
The Power Of Creation!

-3rd person from here on out

In the next moment, he found himself in an empty void. However, when he inspected his surroundings he saw a beautiful starry sky

'What a beautiful sight.' He saw numerous stars in this place but instinctively knew that this wasn't the universe itself.

"This is the primordial chaos, which is still composing itself. The power here is insane, myself included."

The power coursing through him was so potent that he could eradicate universes with a thought. He began to understand various factors and elements of the multiverse as a whole. 

"So that's how it is." He had found out some crucial news about his previous world.

Much to his surprise, his world was actually destroyed by Scp-1739. However, something major happened that even he couldn't understand. The multiverse as a whole had completely reset—wiping out everything in its entirety

"No entities could escape, it was like a great reset. Even Entities like Scp-343, The Elder Gods, The Crimson King and so many more were wiped out."

Using his power, he began to understand Tiers more. This was known as the [Scp Tier System].

Technically, he was currently at the highest level according to the tiers. But there was another level that stood over his current level. 

"I'll think about this later, let me create an astral body for myself." 

After some thought, he found out how he wanted to look. Since time was perceived differently here, millions of years passed swiftly. 

He had finally formed an astral body, a very powerful astral body!

His body consisted of darkness with galaxies and star patterns coursing through it. Both his eyes were blue while the galaxy colored patterns were Magenta and Blue. 

With fascination, he held his hand up and looked at it. It was still surreal that this was happening, that he had become something so powerful.

A black Vortex, resembling a black hole formed in front of him. 

However, he knew this was a tutorial. This power was temporary, and he would need to comprehend many Laws to reach this state. 

He closed his eyes to check his Objectives.

Create a real body image for yourself. ✔️

"That's complete, so on to the next one." With a nod, he checked the other objectives. 

"It seems twelve million years have passed, that's fast!" He shook his head and couldn't help but say. 

"My name..." He was in deep thought for a moment before coming up with a name for himself. 

"From here on out, I will be known as the [Cosmic King]!"


Once these words were said, lightning streaked through the sky with a world-ending boom.

This went on for thirty seconds before subsiding!

He didn't pay any mind to this matter. His demeanor began to become more relaxed as he understood many things.

"It seems I'm limited to six object creations for each. The tutorial is limiting me from going overboard."

After all, this power wasn't his yet but something he had to earn.

His creation of these anomalies would help his strength increase faster. 

As long as someone used his object anomalies, or he used his living anomalies to spread his name, it was possible. 

"I'll start with the non-living anomalies." The Cosmic King rubbed his chin and nodded.

"Let's see. I don't want the first two anomalies to be harmful." After thinking for a while, he created a pure gold indestructible pen. 

This pen had limitless ink and with a thought, the user could change the color of the ink. This pen could also be used to delete what was written by it. 

Furthermore, this wasn't the main feature of this pen. The drawings of this pen could come to life and have full-blown conversations with people. 

He imprinted his name on the pen, Cosmic King. He wrote on the other side of the pen that said—'Bring Your Drawings To Life' in black.

Writing on gold was already abnormal, to begin with. Most people would probably look at the pen and think it was fake gold, but he couldn't care less about that. 

He could set a time and date on when this pen would appear as an anomaly. 

He set the date for this pen to appear—which would be September 4, 1988. The location would be a random place in the United States. 

Afterward, the pen flew off into the void, he didn't need to test it to know it would work. The Cosmic King began working on his next anomaly.

The next anomaly was an old toy chest, which could bring toys to life. Once a toy was placed in the chest they would gain sentience. Furthermore, if they were placed back into the box after obtaining sentience, they would return to their non-living inanimate state.

Of course, this anomaly had to be indestructible but it was made from oak wood. He laughed at this creation, it would definitely be something he'd want as a kid.

He set the appearance date to July 2, 1996. It was set to appear in a random location in the United Kingdom.

