
Dense harem protagonist

It's been 2 months since we've moved to Japan. I've become quite fluent in reading Japanese but i'm still not well versed in actual conversations since the only Japs I was able to talk with are our housemaids and some girls I try to hit on.

Talking about hitting on girls, my actual sexual life has deteriorated right now to the point that I haven't got laid since I've arrived here. Only thing that satiated my lust was the phone sex, me and Ella would do from time to time.

I really can't wait to find a girl in class.

Anyway, I have been visiting famous sites you would frequently see in anime, Especially, Maid cafes. If I were to be honest though, those maids got thick thighs but not as beautiful as they are portrayed in animes! Fuck...


"Who's calling at this time."

I took my phone and saw the caller was Ella, she should have been asleep right now since it's already 12 am and there's barely time difference between Japan and the Philippines.

"Hey, why are you still awake? Haven't we already called each other earlier." I spoke drowsily.

"I just missed you all of a sudden... Goodluck on your first day in class later."

"Is that all? I missed you too and thank you."

"Sorry… It's just that I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Hehe, don't mind me. I love you and only you, goodnight."

Her sweet voice left a pleasant feeling after we ended our call. It really is convenient when you have a companion that has feelings for you like in the novels.

Time to sleep…

"Wake up, Eli!" I could feel a gentle hand shaking me, greatly awakening me from my dreams, when I looked at whose hands it is, I realized that it was my mom with her iconic tender smile.

"Ugh, mom… Why'd you wake me up?"

"Silly, get up early, your first day of school is today right?"

I got greatly fidgety when I heard her words.

Did I oversleep? Ah fuck!

"What time is it, mom? Am I late?" I bombarded her with questions but I hurriedly took off and went to my bathroom before she was able to answer.

"It's still 5:30, aiya! You rude kid." I heard her annoyed shout while I was in the bathroom then it followed with a door opening.

Mother probably left already to prepare for breakfast. With nothing else to do whenever she has no ongoing contract, mother would be the one preparing the breakfast for us. I guess she's one of those people who just can't stay idle.

Finished with washing myself, I then proceeded with wearing my uniform. It looks pretty cool to be honest, I looked like those teenagers from your typical dramas but I'm still not used to this due to the difference in style in my old county.

"Looking good."

Can't start the day without complimenting myself in front of the mirror.

Come to think of it, I got taller and my body got firm due to the exercises I've been doing these past months.

Shit, I need to get my haircut too. Anyway, I look quite the lady killer, I dare say.

After carefully observing the changes in my appearance, I was once again called out by my mother to have breakfast.

During breakfast, mother offered to drive me off to school but I refused with the reason that I wanted to be accustomed on the way.

As soon as I finished my meal, I got my bag and left.

"Good thing I got the school's location marked on the app."

While walking, I was suddenly surprised by what I saw.

"Ah! Step aside please!" A girl with the same uniform as me was running with a piece of bread on her mouth.

Those who saw her in time were able to move on the aside but one dense looking cunt wasn't able to react in time. With her speed, it would be a miracle if she's able to stop in time.

And then the most cliche thing happened, the two bumped and the man laid flat on the ground while the girl was on top of him. His hands accidentally touched the girl's boobs due to using his arms as a support to negate the impact.

Ouch that must have hurt, dumbass.

"Are you okay, miss? Oh, it's you, Aki." The boy asked while he stood up and gently supported her.

"Pervert!" The girl stepped backwards and crossed her arms as if she was molested.

Holy shit, this is some japanese shit out here.

"Ah, please stop, I might get misunderstood by everyone around us." the guy panicked.

Looking at this guy, I could feel a dense vibe from him, the one you would see from those transported to another world mangas. Wait... This guy's got the harem protagonist charm.

Though, if we compare looks, of course I'd win.

"Hmp… I thought you'd like this scene from your favorite anime."

"Hehe, let's just go right now. You're embarrassing me."

"Baka Yuuki… I'll stop talking to you!"

"Come on, I'll treat you to lunch if you stop acting like that."

With a retarded smile on his face, this Yuuki guy and that girl called Aki continued walking towards our school. I followed behind them since we were going to the same place and I kind of find it interesting to watch their charade from the sideline.

From afar, you would probably see them as a couple but once you'd observed them carefully then you'd realized that the girl was the only one with affection in their relationship.

The guy probably treats her only as a friend or he's just too dense to realize that this girl's basically offering herself to him.

"Good Morning students, please proceed to the gymnasium if you're a freshman." A sturdy middle aged man greeted every student that entered the entrance. It looked like he's one of the teachers assigned to designate new students.

Once I reached the gymnasium, I was asked about my student info and the class i'm assigned, then I was led by a volunteer to sit with my corresponding classmates.

I could see some of the students stealing glances at me like they're kind of interested. Maybe due to me being a foreigner in their eyes or just my good looks.

The three rows that were assigned to my class had two fully occupied already and so I could only sit in the middle of the third row which was empty.

"Hey, let's approach that guy later."

"Lucky, we got a handsome guy in our class."

While I was busy glancing around, some of the girls in front were whispering with each other while they peek sneakily at me.

"Oh, it looks like we got one more good looking guy in class. Tsk, looks like he's taken though."

"Aki, let's sit here."

I heard a familiar voice from my right side, then felt that someone occupied the chair beside me.

Before I was able to look at the guy, I heard him greet me.

"Hello classmate, I'm Yuuki ito. May I know your name?"

I looked at the guy and saw it was Yuuki, that stupid guy I saw earlier. Oh shit, I think it will be entertaining if I befriend him.

"Hello, I'm Eli Masuda. Nice to meet you, buddy." I smiled at him and offered him a handshake in which he reciprocated.

"Ah, this is my childhood friend, Aki Sasaki. Sorry, she's quite shy around strangers." He introduced his friend, Aki to me who was sitting at his right and I flashed her a smile.

"Woah! Thought she was your girlfriend for a second there."

Aki turned her face away from us but I saw a faint blush while Yuuki scratched his head like an airhead.

"Ah, no. We're just friends plus Aki has a boyfriend."

"I told you that guy wasn't my boyfriend, he made that up about me because I rejected him."

She's most likely speaking the truth and this guy's either too stupid to realize it or he's just someone with low self-esteem.

After talking with them, me and Yuuki, pretty much got closer. We talked about stuff like novels and mangas. While we weren't able to connect on sports cause this guy's physically average and has no interest in it.

Before the ceremony started, a commotion happened.

The male students around us were in an uproar. I looked at where they were staring and saw a girl walking towards our class row.

I couldn't help but think. "Fuck, what a beauty."

Thank you everyone for adding my book in your collection, I really appreciate it.

Mooncloudcreators' thoughts