
Chapter 19

"When did you know you were able to use the elements?"

After planting everything that could grow during the upcoming winter, Jamie invited Isla over. This wasn't difficult to do as Isla and Gale were 'punished' for their 'negligence' with monitoring Cieren who was constantly by Jamie's side.

As young men who were seeking to join the General's army once the spring conscription opened up, this mundane task certainly dampened their mood and plans.

Isla held his hands over a small mound of soil where a salt-leaf seed was planted the day before. He wasn't sure if the plant will abide to his powers, but at least to amuse the child, he didn't mind trying.

From his palm, a glow the color of the teen's jade irises flowed out, feeding a steady stream of wood element to the soil. Still concentrated on his duties, he replied, "When I was seven years old."

Almost like a moth, Jamie was fascinated by the soft light. This was the third plant Isla nurtured thus far and Jamie wondered if seeing the elements meant that he, too, was an elemental user.

His body was physically different from the other 'Jamie'. From the color of his hair and eyes to the facial features that should have been described as heroic rather than pretty, Jamie didn't know if he was going to inherit the powerful abilities.

He supposed it wouldn't be the end of the world if he didn't become a elemental user, but would he really be a 21st century person if he didn't dream about becoming an over-powered transmigrator? What boy didn't want super powers?

"How does the magic work? Is it similar to photosynthesis? Like energy from sunlight catalyzing a reaction between carbon dioxide and water? Or is it fertilizing the soil?" The book never expanded on how the wood element was able to help plants grow. Or any other element for that matter.

Most of the time, the author skimmed over the mechanics and dedicated of their writing to how the MC's personality was so 'charming' and face was extremely handsome. Oh, and not to mention the lecherous thoughts that captivated all the females to his bed like mindless robots.

Wait, no. this would be an insult to robots. At least robots had the capacity to use google or be reprogrammed to fix any errors in their systems. If the female leads the author wrote had an ounce of thinking capabilities, they should have been running after the very first interaction with the MC...

If this were real life, what woman would be attracted to a guy who was out with a new girl almost every night?

Ugh, manwhores.

Somewhere in another universe, Daniel had a cacophony of sneezes. 

Most of what the young master was asking were just mutterings to himself, however Isla mistakenly took the softness as embarrassment from the child. He fully intended to answer him.., It's just... Why did the questions contain words he didn't understand?

Isla wanted to scratch his head. Too bad his hands were busy. What is photosynthe-what? 'Carbon di-huh'?

At least out of all of that, he was able to catch the first inquiry.

"This is not magic, but I guess they do have similarities." The light faded and Isla moved one step over the loamy soil to nurture the next mound. "Magic is just something in fairy tales. These are exaggerations that stem from legends and folklore. There are no such things as witches, wizards, and sorcerers. All of it is just fantastical fiction. Also, don't let anyone else hear you call the elements 'magic'..."

Conspiratorially, the teen lowered his voice and beckoned the young master to lean in closer, "A lot of people are sensitive to that word around here, especially those a part of the Tower or Temple."

Jamie nodded, still not understanding the difference. 'I guess magic is a discriminatory word?'

He did his best not to peek over at Gale who was standing a ways away... Those pointed ears were quite long and probably could hear them speaking regardless of the distance.

For now, it's probably best not to ask what was considered 'fantasy' in this world seeing as there was a real life elf here in the flesh.

Returning back to his original thought, Jamie asked again, "So... then the elements... how does something come out of nothing? Do you just imagine it... and poof, it appears?"

"It doesn't come from nothing. The elements are everywhere. In the air, beneath your feet, and if you are born with it, inside you," Isla explained. He didn't mind answering Jamie's simple questions. It was normal for those born in the countryside to never be taught about the elements. There were few elemental users born to the common folk, so it was basically irrelevant to them. Sort of like teaching a nobleman how to do farm work, completely redundant. 

He, too, didn't know much about his powers until the war...

Well, let's just say that being from a mud-legged background himself, Isla was probably one of the best people his young master could go to to satiate that curiosity. He remembered being a young boy thrusted into such a strange world. And although he was an elemental user, his affinity was wood... So any respect that might have elevated his status was thrown straight out the window.

If the young master were to entrust his queries to others, even the servants might secretly laugh at the boy's ignorance.

"So... when father's eyes were glowing gold the other day, the power was coming from within him?"

Suddenly, the jade colored light stuttered to a stop. "Gold? You were able to see something?"

Jamie noticed the change and answered truthfully. "Yes... when he was meeting Cieran for the first time."

Hearing his name, Cieran bounded over from his spot under the clothing line where he was helping the maids beating the ever loving fluff out of some extra quilts. The blankets have been stored since last winter, collecting must and the girls were happy to use all the manpower they could find.

The child wasn't a normal guest, nor was he a master of the residence. So, the maids, mainly Pipa, were sure to put the boy to work. 

It wasn't anything too difficult. Most of the time, the tasks were what Kana was doing such as fetching water or sweeping the floors. Jamie wanted to intervene, but deep down he knew this was for the best. It wasn't as if the General said he was going to adopt Cieran, so, it wouldn't be fair forcing the servants to treat Cieran the same as him...

Also, the boy was resolute in becoming the official servant of the young master. His enthusiastic willingness actually earned him a few points with the girls who adored their young master Soleil.

While Jamie affectionately patted the boy's head, Isla studied the young master. The child did possess beautiful eyes that were the color of clear-cut emeralds.

Naturally, the eyes were the mirrors of the soul. Therefore, the colors of one's irises would foretell what element a person has an affinity to.

Of course, having an affinity and being able to use the element were two different things.

"You're able to see the light when I'm using my powers?"

Again, Jamie nodded. "It's the same color as your eyes..."

Isla's brows creased in confusion... For a long time, he was silent in thought.

"So... Do you think I'm past the age to become an elemental user? You said that you were seven years old when you first were able to use the elements... Is there something that stimulated the change?"

Isla's inattention was once again grasped. The topic was sensitive and wasn't one he wished to talk about.

Sensing his discomfort, Jamie thoughtfully changed the topic to something else.


When all the seedlings were properly nourished, Jamie happily watered the soil according to each seed's individual needs. As he worked, he hummed a tune to an old ABBA song he used to listen to when he was working the closing shift at the cafe.

The song was unique and structured so differently from any forms of music in this world. Those who listened were all dazed into reverie, especially the long-earred elf whose eyes began to turn a little red from the beautiful melody of Money, Money, Money.

Happily wrapped in his own little bubble, Jamie didn't know any of this. He was actually thinking about how he was going to have to find a way to record the score to the songs on his favorite playlists. It would be awful forgetting the greatest hits of Mariah Carey or Britney Spears... Not to mention Beyonce or Whitney Houston.

He could probably survive without the internet or or electric heating, but if he forgot how to sing I Will Always Love You, his heart might just explode from sorrow.

As his mind sifted through other important knowledge he might end up forgetting in this world of magic that wasn't magic, such as simple chemistry and laws of physics, he suddenly had an inkling that he actually forgot something.

Something important? No... Wait, no.. Yes. Er.. Maybe?

Hello everyone ~

Happy monday. What do you think of Jamie's choice in music? I dare you to say it's bad. I dare you :)

Just kidding. I've just been obsessed with Karaoke-ing last weekend and those were basically all the artists I sang to. (Can't go wrong with 'Classic's' haha)

Goosey_Goocreators' thoughts