, I will avoid her after this

"Why- She is the Queen of Clock of Tower and current head of the Barthomelio family. You can ask the other later. Now let's go"



Currently we were facing some sort of cave inside a mountain. The area was dark with only the moon being at the top.

It reminded me of the past.

"It's a beautiful night"

I tried to forget why I came here.

The head of the family was ahead and staring at me.

"Do it"

I wasn't sure what she expected me to do. 

What can I do to stop a ritual? What did you expect from me? Why from me?

The people were looking at us as they too were not sure what she was talking about

What were you expecting from me lady?

Right when one of the guys was about to open his mouth she glared at him instantly shutting him up and turned back to me.

"What are you waiting for? Open your Bounded Field"

Huh, my Bounded Field?

"Why my Bounded Field?"

"Do not try to fool me, servant. Show me once again what you showed me back then, this mission is of utmost importance and I can't allow you to act foolish"

Show you.. wait. She was.. 

I didn't dare to call out to her infront of all the people but a smile come to my face

"So you remember now. Now get to it, prevent the ritual from happening"

Ah yes they told me about that yesterday, still…

She was even more demanding than before

"Hahaha, then for today's lesson I'm going to show you something special"

Something that will likely kill me but It didn't matter to me

I had already forgotten the others were there still watching us.

"Remember how I told you to change the settings and more, right? Till today I showed you playing with the settings of earth but this time I will show you what happens if you change earth it self"

I opened my Bounded Field till it involved all of the Mountain. Blood was coming from my nose

"Do you know what happens after that?"

"Reality Marble"

"Correct! Seems like over the years you have gotten better."

My smile grew even bigger.

"Now I can't do that, I'm not that good right now. But I can do something else"

Inside the Bounded Field the colors seemed to change color. It was a color I was familiar with as I had died because of it countless times.

Sky was now turned from black of the night to brown red

Walls and chains started to appear from all around the mountain 

My legs gave up as my body fell down.

A prison I've seen, a place deserted of any lifeforms

"Look at this and remember it. This will be my last lesson to you"

My arm felt limb, one of my eyes was now blinded.

But there stood a different world. One that died, one that was no longer earth.

A place where nothing could live on it anymore 

I closed my eyes after that

[User Died]

[Mystery: 1,310,349]


Not bad.

It was a relaxing book,

The title was also pretty nice now, it had lost the blood and instead there was a little star in its place.

I guess this book was about that little girl. I hope I was able to teach something at least.

Placing the book to where I took it from I turned back to random mode again.

"Supreme Mage of the Modern Era huh"

Good name