"These two were relatively fun anomalies, now, it's time for the last object type." There were many ideas, but some were too overpowered and dangerous.

He had thought about making an actual Death Note, but this was too much when he thought about it. The Cosmic King had thought about setting a penalty, such as losing ten years of your life force from using it. 

"Ah, I got one. I'll make the remote control from the movie Click. The [Universal Remote Control] can rewind, fast forward, slow-mo, mute, and pause anyone and anything."

He had already set up a scenario for this item.

This item would be sold online, but it would be the only one of its kind. Whatever fortunate soul was willing to buy it would enjoy it to their heart's content.

The laws of time were used to make this remote control. It could function the same way it did in the movie, but he excluded the delete function and the kids' grow-up function.

"This item will appear on an anonymous website on June 2, 2003." The remote would run on two double A batteries, or else, it wouldn't work.

"Hmm, if someone tried to open it up, they wouldn't find anything strange or off." As soon as he checked the remote, he found it pleasing before sending it off.

Of course, he made sure to put his name on it. His name must be known to make getting stronger easier and quicker. He also wrote on the back of the remote, which said; 'Life is like a movie'.

Checking the list, he found that the non-living objective task was complete. 

"Now, for the living anomalous entities." He had already thought about this one for a while.

Immediately, matter appeared in the void and began to converge and take shape. It was a humanoid body that formed instantly. 

"I may as well make all three at once before empowering them." In the next moment, a woman appeared, followed by a skeleton-like entity. 

The first creation was a handsome man of Caucasian descent. He had dark brown eyes—with long blonde hair just past his shoulder length.

He wore a high-collared shirt that was blue and gold, which was similar to medieval European wear. 

The second entity was a woman of Caucasian descent with blue eyes. She had a waterfall of hair that aligned with her butt.

This woman was extremely beautiful, something you'd only see in a picture, and far surpassing any female model in history.

The third entity was a Skeleton-like being that was wrapped in a starry robe. 

The Cosmic King had to imbue these beings with sentience and reality-warping abilities.

They had different jobs that they needed to carry out for him. 

The blonde-headed man's job was to go around spreading positive information about him. He protected the weak and would hand out 'gifts' to people, saying they were gifts from the Cosmic King.

With his cosmic influence, it shouldn't be too hard of a job.

The blonde-headed woman was similar, however, her gifts would be to heal the sickly and strengthen the weak. Stating that this was the gift of the Cosmic King, who sent her to heal those in need. 

As for the third entity, the skeleton—its job was completely different.

His job was simple, it was to prevent slander. Anyone slandering the Cosmic King with lies would be punished, albeit minorly. If this continues, then the punishments become harsher.

It didn't end there, there was a second phase to this punishment, which was activated through different means. 

Anyone committing evil deeds in the name of the Cosmic King would be punished to death! Sometimes, they would be psychologically tortured before death or would suffer a fate worse than death before dying.

It had many means to deal with someone. Once this entity became known to the Scp Foundation, the Cosmic King believed it would be deemed a Keter Class.

Since he kept correcting many things, it took him a while to finish these three. They had gained sentience, but they had not opened their eyes.

They were set to awaken and appear on Earth in the year 1347. This was the year of the Black Plague, the best time to spread his name.

He got a good look at the three, these three were considered siblings. Two brothers and one sister who were born around the same time. They floated there in the void with their eyes sealed shut, as they weren't signaled to awaken just yet.

Afterward, he sent them off into the primordial chaos, until they disappeared. 

"It's done. Another objective was completed." Next, was the last of the anomalous creations.

"Special anomalous creations are on another level. These are going to take eons to create, but I have nothing but time here." Time wasn't a factor here or for the current him.

He smiled, these thoughts gave him a sense of peace and clarity.

"Special anomalies are usually malevolent in nature, but there are some benevolent ones."

This one took a bit of time to think about but he ultimately found the two perfect anomalies. 

"Oh, this is going to be interesting." With that, the Cosmic King began his works.