Mankind as it is now, the Homo-Sapiens, have been around for quarter of a million years... Yet, in all that time, less than a quarter has had any notable significance. And what were we doing in all that time? Hiding in small groups, frightened of the dark. Scared of what was difficult or impossible to explain. Our reaction was to create religions, spiritual beliefs, and folktales to explain what could not be explained. Only, there was reason to be afraid... Creatures, phenomenon... Demons, Angels, Gods... Monsters. Humanity begged and pleaded to be saved by the "Gods", to be protected by the "Angels", or to form deals with the "Demons". In time, this would come to change. Their numbers would continue to dwindle as humans began to resist, and as they dwindled, we rose. Humanity can never go back to what it once was. There is nothing left to protect us... We must do so ourselves. We must not return to hiding from what we do not understand. This is where we make our presence known. Humanity may continue to live and prosper in the light, and we will remain in the dark as its steadfast guardians. The jailers to contain what is not understood, the scientists to understand, and the shields to block it from the eyes of the world, so that humanity may thrive in a prosperous, and mundane world. This is our- my, mission. We will Secure. We will Contain. We will Protect.
I blinked, struggling to understand what I was witnessing. A few moments ago, I was sitting down in my apartment, surrounded by old soda cans and crumpled notes, trying to finish a university paper on criminological trends. Doesn't help that I had a laptop open beside me playing an audio of an SCP tale... Exhausted from this, I probably dozed off for some brief shut-eye, because whatever was in front of me... Definitely not what I was expecting when I opened my eyes again.
I had a faint ache across my body, akin to the feeling of being sleep-deprived that I became too accustomed to, as I got up from where I had been laying down. Grunting as I got up, I gazed down to see a fairly used sofa- if you can call it that with the tape covering holes, and slumped fabric where the stuffing should have been. One could call it 'comfortable', if their standards were quite low... Regardless, I was surprised by how relaxed I felt after laying down for who-knows how long.
With that brief lapse in attention, I went back to observing the room I had found myself in... Gone were the laptop, monitor, and desktop I had in the corner of the room. Instead, there laid a small ornate desk, old- but not so that it would be called an antique. Walking over, I notice an envelope in the centre of the desk, an obsidian colour with a gleaming silver stamp keeping it closed.
Picking it up, my gaze went over to a symbol on the stamp, akin to a three-pointed gear, with a circle within it... Three arrows pointing inward. The emblem of the SCP Foundation.
'A prank to be sure...'
Breaking the seal of the envelope, I open it up to pull out a sleek white paper. The SCP Logo is clear as day on the upper-left corner. Curiosity peaked, I begin to read the letter aloud, more to myself to make sure I'm reading it correctly.
"To whom it may concern; after an incident involving a conflict between an Apollyon-class and Thaumiel-class entity, you were caught in the centre. The noosphere of the localised reality was suspected to have been stabilized through multiple Scranton-Class Reality Anchors during this attempt at re-containment, but it seems there was an underestimation of the conflict, and breached through the local reality of our universe, to yours- one without the Foundation, or the anomalous to the degree of our reality-"
I paused for a few moments, trying to understand what I was reading. Definitely an amazing prank if I ever experienced one. Moving me to an apartment... Or something meant to look like an apartment... A fandom I love... But what if- I continue to read.
"- and local multiverse group. You did not 'die' persay, but you ceased to exist in your universe, and would have led to a breach in the noosphere from our universe to yours. To fix this, we decided on removing you entirely through the use of a few Safe-class anomalies in our possession, and the assistance of the of a yet-unclassified entity. We are unsure of how it became aware of our activities, but proposed a deal... For the interests of the Foundation, and our mission, we accepted."
A deal? What deal could possibly include taking me from... Everything I knew. Everyone I loved... If the shock wasn't keeping me somewhat sensible... Or insensible at this point. I'd have thrown this letter away and left this apartment. Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I continue to read the last paragraph of the letter, a tingling sensation in my fingers as I do so.
"This deal is not fully understood, but was referred to as a 'System', a supposed activity performed by extra-universal beings for entertainment. The details are lost, but we do understand it will provide you access to knowledge, equipment, and perhaps resources from this 'system', about the Foundation. In essence, congratulations. You are the first member of the Foundation in your new universe. And we are sorry- the future will not become easier from here on out. A choice has been given to you. Live in the light, forget all of this, and move on to live in your new universe. Or pursue what our founders intended for the Foundation. Secure. Contain. Protect. Live in the dark, so humanity may live in the light.... Regards, O5-4."
After I finish reading the letter, the tingling in my fingers become almost unbearable, causing me to drop the letter as I grasp my hand. It spreads up my arms, to my shoulders, and to my head, before my vision begins to fade.
I falter, and catch myself on the desk. As my vision clears, I look back towards the envelope- only it's not there. A faint red screen lays before me- in bold white letters...
[Welcome, Administrator.]